IDS Forum
Re: Long lasting dostats
Posted By: Art Kagel Date: Friday, 9 December 2016, at 8:34 a.m.
In Response To: Long lasting dostats (Habichtsberg, Reinhard)
Welllllll, you've got a table that, at least on the surface, seems to have
on the order of 10^10 rows and you don't have PDQPRIORITY or PSORT_NPROCS
set so this is a single threaded operation on a table that has well over 30
partitions (I keep losing count). It's just going to take time.
You have -X set... I'd like to see the sqexplain file lines from this run
(you can send these to me directly so as not to clog the list.
Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
ASK Database Management
Blog: http://informix-myview.blogspot.com/
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that my own opinions are my own opinions
and do not reflect on the IIUG, nor any other organization with which I am
associated either explicitly, implicitly, or by inference. Neither do
those opinions reflect those of other individuals affiliated with any
entity with which I am affiliated nor those of the entities themselves.
On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 7:41 AM, Habichtsberg, Reinhard <
RHabichtsberg@arz-emmendingen.de> wrote:
> Hi all
> Informix 12.10.FC4W1XB, Solaris 10
> I'm running dostats on a very big table. It seems it won't come to an end.
> Runs now since Monday, the 5th of December.
> Table myschema:
> CREATE TABLE "informix".xxxxxxxxxxxxx (
> pe_id SERIAL8(15712838227) NOT NULL,
> pe_re INTEGER,
> pe_re_lfd SMALLINT,
> pe_vo SMALLINT,
> pe_pos SMALLINT,
> pe_ebene CHAR(2),
> pe_pruefung SMALLINT,
> pe_pruefstart DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND,
> pe_pruefart CHAR(1),
> pe_bearbeiter CHAR(8),
> pe_wfstatusvor DECIMAL(8,4),
> pe_wfstatusnach DECIMAL(8,4),
> pe_ergx SMALLINT,
> pe_ergxart CHAR(1),
> pe_berinr INTEGER,
> pe_textnr INTEGER,
> pe_folgeberinr INTEGER,
> pe_jobid INTEGER,
> pe_jobart CHAR(1),
> pe_pruefzeit DECIMAL(12,2),
> pe_pruefzeit_ges DECIMAL(12,2),
> pe_wfnr SMALLINT,
> pe_nachbeding SMALLINT,
> pe_folge_ga INTEGER,
> pe_lfdnr_verf INTEGER
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx23 ((pe_id >= 2200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 2400000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx23,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx24 ((pe_id >= 2400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 2600000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx24,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx25 ((pe_id >= 2600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 2800000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx25,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx26 ((pe_id >= 2800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 3000000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx26,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx27 ((pe_id >= 3000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 3200000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx27,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx28 ((pe_id >= 3200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 3400000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx28,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx29 ((pe_id >= 3400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 3600000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx29,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx30 ((pe_id >= 3600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 3800000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx30,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx31 ((pe_id >= 3800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 4000000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx31,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx14 ((pe_id >= 4000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 4200000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx14,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx5 ((pe_id >= 4200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 4400000000 ) ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx5,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx13 ((pe_id >= 4400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 4600000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx13,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx11 ((pe_id >= 4800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 5000000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx11,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx22 ((pe_id >= 5000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 5200000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx22,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx3 ((pe_id >= 5200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 5400000000 ) ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx3,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx21 ((pe_id >= 5400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 5600000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx21,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx2 ((pe_id >= 5600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 5800000000 ) ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx2,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx1 ((pe_id >= 5800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 6000000000 ) ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx1,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx10 ((pe_id >= 6000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 6200000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx10,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx15 ((pe_id >= 6200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 6400000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx15,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx9 ((pe_id >= 6400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 6600000000 ) ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx9,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx8 ((pe_id >= 6600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 6800000000 ) ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx8,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx7 ((pe_id >= 6800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 7000000000 ) ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx7,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx6 ((pe_id >= 7000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 7200000000 ) ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx6,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx20 ((pe_id >= 7200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 7400000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx20,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx19 ((pe_id >= 7400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 7600000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx19,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx18 ((pe_id >= 7600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 7800000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx18,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx17 ((pe_id >= 7800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 8000000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx17,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx16 ((pe_id >= 8000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 8200000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx16,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx4 ((pe_id >= 8200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 8400000000 ) ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx4,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx32 ((pe_id >= 8400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 8600000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx32,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx33 ((pe_id >= 8600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 8800000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx33,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx34 ((pe_id >= 8800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 9000000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx34,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx35 ((pe_id >= 9000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 9200000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx35,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx36 ((pe_id >= 9200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 9400000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx36,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx37 ((pe_id >= 9400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 9600000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx37,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx38 ((pe_id >= 9600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 9800000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx38,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx39 ((pe_id >= 9800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 10000000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx39,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx40 ((pe_id >= 10000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 10200000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx40,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx41 ((pe_id >= 10200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 10400000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx41,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx42 ((pe_id >= 10400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 10600000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx42,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx43 ((pe_id >= 10600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 10800000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx43,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx44 ((pe_id >= 10800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 11000000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx44,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx45 ((pe_id >= 11000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 11200000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx45,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx46 ((pe_id >= 11200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 11400000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx46,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx47 ((pe_id >= 11400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 11600000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx47,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx48 ((pe_id >= 11600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 11800000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx48,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx49 ((pe_id >= 11800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 12000000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx49,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx50 ((pe_id >= 12000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 12200000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx50,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx51 ((pe_id >= 12200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 12400000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx51,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx52 ((pe_id >= 12400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 12600000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx52,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx53 ((pe_id >= 12600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 12800000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx53,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx54 ((pe_id >= 12800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 13000000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx54,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx55 ((pe_id >= 13000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 13200000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx55,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx12 ((pe_id >= 4600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 4800000000 ) )
> IN
> xxxxxxxxx12,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx56 ((pe_id >= 13200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 13400000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx56,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx57 ((pe_id >= 13400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 13600000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx57,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx58 ((pe_id >= 13600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 13800000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx58,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx59 ((pe_id >= 13800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 14000000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx59,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx60 ((pe_id >= 14000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 14200000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx60,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx61 ((pe_id >= 14200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 14400000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx61,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx62 ((pe_id >= 14400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 14600000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx62,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx63 ((pe_id >= 14600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 14800000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx63,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx64 ((pe_id >= 14800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 15000000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx64,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx65 ((pe_id >= 15000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 15200000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx65,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx66 ((pe_id >= 15200000000 ) AND (pe_id < 15400000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx66,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx67 ((pe_id >= 15400000000 ) AND (pe_id < 15600000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx67,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx68 ((pe_id >= 15600000000 ) AND (pe_id < 15800000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx68,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx69 ((pe_id >= 15800000000 ) AND (pe_id < 16000000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx69,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx70 ((pe_id >= 16000000000 ) AND (pe_id < 16200000000 )
> ) IN
> xxxxxxxxx70,
> PARTITION xxxxxxxxx_rem remainder IN xxxxxxxxx_rem
> {
> Please review extent sizing and adjust to allow for growth.
> }
> REVOKE ALL ON "informix".xxxxxxxxxx FROM public;
> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "informix".xxxxxxxxxx_31 ON "informix".xxxxxxxxxx (
> pe_id ASC
> ) USING btree;
> CREATE INDEX "informix".xxxxxxxxxx_32 ON "informix".xxxxxxxxxx (
> pe_pruefstart ASC,
> pe_jobid ASC
> ) USING btree;
> CREATE INDEX "informix".xxxxxxxxxx_33 ON "informix".xxxxxxxxxx (
> pe_re ASC,
> pe_re_lfd ASC,
> pe_vo ASC,
> pe_pos ASC,
> pe_wfstatusnach ASC
> ) USING btree;
> CREATE INDEX "informix".xxxxxxxxxx_34 ON "informix".xxxxxxxxxx (
> pe_wfstatusvor ASC,
> pe_pruefung ASC,
> pe_pruefstart ASC
> ) USING btree;
> CREATE INDEX "informix".xxxxxxxxxx_35 ON "informix".xxxxxxxxxx (
> pe_bearbeiter ASC,
> pe_pruefstart ASC
> ) USING btree;
> "informix";
> GRANT SELECT ON xxxxxxxxxx TO "r_all" AS "informix";
> "informix";
> pe_id
> ) CONSTRAINT "informix".pk_sd_xxxx_22_neu;
> Size: 1.390,645 GB rows: 13.512.969.517
> Dostats logging:
> dostats -d xxxxx -t xxxxxxxxx -G -P 0 -X -v 2 -E --isolation d
> Verbose mode level 2 ENABLED....
> Initially drop distributions DISABLED...
> Stored Procedure processing DISABLED...
> Shared Memory Connection handling DISABLED...
> Expanded Reporting ENABLED....
> Expanded Time Reporting ENABLED....
> Force Distributions Only ENABLED....
> Distributions Only clauses ENABLED....
> System catalog processing DISABLED...
> Table Name Template SUPPLIED (xxxxxxxxx)...
> Host Name NOT SUPPLIED...
> Command Execution IMMEDIATE...
> Lock mode set to wait 10 seconds.
> PDQPRIORITY for table processing set to: 10.
> Distribution Aging limit set to: 30 days
> Table browse threshhold set to: 15.000000%
> Warning! Optimized servers produce statistics fastest with PSORT_NPROCS
> set.
> Warning! Optimized servers produce statistics fastest with PSORT_DBTEMP
> set.
> Warning! Optimized servers produce statistics fastest with DBUPSPACE set.
> Working on database: xxxxx.
> Working on table xxxxxxxxx:
> pe_pruefstart, pe_jobid(LOW)...SUCCESSFUL (0 hrs 41 mins 40.459 Secs)
> pe_id(LOW)...SUCCESSFUL (1 hrs 25 mins 22.479 Secs)
> pe_re, pe_re_lfd, pe_vo, pe_pos, pe_wfstatusnach(LOW)...SUCCESSFUL (11
> hrs 34
> mins 40.682 Secs)
> pe_bearbeiter, pe_pruefstart(LOW)...SUCCESSFUL (3 hrs 38 mins 41.680 Secs)
> pe_wfstatusvor, pe_pruefung, pe_pruefstart(LOW)...SUCCESSFUL (6 hrs 42
> mins
> 33.324 Secs)
> pe_id, pe_re, pe_pruefstart, pe_bearbeiter, pe_wfstatusvor(HIGH)...
> Update Stats low needed about 24 hrs. Since then Update Statistics high is
> running and need about 92 hrs until now.
> How can I determine if there is a chance that the run comes to an end and
> if
> so, how long will it last.
> Reinhard
> ************************************************************
> *******************
> Forum Note: Use "Reply" to post a response in the discussion forum.
Messages In This Thread
- Long lasting dostats
Habichtsberg, Reinhard -- Friday, 9 December 2016, at 7:41 a.m.
- Re: Long lasting dostats
Art Kagel -- Friday, 9 December 2016, at 8:34 a.m.
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