IDS Forum
Re: I have a puzzling situation
Posted By: David Zinder Date: Thursday, 1 November 2012, at 2:14 p.m.
In Response To: RE: I have a puzzling situation (jim-cramer@uiowa.edu)
I have loosely followed this tread so this may not apply. When you test
as each user are you doing su <testuser> from your normal user login or
do you su to root first? I ran into a problem years ago. If I su to root
then su to testuser it acted differently than if I su to testuser directly.
On 11/1/2012 1:53 PM, jim-cramer@uiowa.edu wrote:
> John,
> I just found out something about the -668 SYSTEM error problem, that I was
> having with 1 user only, and I think that it is worth your having this.
> We do not run the NFS client stuff on our IDS db host system. For users
> who connect and do NOT run any apps that will use a Stored Procedure
> with the SYSTEM command in it, the Home Directory of the user is
> unspecified. However, for users whose apps will use SYSTEM, I have to
> create a local Home Directory (ex: /home/username) on the IDS host.
> I just found that our Sys Admins missed setting the Home Dir for the user
> having
> the error to a local home directory in an NIS server and, instead, had
> specified in NIS the NFS mount path for the user's home directory, which he
> uses
> when logging in to Linux workstations.
> When I did an "su" from my shell on the data base host in order to change my
> user id
> to that of this user, I got an error complaining about not being able to
> find
> his HD.
> So, I then created a local home directory for the user, got the Admins to
> fix the HD path field in his entry in NIS to the local dir, and everthing
> that
> was failing consistently now works 100%.
> I think that, at least for my problem, all of the stuff about the
> Environment
> for the command that is to be run in the sub-shell is irrelevant to the
> problem.
> The SPL SYSTEM command calls the "system()" function in the host system's
> libraries,
> that function tries to create the sub-shell, gets this missing HD error, and
> errors
> out on the subshell creation without even attempting to try to run what was
> specified by SYSTEM.
> Perhaps you could check whether or not your user with the problem has a
> valid
> HD on the data base server's host machine?
> Let me know what happens if you do.
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ids-bounces@iiug.org [mailto:ids-bounces@iiug.org] On Behalf Of John
> Adamski
> Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 9:09 AM
> To: ids@iiug.org
> Subject: RE: I have a puzzling situation [28689]
> Jim,
> Below is a series of steps I did based on you suggested proc to find the
> cause
> of my problem. This post is also a bit long.
> First I verified that the two users .cshrc & .login are the same. Both what
> inside and what permission are of the files. As the below commads show no
> difference in the files and the permissions are seem to be the same.
> adamski cars# diff ~sury/.cshrc ~ury/.cshrc
> adamski cars# diff ~sury/.login ~ury/.login
> adamski cars# ll ~sury/.cshrc
> -rw-r--r-- 1 sury financial 347 Mar 26 2007 /home/carsids/sury/.cshrc
> adamski cars# ll ~ury/.cshrc
> -rw-r--r-- 1 ury financial 347 Nov 7 2003 /home/carsids/ury/.cshrc
> adamski cars# ll ~sury/.login
> -r--r--r-- 1 root financial 317 Oct 29 10:52 /home/carsids/sury/.login
> adamski cars# ll ~ury/.login
> -r--r--r-- 1 root financial 317 Oct 29 10:53 /home/carsids/ury/.login
> adamski cars#
> I then tried setting the path to nothing and then doing the csh to show what
> the path is.
> sury cars: set PATH
> sury cars: echo $PATH
> sury cars: csh
> sury cars: echo $PATH
> /opt/carsi/install/cis:/opt/perl514/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/ca
> rsi/install/utl:/opt/carsi/install/bin:/opt/informix/bin:/opt/aCC/bin:/opt/g
> nu/bin:/opt/java6/bin:/opt/openldap/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/c
> ontrib/bin/X11:/opt/imake/bin:/opt/less/bin:/opt/ncftp/bin:/opt/pine/bin:/op
> t/ytalk/bin/X11:/opt/carstrain/install/scp/graceland/
> ury cars: set PATH
> ury cars: echo $PATH
> ury cars: csh
> ury cars: echo $PATH
> /opt/carsi/install/cis:/opt/perl514/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/ca
> rsi/install/utl:/opt/carsi/install/bin:/opt/informix/bin:/opt/aCC/bin:/opt/g
> nu/bin:/opt/java6/bin:/opt/openldap/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/c
> ontrib/bin/X11:/opt/imake/bin:/opt/less/bin:/opt/ncftp/bin:/opt/pine/bin:/op
> t/ytalk/bin/X11:/opt/carstrain/install/scp/graceland/
> I then created the script per your suggestion and change the proc to run the
> script.
> adamski cars: cat /tmp/test.csh
> #!/bin/csh -f
> ##
> printenv | sort > /tmp/test.log
> id -r >> /tmp/test.log (print "real" ID of user running this script)
> id -u >>/tmp/test.log (print "effective" ID of user running it)
> adamski cars: cat testsysfail.sql
> drop procedure testsysfail;
> create procedure testsysfail()
> returning char(32);
> on exception in (-668)
> return "Failed, error 668";
> end exception;
> --system "/bin/env > /tmp/1";
> SYSTEM " /tmp/test.csh";
> return "succeded";
> end procedure;
> grant execute on testsysfail to public;
> After this I logged in as the person that has been able to run the proc
> without problems. I get the 668 error now on them but it runs the script and
> I
> have the output below.
> SQL: New Run Modify Use-editor Output Choose Save Info Drop Exit
> Run the current SQL statements.
> ----------------------- cars@carsitcp ---------- Press CTRL-W for Help
> --------
> execute procedure testsysfail()
> SQL: New Run Modify Use-editor Output Choose Save Info Drop Exit
> Run the current SQL statements.
> ----------------------- cars@carsitcp ---------- Press CTRL-W for Help
> --------
> (expression)
> Failed, error 668
> 1 row(s) retrieved.
> ury cars: ll /tmp/test.log
> -rw-rw---- 1 ury financial 791 Oct 31 15:48 /tmp/test.log
> ury cars: cat /tmp/test.log
> CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.8859-1
> DBPATH=:OBJ:/opt/carsi/schema/common:/opt/carsi/install/frm/common:.:
> DBTEMP=/tmp
> DB_LOCALE=en_US.819
> INFORMIXDIR=/opt/informix
> LC_COLLATE=en_US.iso88591
> LC_CTYPE=en_US.iso88591
> LC_MONETARY=en_US.iso88591
> LC_NUMERIC=en_US.iso88591
> LC_TIME=en_US.iso88591
> ONCONFIG=onconf.cars
> PATH=/opt/carsi/install/cis:/opt/perl514/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/o
> pt/carsi/install/utl:/opt/carsi/install/bin:/opt/informix/bin:/opt/aCC/bin:/
> opt/gnu/bin:/opt/java6/bin:/opt/openldap/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/
> usr/contrib/bin/X11:/opt/imake/bin:/opt/less/bin:/opt/ncftp/bin:/opt/pine/bi
> n:/opt/ytalk/bin/X11:/opt/carstrain/install/scp/graceland/
> SHELL=/bin/csh
> SQLPID=13835058056514756656
> _=/tmp/test.csh
> ury cars:
> I then logged on to the user that has always been getting the error and get
> the error but the script is not run and there is no output.
> NEW: ESC = Done editing CTRL-A = Typeover/Insert CTRL-R = Redraw
> CTRL-X = Delete character CTRL-D = Delete rest of line
> ----------------------- cars@carsitcp ---------- Press CTRL-W for Help
> --------
> execute procedure testsysfail()
> SQL: New Run Modify Use-editor Output Choose Save Info Drop Exit
> Run the current SQL statements.
> ----------------------- cars@carsitcp ---------- Press CTRL-W for Help
> --------
> (expression)
> Failed, error 668
> 1 row(s) retrieved.
> sury cars: ll /tmp/test.log
> /tmp/test.log not found
> sury cars:
> None of this seems to point to any cause to me. Does anything I'm shown here
> point to something?
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ids-bounces@iiug.org [mailto:ids-bounces@iiug.org] On Behalf Of
> jim-cramer@uiowa.edu
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:51 AM
> To: ids@iiug.org
> Subject: RE: I have a puzzling situation [28686]
> John,
> Thanks for your reply and the info.
> I have several comments about what you have said below. Unfortunately that
> has
> made this message very long and I hope you can preserver until the end of
> it.
> The MOST IMPORTANT items from the below are:
> - a test procedure I suggest that should eliminate all variables and
> uncertainty and tell you exactly what is happening in the Environment that
> your scripts/ commands are failing in when run by SYSTEM.
> - a very interesting and probably not too well known security feature that
> could cause the .cshrc file to NOT be executed in the sub-shell created.
> That
> would leave $PATH and other important Env Vars of the sub-shell unset and
> cause problems!!!
> 1) is the SYSTEM command used in a database server Stored Procedure in SPL
> or
> is in a User-Defined Routine (UDR) ? I am familiar with using SYSTEM from
> but not had much UDR experience. I am assuming that the term "procs" you are
> using is the same as Stored Procedure.
> 2) have you tried explicitly specifying the path to everything on the
> command-line run with SYSTEM? If so, did it help?
> 3) in your message you were checking PATH to make sure that /bin was in it.
> I
> would think that it should also have /usr/bin too.
> 3) From my experience with this same problem you are having, I feel that you
> have to be careful about the exact context for the environment that you echo
> $PATH from.
> So, below when you show the TEST results from running "echo $PATH" and
> "which", were those commands run from an interactive login shell?
> Or were they run from inside a Stored Procedure with the SPL command SYSTEM
> "
> echo $PATH ; which ... "
> 4) Regarding what you said below:
> " Their .cshrc seem to set their PATH based on logon so if I'm reading it
> correctly the logon and sub-shell should have the same PATH."
> The .cshrc should execute at login after the system-wide login scripts and
> it
> should execute when SYSTEM creates a sub-shell to run your command.
> But when you say that the login and sub-shell should have the same PATH,
> that
> is not necessarily true. That would depend upon which script is setting
> $PATH:
> a. ~/.chsrc - which is executed at beginning of both login and sub shell b.
> ~/.login - which is executed only at the start of login shell c.
> /etc/csh.login - which is executed only at login before either of the 2
> above
> So, with reference to what Art said in an earlier reply to this, only the
> ....cshrc file is going to be executed when SYSTEM creates a sub-shell.
> You have to make sure that the minimal path needed for things that are run
> by
> the sub-shell created by SYSTEM are set in the .cshrc file, such as /bin,
> /usr/bin, and any others that the command run by SYSTEM needs. If the
> command
> run by SYSTEM is a script, it will inherit the environment and Env Vars from
> the sub-shell that gets created, so it will have the PATH that the ~/.cshrc
> file creates when the sub-shell is created.
> 5) One way to be fairly sure that these necessary directories are present in
> the $PATH of the sub-shell created by SYSTEM is to do this:
> - login to the account under which your db client app (yes, dbaccess is good
> for this test) will connect to the IDS server.
> - unset PATH in this login shell
> - run a sub-shell by typing: csh
> - echo $PATH and see if the PATH in the sub-shell has been restored by
> ~/.cshrc file (or any files ~/.cshrc in turn executes to alter the
> environment)
> 6) One way to make darn sure of the PATH and other Environment Variables in
> the sub-shell created by the SYSTEM call is to do this:
> - create a shell script , for example: /tmp/test.csh
> - include in this script the commands:
> printenv | sort > /tmp/test.log
> id -r >> /tmp/test.log (print "real" ID of user running this script)
> id -u >>/tmp/test.log (print "effective" ID of user running it)
> - alter the Stored Procedure SYSTEM command to run this debugging script:
> SYSTEM " /tmp/test.csh"
> - from whichever user account is experiencing the problem, execute dbaccess
> and run the Stored Procedure.
> The 1st command in the debug script is to be exactly sure of the environment
> under which your command or script is run as a result of using SYSTEM.
> The reason for the next two commands is not at all clear and was suggested
> to
> me by our very experienced, lead Unix/Linux Systems Administrator after
> reading the following part of a man page, although it is for the Bash Shell
> on
> Linux:
> " If the shell is started with the effective user (group) ID not equal to
> the
> real user (group) id, and the -p option is not supplied, no startup files
> are
> read, shell functions are not inherited from the environment, the SHELLOPTS
> variable, if it appears in the environment, is ignored, and the effective
> user
> id is set to the real user id. If the -p option is supplied at invocation,
> the
> startup behavior is the same, but the effective user id is not reset."
> What if the "real User ID" that starts the sub-shell is that of oninit,
> which
> is run under either root or informix User ID, and then before starting to
> execute your command/script in the sub-shell the process that created the
> shell (probably the "system" C Language call) then changes the "effective"
> User ID" that your command/script is run under to that of the user running
> the
> Stored Procedure and SPL SYSTEM command??
> If this actually is how things are implemented when using SYSTEM, and if
> this
> behavior I quoted from the man page for "bash" is the way that the Operating
> System of the host system for your IDS behaves, then your .cshrc file will
> get executed by the sub-shell and whatever it is supposed to do to Env Vars
> in
> the sub-shell environment will NOT HAPPEN.
> You could end up
> with $PATH completely unset for your command or script that is run.
> The only way to be sure is to use the test procedure immediately above.
> 7) My problems with -668 errors, which also began after upgrading to 11.70,
> have been drastically reduced by explicitly specifying the path to every
> command used in the command-line specified by SYSTEM.
> If you find out anything else and report that back to me, I would appreciate
> it.
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ids-bounces@iiug.org [mailto:ids-bounces@iiug.org] On Behalf Of John
> Adamski
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 9:58 AM
> To: ids@iiug.org
> Subject: RE: I have a puzzling situation [28683]
> Jim,
> Our developers use the SYSTEM command for a number of things from 'echo' to
> running scripts. Most of the procs seem to run a script and this is causing
> us
> the most problem. One of the procs I know of does an echo to a file in /tmp.
> And this echo does fails and this seems to have started around the time we
> upgraded from 11.50 to 11.70.
> The question on PATH, I have taken my two test users out of the menu system
> and they have command line access on our DR/test system. I got what looks
> like
> normal $PATH and they are the same between the two users. I did this change
> to
> remove one layer of complexity, I just now logon as them and run dbaccess to
> test the procs.
> echo $PATH
> /opt/carsi/install/cis:/opt/perl514/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/ca
> rsi/install/utl:/opt/carsi/install/bin:/opt/informix/bin:/opt/aCC/bin:/opt/g
> nu/bin:/opt/java6/bin:/opt/openldap/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/c
> ontrib/bin/X11:/opt/imake/bin:/opt/less/bin:/opt/ncftp/bin:/opt/pine/bin:/op
> t/ytalk/bin/X11:/opt/carstrain/install/scp/graceland/
> which echo
> /bin/echo
> which mailx
> /bin/mailx
> And /bin is in the path.
> Their .cshrc seem to set their PATH based on logon so if I'm reading it
> correctly the logon and sub-shell should have the same PATH. I have testing
> at
> the command line doing a echo like the proc and it works, and then try the
> proc and it fails. Which would indicate that I am reading what the .cshrc is
> doing and it somehow is changing the PATH making the proc fail.
> I think I will change the test proc to use /bin/echo or /bin/mailx instead
> of
> echo/mailx to see if that makes any difference.
> Will report back.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ids-bounces@iiug.org [mailto:ids-bounces@iiug.org] On Behalf Of
> jim-cramer@uiowa.edu
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 1:22 PM
> To: ids@iiug.org
> Subject: RE: I have a puzzling situation [28677]
> John,
> Based on my reasoning, mentioned below, my question to you is:
> Do all commands, such as "echo", that are included in the string that SYSTEM
> hands to the shell to execute, have *explicit paths* ?
> If you know the answer to this question, would you mind replying with it to
> this post?
> I have been experiencing what sounds like the same problem that you are
> having. My problem is with some Stored Procedures which use the SYSTEM call
> and which had run without problem for years under IDS 10. My problems with
> the
> -668 error began right away after switching to IDS 11.7.FC1GE. I would like
> to
> determine if what is going on is caused by our environment & code and fix it
> or, if this is a bug, if I can upgrade to a 11.7 maintenance release where
> it
> has been addressed.
> If I understand correctly , you said in you post that you thought your tests
> had been failing on the "echo" command,.
> As Art says below in his response about this issue, SYSTEM will execute the
> command formed by the string that you hand it in a *sub-shell* and not by a
> login shell.
> Perhaps some or all of the users who are having the -668 SYSTEM Call error
> have the /usr/bin and /bin parts of their $PATH set by the system scripts
> run
> by the login shell, and not by their personal "dot files"?
> This could scenario could cause a failure of the shell command run by SYSTEM
> if everything in that command line is not explicitly path'd..
> Regards,
> Jim Cramer
> Univ of Iowa
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ids-bounces@iiug.org [mailto:ids-bounces@iiug.org] On Behalf Of Art
> Kagel
> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 12:23 PM
> To: ids@iiug.org
> Subject: Re: I have a puzzling situation [28668]
> The user's complete environment will not be set up when SYSTEM is called as
> the csh profile scripts (/etc/login and $HOME/.login) is only executed by a
> login shell, not a sub-shell which is what the engine will be using to
> execute
> the command. The sub-shel will only execute the user's $HOME/.cshrc script.
> Maybe the users who have the problem have more of their environment set up
> in
> /etc/login or $HOME/.login and are missing something in their .cshrc or
> maybe
> they don't have write privs on /tmp (unusual I know, but worth a quick
> check).
> Art
> Art S. Kagel
> Advanced DataTools (www.advancedatatools.com)
> Blog: http://informix-myview.blogspot.com/
> Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that my own opinions are my own opinions and
> do not reflect on my employer, Advanced DataTools, the IIUG, nor any other
> organization with which I am associated either explicitly, implicitly, or by
> inference. Neither do those opinions reflect those of other individuals
> affiliated with any entity with which I am affiliated nor those of the
> entities themselves.
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 12:28 PM, John Adamski <adamski@graceland.edu>wrote:
>> Art, Mark & Paul:
>> I have verified that the two users I am using in testing have the same
>> default shell (csh) and that their PATHs are the same. At least an
>> echo $PATH returns the same. Our ERP does strange things with the path
>> variable so still could be a PATH thing.
>> I can't upgrade to FC5 or FC6 as our ERP provider is, hmm how to say
>> this politely - doesn't believe in keeping up to date with the latest
>> release
> of
>> software they us. So, that option is not an option. :-(
>> Since this sounds more like an OS permission problem I will continue
>> searching for what is different between my two test users.
>> Side note: I'm not exactly sure what the production procedure does as
>> I don't think the developer told the name of the production proc. He
>> just gave me his test proc.
>> Since all the people they are talking about are in the same department
>> (accounting) and I guessing which proc is having the problem. It
>> echo's
> the
>> script call with parameters to a file in /tmp then calls the script.
>> It looks like it fails on the echo.
>> The test proc was created as it is time consuming to setup a situation
>> and
>> get
>> the production proc to run.
>> Thanks for the help.
>> John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ids-bounces@iiug.org [mailto:ids-bounces@iiug.org] On Behalf Of
>> Art Kagel
>> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 9:13 AM
>> To: ids@iiug.org
>> Subject: Re: I have a puzzling situation [28657]
>> Missed the procedure source below. Make sure that everyone has mailx
>> (or
>> whatever) in their default PATH or script the commands with a PATH set
>> in the script.
>> Art
>> Art S. Kagel
>> Advanced DataTools (www.advancedatatools.com)
>> Blog: http://informix-myview.blogspot.com/
>> Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that my own opinions are my own
>> opinions and do not reflect on my employer, Advanced DataTools, the
>> IIUG, nor any other
>> organization with which I am associated either explicitly, implicitly,
>> or by inference. Neither do those opinions reflect those of other
>> individuals affiliated with any entity with which I am affiliated nor
>> those of the entities themselves.
>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Art Kagel <art.kagel@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> If the SYSTEM command is running a shell script, check to see if the
>>> users who are getting the -668 error have a different default shell
>>> or have a shell other than their default shell set in the SHELL
>>> environment variable that may be returning an error due to some
>>> syntax that these users' shells are not recognizing. Or possibly the
>>> script lists a shell in the first line (#!bash) but not a full path
>>> and these users' PATHs are not set the same as everyone else's. A
>>> simple fix to either problem may be to make sure that the script
>>> that is executed includes a "#!" line that includes that fill path
>>> to the shell it needs
>> to
>> run properly.
>>> Art
>>> Art S. Kagel
>>> Advanced DataTools (www.advancedatatools.com)
>>> Blog: http://informix-myview.blogspot.com/
>>> Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that my own opinions are my own
>>> opinions and do not reflect on my employer, Advanced DataTools, the
>>> IIUG, nor any other organization with which I am associated either
>>> explicitly, implicitly, or by inference. Neither do those opinions
>>> reflect those of other individuals affiliated with any entity with
>>> which I am affiliated nor those of the entities themselves.
>>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 9:48 AM, John Adamski <adamski@graceland.edu
>>> wrote:
>>>> HPUX 11.31 on BL8709c Integrity server IDS 11.70.FC4
>>>> A little over a month ago we upgraded to 11.70 and the developers
>>>> say that since then some users have been having problems executing
>>>> procedures that have the SYSTEM command in them.
>>>> One of the developers has created a test procedure to help identify
>>>> the cause of this reported problem. So far we know of two users
>>>> that can't run the test procedure, they get a 668 error. All other
>>>> users we have tried can execute the procedure successfully.
>>>> Checking permission on the users that work and the ones that don't
>>>> did not identify any cause. We check both OS and Informix.
>>>> We are testing using dbaccess using this command
>>>> execute procedure testsysfail()
>>>> The two users that fail get this message when they run.
>>>> SQL: New Run Modify Use-editor Output Choose Save Info Drop Exit
>>>> Run the current SQL statements.
>>>> ----------------------- cars@carsitcp ---------- Press CTRL-W for
>>>> Help
>>>> --------
>>>> (expression)
>>>> Failed, error 668
>>>> 1 row(s) retrieved.
>>>> I have included the latest version of the test procedure that the
>>>> developer is using below. Does anyone have any idea what might be
>>>> causing these two users to get a 668 error when they run the
>>>> procedure? Or what I might do to resolve this?
>>>> {
>>>> Revision Information (Automatically maintained by 'make' - DON'T
>>>> CHANGE)
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> --
>>>> ----
>>>> $Header: procskeleton,v 8.0 2002/05/09 08:36:56 debarthe Released $
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> --
>>>> ----
>>>> }
>>>> drop procedure testsysfail;
>>>> create procedure testsysfail()
>>>> returning char(32);
>>>> {The SQL data type subset includes all the SQL data types except
>>>> BYTE, SERIAL, and TEXT.} {char, nchar, date, datetime, decimal,
>>>> numeric, float, integer, money smallfloat, smallint, real, varchar,
>>>> nvarchar {define global var1 integer default default 0;} {define
>>>> var2 like id_rec.ss_no;} {define var3 char(10);}
>>>> define sys_var char(256);
>>>> {This exception traps for error 284 multiple records from subquery
>>>> and must immediately follow the defines} on exception in (-668)
>>>> return "Failed, error 668";
>>>> end exception;
>>>> Set isolation to dirty read;
>>>> set optimization low;
>>>> --set debug file to "debugxxx" with append; --trace on;
>>>> -- let sys_var = "echo this is a test > /tmp/"||USER||"test.test";
>>>> let sys_var = "mailx -s 'This is a test' debarthe"; system sys_var;
>>>> return "succeded";
>>>> end procedure;
>>>> grant execute on testsysfail to public;
>>>> {Add an execute for testing and to try to force optimization}
>>>> --execute procedure testsysfail();
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