IDS Forum
Re: shmat: : out of shared memory segments, ch....
Posted By: Art Kagel Date: Monday, 13 July 2009, at 9:49 p.m.
In Response To: Re: Redbrick (Obnoxio The Clown)
You are running a 32bit version of IDS. On AIX 32bit applications cannot
allocate more than about 1.8GB of memory. If pages are carefully aligned
and properly sized you can push this to about 2.1GB. Your only alternative
is to upgrade to a 64bit release of IDS.
While you are at it let me suggest that you upgrade to IDS 11.50.FC4 the
latest 64bi release.
Art S. Kagel
Oninit (www.oninit.com)
IIUG Board of Directors (art@iiug.org)
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that my own opinions are my own opinions and
do not reflect on my employer, Oninit, the IIUG, nor any other organization
with which I am associated either explicitly or implicitly. Neither do
those opinions reflect those of other individuals affiliated with any entity
with which I am affiliated nor those of the entities themselves.
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Knox, Ernest <Ernest.Knox@searshc.com>wrote:
> Question: We cant get more than 1 gig of initial shared memory at instance
> startup. Is there a way to increase the SHMVIRTSIZE, which is being limited
> by
> the OS AIX
> IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.UC3 -- On-Line -- Up 03:22:38 --
> 2275792 Kbytes
> ------------------------------ export NMON=cmt
> Version 12e for 6100-00
> 8 - CPUs currently
> 8 - CPUs configured
> 1648 - MHz CPU clock rate
> PowerPC_POWER5 - Processor
> 64 bit - Hardware
> 64 bit - Kernel
> TL00 - AIX Kernel Version
> SHMBASE 0x40000000L # Shared memory base address
> SHMVIRTSIZE 1280000 # initial virtual shared memory segment size
> #SHMVIRTSIZE 2048000 # initial virtual shared memory segment size
> SHMADD 102400 # Size of new shared memory segments (Kbytes)
> SHMTOTAL 0 # Total shared memory (Kbytes). 0=>unlimited
> 15:30:27 Maximum server connections 1315
> 15:31:17 Logical Log 6402 Complete, timestamp:1764195766.
> 15:32:59 Logical Log 6403 Complete, timestamp:1764540580.
> 15:35:19 Logical Log 6404 Complete, timestamp:1764794866.
> 15:35:49 Fuzzy Checkpoint Completed: duration was 9 seconds, 1854 buffers
> not
> flushed,
> timestamp: 1764828552.
> 15:35:49 Checkpoint loguniq 6405, logpos 0x3b31d0, timestamp: 1764828552
> 15:35:49 Maximum server connections 1315
> 15:37:33 Logical Log 6405 Complete, timestamp:1764981669.
> 15:39:23 Logical Log 6406 Complete, timestamp:1765328050.
> 15:40:57 Fuzzy Checkpoint Completed: duration was 8 seconds, 1080 buffers
> not
> flushed,
> timestamp: 1765681397.
> 15:40:57 Checkpoint loguniq 6407, logpos 0x13035ec, timestamp: 1765681397
> 15:40:57 Maximum server connections 1331
> 15:41:02 Logical Log 6407 Complete, timestamp:1765695910.
> 15:41:21 Assert Failed: inbuf->sb_base->io_head.io_nrows <= sr->sr_iorows
> 15:41:21 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.UC3
> 15:41:21 Who: Session(341170, akauder@riker.intra.sears.com, 594094,
> a0798070)
> Thread(344205, sqlexec, a24649f0, 3)
> File: sort.c Line: 3202
> 15:41:21 Results: srtrdbuf
> 15:41:21 stack trace for pid 593996 written to /ifmx/backups/af.44758de1
> 15:41:21 See Also: /ifmx/backups/af.44758de1
> 15:41:30 inbuf->sb_base->io_head.io_nrows <= sr->sr_iorows
> 15:43:11 Logical Log 6408 Complete, timestamp:1766077707.
> 15:45:31 Logical Log 6409 Complete, timestamp:1766308123.
> 15:46:02 Fuzzy Checkpoint Completed: duration was 5 seconds, 2310 buffers
> not
> flushed,
> timestamp: 1766339888.
> 15:46:02 Checkpoint loguniq 6410, logpos 0x566028, timestamp: 1766339888
> 15:46:02 Maximum server connections 1331
> 15:47:06 Logical Log 6410 Complete, timestamp:1766432684.
> 15:48:23 Logical Log 6411 Complete, timestamp:1766545549.
> 15:49:41 Logical Log 6412 Complete, timestamp:1766739595.
> 15:49:58 Assert Failed: Memory block header corruption detected in
> mt_shm_free
> 1
> 15:49:58 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.UC3
> 15:49:58 Who: Session(395006, aodadm@hofhdweb03.sears2.ds.sears.com, -1,
> 968e7a08)
> Thread(398576, sqlexec, a2455c48, 4)
> File: mtshpool.c Line: 3256
> 15:49:58 Results: Pool not repaired
> 15:49:58 Action: Please notify IBM Informix Technical Support.
> 15:49:58 stack trace for pid 495870 written to /ifmx/backups/af.18d88fe6
> 15:49:58 See Also: /ifmx/backups/af.18d88fe6
> 15:50:06 Memory block header corruption detected in mt_shm_free 1
> 15:50:06 Assert Failed: Memory freed at bad boundary. 1024 bytes at
> 3337ac00
> 15:50:06 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.UC3
> 15:50:06 Who: Session(395006, aodadm@³½ä{=I03.sears2.ds.sears.com, -1,
> 968e7a08)
> Thread(398576, sqlexec, a2455c48, 4)
> File: mtshblk.c Line: 616
> 15:50:06 Results: Memory lost
> 15:50:06 Action: Please notify IBM Informix Technical Support.
> 15:50:06 stack trace for pid 495870 written to /ifmx/backups/af.18d88fe6
> 15:50:06 See Also: /ifmx/backups/af.18d88fe6
> 15:50:13 Memory freed at bad boundary. 1024 bytes at 3337ac00
> 15:51:05 Logical Log 6413 Complete, timestamp:1766867866.
> 15:51:13 Fuzzy Checkpoint Completed: duration was 5 seconds, 2157 buffers
> not
> flushed,
> timestamp: 1766873248.
> 15:51:13 Checkpoint loguniq 6414, logpos 0xdecf4, timestamp: 1766873248
> 15:51:13 Maximum server connections 1336
> 15:52:15 Logical Log 6414 Complete, timestamp:1766964571.
> 15:53:21 Logical Log 6415 Complete, timestamp:1767092868.
> 15:54:33 Logical Log 6416 Complete, timestamp:1767189420.
> 15:56:19 Fuzzy Checkpoint Completed: duration was 6 seconds, 2314 buffers
> not
> flushed,
> timestamp: 1767319162.
> 15:56:19 Checkpoint loguniq 6417, logpos 0x1308274, timestamp: 1767319162
> 15:56:19 Maximum server connections 1391
> 15:56:24 Logical Log 6417 Complete, timestamp:1767331019.
> 15:57:51 Logical Log 6418 Complete, timestamp:1767508582.
> 15:59:46 Logical Log 6419 Complete, timestamp:1767700175.
> 16:01:25 Fuzzy Checkpoint Completed: duration was 6 seconds, 2018 buffers
> not
> flushed,
> timestamp: 1767819386.
> 16:01:25 Checkpoint loguniq 6420, logpos 0xa482d4, timestamp: 1767819386
> 16:01:25 Maximum server connections 1391
> 16:03:42 Logical Log 6420 Complete, timestamp:1767977331.
> 16:05:43 Logical Log 6421 Complete, timestamp:1768156856.
> 16:06:31 Fuzzy Checkpoint Completed: duration was 6 seconds, 2198 buffers
> not
> flushed,
> timestamp: 1768201570.
> 16:06:31 Checkpoint loguniq 6422, logpos 0x78cef4, timestamp: 1768201570
> 16:06:31 Maximum server connections 1391
> 16:07:01 Assert Failed: No Exception Handler
> 16:07:01 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.UC3
> 16:07:01 Who: Session(394355, hds@picard.intra.sears.com, 454670,
> a07a0f9c)
> Thread(397904, srvinfx, ec2703d8, 1)
> File: mtex.c Line: 431
> 16:07:01 Results: Exception Caught. Type: MT_EX_OS, Context: mem
> 16:07:01 Action: Please notify IBM Informix Technical Support.
> 16:07:01 stack trace for pid 319574 written to /ifmx/backups/af.163893e5
> 16:07:01 See Also: /ifmx/backups/af.163893e5
> 16:07:09 mtex.c, line 431, thread 397904, proc id 319574, No Exception
> Handler.
> 16:07:09 The Master Daemon Died
> 16:07:09 PANIC: Attempting to bring system down
> 16:20:58 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
> 16:21:00 shmat: [EMFILE][24]: out of shared memory segments, check system
> 16:21:00 shmdt: errno = 22
> 16:21:00 mt_shm_init: can't create virtual segment
> 16:21:39 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
> 16:21:41 VP pid=401448 priority fixed at 60, former = 79
> Mon Jul 13 16:21:41 2009
> 16:21:41 Event alarms enabled. ALARMPROG = '/usr/informix/etc/no_log.sh'
> 16:21:41 Booting Language <c> from module <>
> 16:21:41 Loading Module <CNULL>
> 16:21:41 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
> 16:21:41 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
> 16:21:41 VP pid=557148 priority fixed at 60, former = 60
> 16:21:41 VP pid=381114 priority fixed at 60, former = 60
> 16:21:46 AIX MP latch code enabled
> 16:21:46 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 648KB to 656KB
> 16:21:46 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 648KB to 656KB
> 16:21:46 Dynamically allocated new message shared memory segment (size
> 656KB)
> 16:21:47 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.UC3 Software Serial
> Number
> AAA#B000000
> 16:21:48 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Shared Memory
> Initialized.
> 16:21:48 DR: Reservation of the last logical log for log backup turned on
> 16:21:48 Physical Recovery Started at Page (2:12304).
> 16:21:48 Physical Recovery Complete: 837 Pages Examined, 830 Pages
> Restored.
> 16:21:48 Logical Recovery Started.
> 16:21:48 10 recovery worker threads will be started.
> 16:21:48 Fast Recovery Switching to Log 6415
> 16:21:48 Fast Recovery Switching to Log 6416
> 16:21:48 Fast Recovery Switching to Log 6417
> 16:21:48 Fast Recovery Switching to Log 6418
> 16:21:48 Fast Recovery Switching to Log 6419
> 16:21:49 Fast Recovery Switching to Log 6420
> 16:21:49 Fast Recovery Switching to Log 6421
> 16:21:49 Fast Recovery Switching to Log 6422
> 16:21:52 Logical Recovery has reached the transaction cleanup phase.
> 16:21:52 Logical Recovery Complete.
> 44919 Committed, 80 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks
> 16:21:53 Onconfig parameter TAPEDEV modified from /dev/null to /dev/rmt/0h.
> 16:21:53 Onconfig parameter LOGBUFF modified from 36 to 38.
> 16:21:53 Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
> 16:21:54 (120) connection rejected - no calls allowed for sqlexec
> 16:21:54 listener-thread: err = -27002: oserr = 0: errstr = : No
> connections
> are allowed in Dynamic Server quiescent mode.
> 16:21:54 (121) connection rejected - no calls allowed for sqlexec
> 16:21:54 listener-thread: err = -27002: oserr = 0: errstr = : No
> connections
> are allowed in Dynamic Server quiescent mode.
> 16:21:54 (122) connection rejected - no calls allowed for sqlexec
> 16:21:54 listener-thread: err = -27002: oserr = 0: errstr = : No
> connections
> are allowed in Dynamic Server quiescent mode.
> 16:21:54 (123) connection rejected - no calls allowed for sqlexec
> 16:21:54 listener-thread: err = -27002: oserr = 0: errstr = : No
> connections
> are allowed in Dynamic Server quiescent mode.
> 16:21:54 (124) connection rejected - no calls allowed for srvinfx
> 16:21:54 listener-thread: err = -27002: oserr = 0: errstr = : No
> connections
> are allowed in Dynamic Server quiescent mode.
> 16:21:54 (125) connection rejected - no calls allowed for sqlexec
> 16:21:54 listener-thread: err = -27002: oserr = 0: errstr = : No
> connections
> are allowed in Dynamic Server quiescent mode.
> 16:21:54 (126) connection rejected - no calls allowed for sqlexec
> 16:21:54 listener-thread: err = -27002: oserr = 0: errstr = : No
> connections
> are allowed in Dynamic Server quiescent mode.
> 16:21:54 (127) connection rejected - no calls allowed for sqlexec
> 16:21:54 listener-thread: err = -27002: oserr = 0: errstr = : No
> connections
> are allowed in Dynamic Server quiescent mode.
> 16:21:54 (128) connection rejected - no calls allowed for sqlexec
> 16:21:54 listener-thread: err = -27002: oserr = 0: errstr = : No
> connections
> are allowed in Dynamic Server quiescent mode
> Thanks,
> *******************************************************************
> Ernie Knox
> IT Database Administrator Specialist
> Sears Holdings
> 3333 Beverly Rd., B4-266A
> Hoffman Estates, IL. 60179
> Office: (847) 286-5735
> Email: eknox@searshc.com <mailto:eknox@searshc.com>
> Blackberry: 2244650553@messaging.sprintpcs.com
> <mailto:2244650553@messaging.sprintpcs.com>
> Page via Skytel: 2244650553@sprint.skytel.com
> <mailto:2244650553@sprint.skytel.com>
> Informix or MySQL Primary: 9110210@skytel.com <mailto:9110210@skytel.com>
> Informix or MySQL Secondary: 7276872@skytel.com <mailto:7276872@skytel.com
> >
> " Yes we can make a Change! "
> " It's always a great day to watch Sports - GO LIONS, TIGERS, and BEARS! "
> " Lets not forget - GO Pistons and Red Wings! "
> *******************************************************************
> *******************************************************************************
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Messages In This Thread
- Redbrick
Loo, Peter -- Friday, 17 January 2003, at 4:22 a.m.
- Re: Redbrick
Obnoxio The Clown -- Friday, 17 January 2003, at 5:41 a.m.
- Re: Ridiculous Crashes : 7.31xD on HP 11.0
ART KAGEL, BLOOMBERG/ 65E 55TH -- Wednesday, 26 March 2003, at 8:32 a.m.
- Re: shmat: : out of shared memory segments, ch....
Art Kagel -- Monday, 13 July 2009, at 9:49 p.m.
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