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IDS Forum
Re: A question of load . . .
Posted By: Dimitar Bachvarov Date: Friday, 1 September 2006, at 6:25 a.m.
In Response To: A question of load . . . (CHRIS SALCH)
> We have an HP9000/L2000 with 4 64bit PA-RISC chips running at 440Mhz and
> 5 Gigs of ram. We're running Inforimx 9.40.HC5 on HPUX 11i. We ran
> into an issue on Monday where our database engine seemed to grind to a
> halt. The machine itself responded reasonably to everything but
> database queries. It seemed like anything having to do with extracting
> or querying data in the database took exceptionally long to respond.
> Interacting with onstat did not. Unfortunately, no one thought to save
> off a copy of what onstat dumped during the incident.
> Our application is a touch heterogeneous, we have everything from cognos
> impromptu, MS Access "applications", a massive 4gl based application
> using shm to connect, to perl dbi based connections running off the same
> database. The majority of users probably connect using shm connections
> through the 4gl application but, MS Access makes an excessive number of
> connections per user of a given application. Everything but the MS
> Access and Congos Impromptu reports/applications are running from the
> same machine as the engine. This machine also has an apache web server
> to handle some cgi scripts, mostly perl code and the source of most of
> our perl dbi connections.
> When our problem occured, we had a reasonably heavy load from all
> around. The machine had approximatly 560 or so proccess running total,
> some 300-400 connections appearing in onstat at any one instant, and
> three oninit processes eating up 90% of the cpu time solid for about an
> hour. Simple queries would take 2 to 3 minutes to complete. There
> were no apparent harware problems with the equipment, no excessive
> numbers of locks or full logical logs, no single process or small group
> of processes that looked like they were doing anything out of the
> ordinary.
> Fortunately, everything seemed to calm down again about an hour latter.
> As a note, that day represented an exceptionally high load in comparison
> to our normal operations and this could all be related to having maxed
> out what our hardware could handle.
> Is there any tuning that might be suggested for our system? I've
> attached a copy of our config file. ( I've sense increased the frequency of my
> logging cron job )
> #**************************************************************************
> #
> # IBM Corporation
> #
> # Title: onconfig.std
> # Description: IBM Informix Dynamic Server Configuration Parameters
> #
> #**************************************************************************
> # Root Dbspace Configuration
> ROOTNAME root # Root dbspace name
> ROOTPATH /opt/informix/dev/root.1 # Path for device containing root
> dbspace
> ROOTOFFSET 0 # Offset of root dbspace into device (Kbytes)
> ROOTSIZE 1024000 # Size of root dbspace (Kbytes)
> # Disk Mirroring Configuration Parameters
> MIRROR 1 # Mirroring flag (Yes = 1, No = 0)
> MIRRORPATH /opt/informix/dev/root.1-m # Path for device containing
> mirrored root
> MIRROROFFSET 0 # Offset into mirrored device (Kbytes)
> # Physical Log Configuration
> PHYSDBS root # Location (dbspace) of physical log
> PHYSFILE 50000 # Physical log file size (Kbytes)
> # Logical Log Configuration
> LOGFILES 60 # Number of logical log files
> LOGSIZE 10000 # Logical log size (Kbytes)
> # Diagnostics
> MSGPATH /opt/informix/Logs/cars.log # System message log file path
> CONSOLE /dev/console # System console message path
> # To automatically backup logical logs, edit alarmprogram.sh and set
> ALARMPROGRAM /opt/informix/etc/log_full.sh # Alarm program path
> TBLSPACE_STATS 1 # Maintain tblspace statistics
> # System Archive Tape Device
> TAPEDEV /dev/rmt/1m # Tape device path
> TAPEBLK 32 # Tape block size (Kbytes)
> TAPESIZE 0 # Maximum amount of data to put on tape (Kbytes)
> # Log Archive Tape Device
> LTAPEDEV /dev/rmt/0m # Log tape device path
> LTAPEBLK 32 # Log tape block size (Kbytes)
> LTAPESIZE 0 # Max amount of data to put on log tape (Kbytes)
> # Optical
> STAGEBLOB # Informix Dynamic Server staging area
> # System Configuration
> SERVERNUM 0 # Unique id corresponding to a OnLine instance
> DBSERVERNAME paul # Name of default database server
> DBSERVERALIASES carsitcp # List of alternate dbservernames
> NETTYPE ipcshm,2,500,CPU # Configure poll thread(s) for nettype
> NETTYPE soctcp,1,100,NET # Configure poll thread(s) for nettype
> DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT 60 # Max time to wait of lock in distributed env.
> RESIDENT 1 # Forced residency flag (Yes = 1, No = 0)
> MULTIPROCESSOR 1 # 0 for single-processor, 1 for
> multi-processor
> NUMCPUVPS 3 # Number of user (cpu) vps
> SINGLE_CPU_VP 0 # If non-zero, limit number of cpu vps
> to one
> NOAGE 1 # Process aging
> AFF_SPROC 0 # Affinity start processor
> AFF_NPROCS 0 # Affinity number of processors
> # Shared Memory Parameters
> LOCKS 256000 # Maximum number of locks
> BUFFERS 90000 # Maximum number of shared buffers
> NUMAIOVPS 8 # Number of IO vps
> PHYSBUFF 32 # Physical log buffer size (Kbytes)
> LOGBUFF 32 # Logical log buffer size (Kbytes)
> LOGSMAX 120 # Maximum number of logical log files
> CLEANERS 8 # Number of buffer cleaner processes
> SHMBASE 0x0 # Shared memory base address
> SHMVIRTSIZE 196608 # initial virtual shared memory segment size
> SHMADD 16384 # Size of new shared memory segments
> (Kbytes)
> SHMTOTAL 0 # Total shared memory (Kbytes).
> 0=>unlimited
> CKPTINTVL 900 # Check point interval (in sec)
> LRUS 8 # Number of LRU queues
> LRU_MAX_DIRTY 4 # LRU percent dirty begin cleaning limit
> LRU_MIN_DIRTY 2 # LRU percent dirty end cleaning limit
> TXTIMEOUT 0x12c # Transaction timeout (in sec)
> STACKSIZE 64 # Stack size (Kbytes)
> # Dynamic Logging
> # 2 : server automatically add a new logical log when necessary. (ON)
> # 1 : notify DBA to add new logical logs when necessary. (ON)
> # 0 : cannot add logical log on the fly. (OFF)
> #
> # When dynamic logging is on, we can have higher values for
> # because the server can add new logical logs during long transaction
> rollback.
> # However, to limit the number of new logical logs being added,
> # can be set to smaller values.
> #
> # If dynamic logging is off, LTXHWM/LTXEHWM need to be set to smaller
> values
> # to avoid long transaction rollback hanging the server due to lack of
> logical
> # log space, i.e. 50/60 or lower.
> # System Page Size
> # BUFFSIZE - OnLine no longer supports this configuration parameter.
> # To determine the page size used by OnLine on your platform
> # see the last line of output from the command, 'onstat -b'.
> # Recovery Variables
> # Number of parallel worker threads during fast recovery or an offline
> restore.
> # Number of parallel worker threads during an online restore.
> OFF_RECVRY_THREADS 10 # Default number of offline worker threads
> ON_RECVRY_THREADS 1 # Default number of online worker threads
> # Data Replication Variables
> DRINTERVAL 30 # DR max time between DR buffer flushes (in sec)
> DRTIMEOUT 30 # DR network timeout (in sec)
> DRLOSTFOUND /opt/informix/etc/dr.lostfound # DR lost+found file path
> # CDR Variables
> CDR_EVALTHREADS 1,2 # evaluator threads (per-cpu-vp,additional)
> CDR_DSLOCKWAIT 5 # DS lockwait timeout (seconds)
> CDR_QUEUEMEM 4096 # Maximum amount of memory for any CDR queue (Kbytes)
> CDR_NIFCOMPRESS 0 # Link level compression (-1 never, 0 none, 9 max)
> CDR_SERIAL 0 # Serial Column Sequence
> CDR_DBSPACE # dbspace for syscdr database
> CDR_QHDR_DBSPACE # CDR queue dbspace (default same as catalog)
> CDR_QDATA_SBSPACE # List of CDR queue smart blob spaces
> # -1 => unlimited
> # 0 => disable dynamic log addition
> # >0 => limit the no. of dynamic log additions with the specified value.
> # Max dynamic log requests that CDR can make within one server session.
> CDR_MAX_DYNAMIC_LOGS 0 # Dynamic log addition disabled by default
> # Backup/Restore variables
> BAR_ACT_LOG /tmp/bar_act.log # ON-Bar Log file - not in /tmp please
> BAR_DEBUG_LOG /tmp/bar_dbug.log # ON-Bar Debug Log - not in /tmp please
> # Informix Storage Manager variables
> # Read Ahead Variables
> RA_PAGES # Number of pages to attempt to read ahead
> RA_THRESHOLD # Number of pages left before next group
> # OnLine equivalent of DBTEMP for SE. This is the list of dbspaces
> # that the OnLine SQL Engine will use to create temp tables etc.
> # If specified it must be a colon separated list of dbspaces that exist
> # when the OnLine system is brought online. If not specified, or if
> # all dbspaces specified are invalid, various ad hoc queries will create
> # temporary files in /tmp instead.
> DBSPACETEMP temp0:temp1 # Default temp dbspaces
> # DUMP*:
> # The following parameters control the type of diagnostics information
> which
> # is preserved when an unanticipated error condition (assertion failure)
> occurs
> # during OnLine operations.
> # For DUMPSHMEM, DUMPGCORE and DUMPCORE 1 means Yes, 0 means No.
> DUMPDIR /tmp # Preserve diagnostics in this directory
> DUMPSHMEM 1 # Dump a copy of shared memory
> DUMPGCORE 0 # Dump a core image using 'gcore'
> DUMPCORE 0 # Dump a core image (Warning:this aborts OnLine)
> DUMPCNT 1 # Number of shared memory or gcore dumps for
> # a single user's session
> FILLFACTOR 90 # Fill factor for building indexes
> # method for OnLine to use when determining current time
> USEOSTIME 0 # 0: use internal time(fast), 1: get time from OS(slow)
> # Parallel Database Queries (pdq)
> MAX_PDQPRIORITY 100 # Maximum allowed pdqpriority
> DS_MAX_QUERIES # Maximum number of decision support queries
> DS_TOTAL_MEMORY # Decision support memory (Kbytes)
> DS_MAX_SCANS 1048576 # Maximum number of decision support scans
> DATASKIP off # List of dbspaces to skip
> # 0 => Nested loop joins will be preferred (where
> # possible) over sortmerge joins and hash joins.
> # 1 => If the transaction isolation mode is not
> # "repeatable read", optimizer behaves as in (2)
> # below. Otherwise it behaves as in (0) above.
> # 2 => Use costs regardless of the transaction isolation
> # mode. Nested loop joins are not necessarily
> # preferred. Optimizer bases its decision purely
> # on costs.
> OPTCOMPIND 0 # To hint the optimizer
> DIRECTIVES 1 # Optimizer DIRECTIVES ON (1/Default) or OFF (0)
> ONDBSPACEDOWN 2 # Dbspace down option: 0 = CONTINUE, 1 = ABORT, 2
> = WAIT
> LBU_PRESERVE 1 # Preserve last log for log backup
> OPCACHEMAX 0 # Maximum optical cache size (Kbytes)
> # HETERO_COMMIT (Gateway participation in distributed transactions)
> # 1 => Heterogeneous Commit is enabled
> # 0 (or any other value) => Heterogeneous Commit is disabled
> SBSPACENAME # Default smartblob space name - this is where
> blobs
> # go if no sbspace is specified when the smartblob is
> # created. It is also used by some datablades as
> # the location to put their smartblobs.
> SYSSBSPACENAME # Default smartblob space for use by the
> Informix
> # Server. This is used primarily for Informix Server
> # system statistics collection.
> BLOCKTIMEOUT 3600 # Default timeout for system block
> SYSALARMPROGRAM /opt/informix/etc/evidence.sh # System Alarm
> program path
> # Optimization goal: -1 = ALL_ROWS(Default), 0 = FIRST_ROWS
> ALLOW_NEWLINE 0 # embedded newlines(Yes = 1, No = 0 or anything
> but 1)
> #
> # The following are default settings for enabling Java in the database.
> # Replace all occurrences of /usr/informix with the value
> of /opt/informix.
> #VPCLASS jvp,num=1 # Number of JVPs to start with
> JVPJAVAHOME /opt/informix/extend/krakatoa/jre # JRE
> installation root directory
> JVPHOME /opt/informix/extend/krakatoa # Krakatoa installation
> directory
> JVPPROPFILE /opt/informix/extend/krakatoa/.jvpprops # JVP property
> file
> JVPLOGFILE /opt/informix/Logs/jvp.log # JVP log file.
> JDKVERSION 1.3 # JDK version supported by this server
> # The path to the JRE libraries relative to JVPJAVAHOME
> # The JRE libraries to use for the Java VM
> JVPJAVAVM hpi:server:java:net:zip:jpeg
> # use JVPARGS to change Java VM configuration
> #To display jni call
> #JVPARGS -verbose:jni
> # Classpath to use upon Java VM start-up (use _g version for debugging)
> /opt/informix/extend/krakatoa/krakatoa_g.jar:/opt/informix/extend/krakatoa/jdbc_g.jar
> /opt/informix/extend/krakatoa/krakatoa.jar:/opt/informix/extend/krakatoa/jdbc.jar
> *******************************************************************************
> Forum Note: Use "Reply" to post a response in the discussion forum.
We have similar problem on IDS 7.30 on SCO. CPUVP eats all CPU time.
After reboot all is OK.
The problem was only 1 user that some times use MS ACCESS 97 and
informix CPUVP go to 100%.
After migrate to OFFICE XP all is OK.
The problem is not in the IDS.
DImitar Bachvarov
Messages In This Thread
- A question of load . . .
CHRIS SALCH -- Thursday, 31 August 2006, at 1:17 p.m.
- RE: A question of load . . .
Jack Parker -- Thursday, 31 August 2006, at 1:25 p.m.
- Re: A question of load . . .
Eric Rowell -- Thursday, 31 August 2006, at 1:32 p.m.
- Re: A question of load . . .
ART KAGEL, BLOOMBERG/ 731 LEXIN -- Thursday, 31 August 2006, at 2:42 p.m.
- Re: A question of load . . .
Norberto Valverde LLanos -- Thursday, 31 August 2006, at 3:37 p.m.
- Re: A question of load . . .
Dimitar Bachvarov -- Friday, 1 September 2006, at 6:25 a.m.
- Re: A question of load . . .
FRANK LAI -- Wednesday, 27 September 2006, at 5:34 p.m.
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