
IIUG Alert (Issue #4)
July 27, 2001

Other Issues

Welcome to the fourth issue of the IIUG Alert! Short, sweet and time-sensitive. Please provide feedback via e-mail to


  1. A Note from the IIUG President
  2. IBM Advertises Informix
  3. IBM Informix Conference - Registration & Discounts
  4. IBM Informix Office Connect Web Edition 3.0 - Beta Program
  5. IIUG Board Elections - Vote!
  6. Useful Links

A Note from the IIUG President

April 24th started a "new era" for Informix - and IËm not talking about the ill-fated product of the mid-90s. IBM Data Management is very serious about leveraging fully all the Informix assets it has acquired.

The latest action that underscored IBMËs interest in the Informix user community was a visit by Paul Rivot -- a representative of IBM's Data Management Group -- to the July IIUG Board of Directors meeting. Paul conveyed IBM's commitment to supporting IIUG programs and services indefinitely. This is welcome news, especially because our membership has now exceeded 13,000 individuals worldwide. Thank you, IBM!

The busiest part of the year for IIUG is here. Our hands are full with board member elections, our content contributions to the IBM Informix Conference (IIC), a major overhaul of our Web server, new and improved membership update pages, and a richer communications program. Please let us know how weËre doing by sending me an e-mail at

Fred Hubbard
IIUG President

IBM Advertises Informix

IBM triggered an Informix-related advertising campaign on July 12 with print ads in The Wall Street Journal, the San Jose Mercury News and other major newspapers around the world. In addition, IT weeklies, email sponsorships and billboard activity are scheduled to run to augment the print ads and reach key Informix customers in all geographies. A punchy new billboard across the street from OracleËs HQ on highway 101 in Redwood City, California, is part of the plan.

IBM Informix Conference - Registration & Discounts

Anyone that is an IIUG member as of September 17, 2001, will be eligible for a $200 discount off the IBM Informix Conference (IIC) fees! If your membership information is outdated or incomplete, please visit immediately.

The IIC registration site is expected to go live on August 7th at

IBM Informix Office Connect Web Edition 3.0 - Beta Program

IBM Informix Office Connect Web Edition 3.0 -- a new enterprise product for business/knowledge users and the MIS/IT community in e-business organizations -- addresses the needs of users who require easy, distributed, and secure data visualization and reporting capabilities using the spreadsheet technology in client-server and Web environments.

Office Connect Web Edition has no direct competition and it is the only solution available that not only works transparently with Informix database servers but also connects via any ODBC/OLEDB/JDBC compliant database and any HTML data source over the Internet. The Office Web Edition Beta product is now available at:

If you download the Beta product, please give your feedback on usability and functionality to:

IIUG Board Elections “ Vote!

After a very successful nominations stage, IIUG Board elections will begin on August 1st. IIUG members as of July 20th are eligible and encouraged to cast their ballot.

Please visit to select the team of 11 IIUG members who will lead this organization during the 2001-2002 term. NomineesË biographies and election addresses will be posted on our web site for your review.

Useful Links

Where do you download IBM Informix products for a free test drive?

Right here:


Sources: IIUG Board of Directors
Editors: Fred Hubbard and Ron Flannery, IIUG Board of Directors

For comments, please e-mail to

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