Hello. Its my first post here and i'm also new in Informix so feel free to correct any mistake.
I have just inherited some undocumented Informix databases. I'm checking everything through selects I found in the web.
Problem: When I try to run any select on syschunks its takes about 1-5 minutes to return the result.
I red that syschunks is a view over 2 tables and it this is the one getting hanged: syschktab.
If I run one "onstat -d" the server returns information very fast, but If I do "onstat -d update" it also takes a lot stating "Waiting for server to update BLOB chunk statistics...".
I dont know how much is too much BLOB for Informix database, is it normal this delay? Many health avisors are giving a time out because they take too much to reach the answer...
I'm pasting here the "onstat -d update" result hoping someone can help me with the answer. Many thanks in advance to anybody willing to help.
onstat -d update
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC7W3 -- On-Line -- Up 3 days 17:08:09 -- 3321344 Kbytes
address number flags fchunk nchunks pgsize flags owner name
9083f028 1 0x40002 1 1 2048 M BA informix rootdbs
92c38890 2 0x42001 2 1 2048 N TBA informix tmpdbs1
92c38a38 3 0x42001 3 1 2048 N TBA informix tmpdbs2
92c38be0 4 0x42001 4 1 2048 N TBA informix tmpdbs3
92c38d88 5 0x42001 5 1 2048 N TBA informix tmpdbs4
92c3a028 6 0x4a001 6 1 2048 N UBA informix tmpsbs
92c3a1d0 7 0x48001 7 1 2048 N SBA informix sbspace
92c3a378 8 0x48002 8 1 2048 M SBA informix syssbspace
92c3a520 9 0x40001 34 2 2048 N BA informix web2dbs
92c3a6c8 10 0x40002 10 1 2048 M BA informix physdbs
92c3a870 11 0x40001 11 1 2048 N BA informix sitdtdbs
92c3aa18 12 0x40011 12 6 4096 N BBA informix sitdtbld
92c3abc0 13 0x40001 13 3 2048 N BA informix prepardbs
92c3ad68 14 0x40001 14 1 2048 N BA informix preparidx
92c3b028 15 0x40011 15 18 4096 N BBA informix sspbld
92c3b1d0 16 0x40001 19 3 2048 N BA informix sspdbs
92c3b378 17 0x40002 29 1 2048 M BA informix logdbs1
92c3b520 18 0x40001 25 1 2048 N BA informix efacturadbs
92c3b6c8 19 0x40001 26 1 2048 N BA informix efacturaidx
92c3b870 20 0x40011 27 1 2048 N BBA informix efacturabld
92c3ba18 21 0x40002 30 1 2048 M BA informix logdbs2
92c3bbc0 22 0x40002 31 1 2048 M BA informix logdbs3
92c3bd68 23 0x40001 35 1 2048 N BA informix web2idx
92c3d028 24 0x40011 36 1 2048 N BBA informix web2bld_2k
92c3d1d0 25 0x40001 38 1 2048 N BA informix vixsaudbs
92c3d378 26 0x40001 39 2 2048 N BA informix vixsauidx
92c3d520 27 0x44011 44 37 2048 N BBA informix sesbld
92c3d6c8 28 0x40001 55 2 2048 N BA informix sesdbs
92c3d870 29 0x40001 57 1 2048 N BA informix sesidx
92c3da18 30 0x40001 61 1 2048 N BA informix formuldbs
92c3dbc0 31 0x40011 62 2 2048 N BBA informix formulbld_2k
92c3dd68 32 0x40011 63 2 4096 N BBA informix formulbld_4k
92c3f028 33 0x40001 68 1 2048 N BA informix iptdbs
92c3f1d0 34 0x40011 69 3 2048 N BBA informix iptbld_2k
92c3f378 35 0x40011 71 1 32768 N BBA informix web2bld_32k
92c3f520 36 0x40001 80 1 2048 N BA informix seriedbs
92c3f6c8 37 0x40001 88 1 2048 N BA informix sehwebdbs
92c3f870 38 0x40011 82 8 8192 N BBA informix seriebld_2k
92c3fa18 39 0x40001 90 1 2048 N BA informix srmndocdbs
92c3fbc0 40 0x40001 91 1 2048 N BA informix srmndocidx
92c3fd68 41 0x40001 97 1 2048 N BA informix axutrdbs
92c41028 42 0x40011 98 1 2048 N BBA informix axutrbld_2k
92c411d0 43 0x40011 99 2 20480 N BBA informix axutrbld_20k
92c41378 44 0x40011 102 1 4096 N BBA informix web2bld_4k
92c41520 45 0x40001 103 1 2048 N BA informix rgeedbs
92c416c8 46 0x40001 104 1 2048 N BA informix rgeeidx
92c41870 47 0x40011 105 2 262144 N BBA informix rgeebld_256k
92c41a18 48 0x40011 106 1 2048 N BBA informix rgeebld_2k
92c41bc0 49 0x40001 113 1 2048 N BA informix web2idx_obs
92c41d68 50 0x40001 114 2 2048 N BA informix web2dbs_obs
92c42028 51 0x40011 118 2 2048 N BBA informix web2bld_obs_2k
92c421d0 52 0x40011 119 3 16384 N BBA informix web2bld_obs_16k
92c42378 53 0x40011 120 2 10240 N BBA informix web2bld_obs_10k
53 active, 2047 maximum
Waiting for server to update BLOB chunk statistics...
address chunk/dbs offset size free bpages flags pathname
9083f1d0 1 1 0 524288 488189 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/rootdbs
9083f3d0 1 1 0 524288 0 MO-B-- /ifx11web2/m_dbspaces/m_rootdbs
92c42520 2 2 0 65536 65483 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/tmpdbs1
92c42720 3 3 0 65536 65483 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/tmpdbs2
92c42920 4 4 0 65536 65483 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/tmpdbs3
92c42b20 5 5 0 65536 65483 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/tmpdbs4
92c42d20 6 6 0 262144 244424 244424 POSB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/tmpsbs
Metadata 17667 13146 17667
92c44a28 7 7 0 262144 244424 244424 POSB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sbspace
Metadata 17667 13146 17667
92c44c28 8 8 0 32768 30487 30487 POSB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/syssbspace
Metadata 2228 1657 2228
92c44028 8 8 0 32768 0 0 MOSB-- /ifx11web2/m_dbspaces/m_syssbspace
92c44e28 9 13 0 262144 93199 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/prepardbs2
92c45028 10 10 0 524288 63435 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/physdbs
92c44228 10 10 0 524288 0 MO-B-- /ifx11web2/m_dbspaces/m_physdbs
92c45228 11 11 0 524288 515728 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sitdtdbs
92c45428 12 12 0 262144 1 131072 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sitdtbld
92c45628 13 13 0 262144 26399 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/prepardbs
92c45828 14 14 0 131072 123536 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/preparidx
92c45a28 15 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld1
92c45c28 16 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld2
92c45e28 17 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld3
92c46028 18 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld4
92c46228 19 16 0 524288 52 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspdbs
92c46428 20 12 0 262144 1 131072 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sitdtbld2
92c46628 21 12 0 524288 1 262144 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sitdtbld3
92c46828 22 12 0 1048576 1 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sitdtbld4
92c46a28 23 12 0 1048576 263997 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sitdtbld5
92c46c28 24 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld5
92c46e28 25 18 0 524288 400686 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/efacturadbs
92c47028 26 19 0 262144 258433 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/efacturaidx
92c47228 27 20 0 2097152 1369782 2097152 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/efacturabld
92c47428 28 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld6
92c47628 29 17 0 131072 28619 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/logdbs1
92c44428 29 17 0 131072 0 MO-B-- /ifx11web2/m_dbspaces/logdbs1
92c47828 30 21 0 131072 28619 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/logdbs2
92c44628 30 21 0 131072 0 MO-B-- /ifx11web2/m_dbspaces/logdbs2
92c47a28 31 22 0 131072 28619 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/logdbs3
92c44828 31 22 0 131072 0 MO-B-- /ifx11web2/m_dbspaces/logdbs3
92c47c28 32 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld7
92c47e28 33 16 0 524288 347389 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspdbs1
92c4a028 34 9 0 524288 116245 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2dbs
92c4a228 35 23 0 262144 231643 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2idx
92c4a428 36 24 0 524288 387626 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2bld_2k
92c4a628 37 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld8
92c4a828 38 25 0 1572864 700294 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/vixsaudbs
92c4aa28 39 26 0 262144 59751 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/vixsauidx
92c4ac28 40 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld9
92c4ae28 41 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld10
92c4d028 42 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld11
92c4d228 43 26 0 262144 262141 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/vixsauidx2
92c4d428 44 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld
92c4d628 45 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld2
92c4d828 46 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld3
92c4da28 47 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld4
92c4dc28 48 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld5
92c4de28 49 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld6
92c4f028 50 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld7
92c4f228 51 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld8
92c4f428 52 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld9
92c4f628 53 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld10
92c4f828 54 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld11
92c4fa28 55 28 0 524288 0 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesdbs
92c4fc28 56 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld12
92c4fe28 57 29 0 262144 238465 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesidx
92c58028 58 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld13
92c58228 59 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld12
92c58428 60 28 0 524288 424857 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesdbs2
92c58628 61 30 0 2097152 2056413 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/formuldbs
92c58828 62 31 0 2097152 1 2097152 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/formulbld_2k
92c58a28 63 32 0 2097152 20083 1048576 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/formulbld_4k
92c58c28 64 32 0 2097152 1046499 1048576 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/formulbld2_4k
92c58e28 65 31 0 2097152 1802928 2097152 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/formulbld2_2k
92c5a028 66 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld14
92c5a228 67 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld15
92c5a428 68 33 0 65536 53602 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/iptdbs
92c5a628 69 34 0 2097152 1 2097152 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/iptbld1_2k
92c5a828 70 34 0 2097152 1 2097152 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/iptbld2_2k
92c5aa28 71 35 0 2097152 130961 131072 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2bld_32k
92c5ac28 72 34 0 2097152 1730231 2097152 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/iptbld3_2k
92c5ae28 73 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld16
92c7b028 74 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld17
92c7b228 75 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld18
92c7b428 76 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld19
92c7b628 77 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld20
92c7b828 78 15 0 10485760 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld13
92c7ba28 79 15 0 10485760 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld14
92c7bc28 80 36 0 524288 449275 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/seriedbs
92c7be28 81 38 0 2097152 454849 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/seriebld7_2k
92c33028 82 38 0 2097152 1 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/seriebld1_2k
92c33228 83 38 0 2097152 1 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/seriebld2_2k
92c33428 84 38 0 2097152 1 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/seriebld3_2k
92c33628 85 38 0 2097152 1 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/seriebld4_2k
92c33828 86 38 0 2097152 1 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/seriebld5_2k
92c33a28 87 38 0 2097152 1 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/seriebld6_2k
92c33c28 88 37 0 5242880 5011846 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sehwebdbs
92c33e28 89 16 0 524288 524285 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspdbs2
92c37028 90 39 0 2097152 1245015 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/srmndocdbs
92c37228 91 40 0 524288 320651 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/srmndocidx
92c37428 92 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld21
92c37628 93 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld22
92c37828 94 38 0 2097152 523768 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/seriebld8_2k
92c37a28 95 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld23
92c37c28 96 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld24
92c37e28 97 41 0 131072 99160 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/axutrdbs
92c80028 98 42 0 1048576 1033915 1048576 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/axutrbld_2k
92c80228 99 43 0 2088960 1 208896 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/axutrbld1_20k
92c80428 100 43 0 2088960 178029 208896 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/axutrbld2_20k
92c80628 101 9 0 524288 524285 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2dbs2
92c80828 102 44 0 1048576 523249 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2bld_4k
92c80a28 103 45 0 65536 54421 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/rgeedbs
92c80c28 104 46 0 32768 31831 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/rgeeidx
92c80e28 105 47 0 2097152 3450 16384 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/rgeebld_256k
92c85028 106 48 0 524288 520251 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/rgeebld_2k
92c85228 107 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld25
92c85428 108 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld26
92c85628 109 27 0 5242880 71 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld27
92c85828 110 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld28
92c85a28 111 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld29
92c85c28 112 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld30
92c85e28 113 49 0 2097152 2072197 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2idx_obs
92c88028 114 50 0 2097152 1794454 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2dbs1_obs
92c88228 115 50 0 2097152 2097149 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2dbs2_obs
92c88428 116 53 0 2094080 418483 418816 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2bld2_obs_10k
92c88628 117 52 0 2097152 262013 262144 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2bld3_obs_16k
92c88828 118 51 0 2097152 1 2097152 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2bld_obs_2k
92c88a28 119 52 0 2097152 1 262144 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2bld1_obs_16k
92c88c28 120 53 0 2094080 263410 418816 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2bld_obs_10k
92c88e28 121 52 0 2097152 169649 262144 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2bld2_obs_16k
92c91028 122 51 0 2097152 1300004 2097152 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/web2bld2_obs_2k
92c91228 123 15 0 5242880 1 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld15
92c91428 124 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld32
92c91628 125 15 0 5242880 860118 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld16
92c91828 126 27 0 5242880 11 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld33
92c91a28 127 15 0 5242880 2616248 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld17
92c91c28 128 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld34
92c91e28 129 15 0 5242880 2616248 2621440 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sspbld18
92c93028 130 47 0 2097152 16383 16384 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/rgeebld2_256k
92c93228 131 12 0 1048576 523249 524288 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sitdtbld6
92c93428 132 27 0 5242880 1 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld35
92c93628 133 27 0 5242880 4864592 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld36
92c93828 134 27 0 5242880 5222154 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld37
92c93a28 135 27 0 5242880 5222154 5242880 POBB-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/sesbld38
92c93c28 136 13 0 262144 262141 PO-B-- /ifx11web2/dbspaces/prepardbs3
136 active, 32766 maximum
NOTE: The values in the "size" and "free" columns for DBspace chunks are
displayed in terms of "pgsize" of the DBspace to which they belong.
Expanded chunk capacity mode: always