
Informix News
18 Nov 13 - ZDNet - Top 20 mobile skills in demand... Read
09 Sep 13 - telecompaper - Shaspa and Tatung have shown a new smart home platform at Ifa in Berlin. Powered by the IBM Informix software... Read
06 Sep 13 - IBM data magazine - Mission Accomplished - Miami, Florida will be the backdrop for the 2014 IIUG Informix Conference... Read
01 Feb 13 - IBM Data Magazine - Are your database backups safe? Lester Knutsen (IBM Champion) writes about database back up safety using "archecker"... Read
14 Nov 12 - IBM - IBM's Big Data For Smart Grid Goes Live In Texas... Read
3 Oct 12 - The Financial - IBM and TransWorks Collaborate to Help Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Achieve Supply Chain Efficiency... Read
28 Aug 12 - techCLOUD9 - Splunk kicks up a SaaS Storm... Read
10 Aug 12 - businessCLOUD9 - Is this the other half of Cloud monitoring?... Read
3 Aug 12 - IBM data management - Supercharging the data warehouse while keeping costs down IBM Informix Warehouse Accelerator (IWA) delivers superior performance for in-memory analytics processing... Read
2 Aug 12 - channelbiz - Oninit Group launches Pay Per Pulse cloud-based service... Read
28 May 12 - Bloor - David Norfolk on the recent Informix benchmark "pretty impressive results"... Read
23 May 12 - DBTA - Informix Genero: A Way to Modernize Informix 4GL Applications... Read
9 Apr 12 - Mastering Data Management - Upping the Informix Ante: Advanced Data Tools... Read
22 Mar 12 - developerWorks - Optimizing Informix database access... Read
14 Mar 12 - - International Informix User Group set to meet in San Diego... Read
1 Mar 12 - IBM Data Management - IIUG Heads West for 2012 - Get ready for sun and sand in San Diego... Read
1 Mar 12 - IBM Data Management - Running Informix on Solid-State Drives.Speed Up Database Access... Read
26 Feb 12 - - Better results, lower cost for a broad set of new IBM clients and partners... Read
24 Feb 12 - developerWorks - Informix Warehouse Accelerator: Continuous Acceleration during Data Refresh... Read
6 Feb 12 - PRLOG - Informix port delivers unlimited database scalability for popular SaaS application ... Read
2 Feb 12 - developerWorks - Loading data with the IBM Informix TimeSeries Plug-in for Data Studio... Read
1 Feb 12 - developerWorks - 100 Tech Tips, #47: Log-in to Fix Central... Read
13 Jan 12 - MC Press online - Informix Dynamic Server Entices New Users with Free Production Edition ... Read
11 Jan 12 - Computerworld - Ecologic Analytics and Landis+Gyr -- Suitors Decide to Tie the Knot... Read
9 Jan 12 - - DNS impact on Informix / Impacto do DNS no Informix... Read
8 Sep 11 - - IBM Offers Database Solution to Enable Smart Meter Data Capture... Read
1 Aug 11 - IBM Data Management Magazine - IIUG user view: Happy 10th anniversary to IBM and Informix... Read
8 Jul 11 - Database Trends and Applications - Managing Time Series Data with Informix... Read
31 May 11 - Smart Grid - The meter data management pitfall utilities are overlooking... Read
27 May 11 - IBM Data Management Magazine - IIUG user view: Big data, big time ( Series data, warehouse acceleration, and 4GLs )... Read
16 May 11 - Business Wire - HiT Software Announces DBMoto for Enterprise Integration, Adds Informix. Log-based Change Data Capture... Read
21 Mar 11 - Yahoo! Finance - IBM and Cable&Wireless Worldwide Announce UK Smart Energy Cloud... Read
14 Mar 11 - MarketWatch - Fuzzy Logix and IBM Unveil In-Database Analytics for IBM Informix... Read
11 Mar 11 - InvestorPlace - It's Time to Give IBM Props: How many tech stocks are up 53% since the dot-com boom?... Read
9 Mar 11 - DBTA - Database Administration and the Goal of Diminishing Downtime... Read
2 Feb 11 - DBTAs - Informix 11.7 Flexible Grid Provides a Different Way of Looking at Database Servers... Read
27 Jan 11 - exactsolutions - Exact to Add Informix Support to Database Replay, SQL Monitoring Solutions... Read
25 Jan 11 - PR Newswire - Bank of China in the UK Works With IBM to Become a Smarter, Greener Bank... Read
12 Oct 10 - Database Trends and Applications - Informix 11.7: The Beginning of the Next Decade of IBM Informix... Read
20 Sep 10 - - ITG analyst paper: Cost/Benefit case for IBM Informix as compared to Microsoft SQL Server... Read
20 Jul 10 - IBM Announcements - IBM Informix Choice Edition V11.50 helps deploy low-cost scalable and reliable solutions for Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows... Read
20 Jul 10 - IBM Announcements - Software withdrawal: Elite Support for Informix Ultimate-C Edition... Read
24 May 10 - eWeek Europe - IBM Supplies Database Tech For EU Smart Grid... Read
23 May 10 - SiliconIndia - IBM's smart metering system allows wise use of energy... Read
21 May 10 - CNET - IBM to help people monitor energy use... Read
20 May 10 - ebiz - IBM Teams With Hildebrand To Bring Smart Metering To Homes Across Britain... Read
19 May 10 - The New Blog Times - Misurare il consumo energetico: DEHEMS è pronto... Read
19 May 10 - ZDNet - IBM software in your home? Pact enables five-city smart meter pilot in Europe... Read
17 March 10 - ZDNet (blog) David Morgenstern - TCO: New research finds Macs in the enterprise easier, cheaper to manage than... Read
17 March 2010 - Virtualization Review - ...key components of Big Blue's platform to the commercial cloud such as its WebSphere suite of application ser vers and its DB2 and Informix databases... Read
10 February 2010 - The Wall Street Journal - International Business Machines is expanding an initiative to win over students and professors on its products. How do they lure the college crowd?... Read

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out of virtual shared memory - Informix

Posted By:

Hi Informix support,

I am not able to initialize Informix 7.31 running on NCR S 1400 h/w having
MP-RAS 3.02 operating system with 512 mb RAM.

Please find output of “oninit –v” command , output of onstat –g seg and
onstat –g glo at the time of initialization, online.log, onconfig and
kernel parameters file.

Output of oninit –v

$ sudo oninit -v
Checking group membership to determine server run modesucceeded
Reading configuration file '/usr/informix/etc/onconfig'...succeeded
Creating /INFORMIXTMP/.infxdirs ... succeeded
Creating infos file "/usr/informix/etc/.infos.ropmnsrv" ...
conf.ropmnsrv" ... succeeded
Writing to infos file ... succeeded
Checking config parameters...succeeded
Allocating and attaching to shared memory...succeeded
Creating resident pool 14330 kbytes...succeeded
Creating buffer pool 60002 kbytes...succeeded
Initializing rhead structure...succeeded
Initializing ASF ...succeeded
Initializing Dictionary Cache and Stored Procedure Cache...succeeded
Bringing up ADM VP...succeeded
Creating VP classes...succeeded
Onlining 0 additional cpu vps...succeeded
Onlining 1 IO vps...succeeded
Forking main_loop thread...succeeded
Initialzing DR structures...succeeded
Forking 1 'ipcshm' listener threads...succeeded
Forking 1 'tlitcp' listener threads...succeeded
Starting tracing...succeeded
Initializing 1 flushers...succeeded
Initializing log/checkpoint information...succeeded
Forking conversion threads
Opening primary chunks...succeeded
Opening mirror chunks...succeeded
Initializing dbspaces...succeeded
Validating chunks...succeeded
Initialize Async Log Flusher...succeeded
Forking btree cleaner...succeeded
Initializing DBSPACETEMP list
$ oninit: Fatal error in shared memory initialization

output of onstat –g seg command at the time initializing Informix

Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UC2 -- Initialization -- Up 00:00:00
-- 8
6016 Kbytes

Segment Summary:
id key addr size ovhd class blkused blkfree
1301 1381451777 10000000 79691776 2072 R 9296 432
1202 1381451778 14c00000 8388608 724 V 171 853
Total: - - 88080384 - - 9467 1285

(* segment locked in memory)

output of onstat –g glo command at the time initializing Informix

Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UC2 -- Initialization -- Up 00:00:02
-- 8
6016 Kbytes

MT global info:
sessions threads vps lngspins
0 4 5 0

sched calls thread switches yield 0 yield n yield forever
total: 0 0 0 0 0
per sec: 0 0 0 0 0

Virtual processor summary:
class vps usercpu syscpu total
cpu 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
aio 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
lio 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
pio 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
adm 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
total 5 0.00 0.00 0.00

Individual virtual processors:
vp pid class usercpu syscpu total
1 8599 cpu 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 8600 adm 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 8601 lio 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 8605 pio 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 8606 aio 0.00 0.00 0.00
tot 0.00 0.00 0.00

tail $INFORMIXDIR/online.log

16:18:51 Physical Recovery Complete: 2 Pages Restored.
16:18:51 Logical Recovery Started.
16:18:51 Requested shared memory segment size rounded from 1081480KB to
16:18:51 shmget: [ENOMEM][12]: key 52574804: out of shared memory, check
max shared memory segment size
16:18:51 out of virtual shared memory

16:18:52 Cannot Rollforward from Checkpoint.
16:18:53 Informix Dynamic Server Stopped.
16:18:53 mt_shm_remove: WARNING: may not have removed all/correct segments

sudo cat onconfig|pg

# Title: onconfig
# Description: Informix Dynamic Server Configuration Parameters

# Root Dbspace Configuration

ROOTNAME rootdbs # Root dbspace name
ROOTPATH /dev/online_root # Path for device containing root dbspace
ROOTOFFSET 0 # Offset of root dbspace into device
ROOTSIZE 2097150 # Size of root dbspace (Kbytes)

# Disk Mirroring Configuration Parameters

MIRROR 0 # Mirroring flag (Yes = 1, No = 0)
MIRRORPATH # Path for device containing mirrored root
MIRROROFFSET 0 # Offset into mirrored device (Kbytes)

# Physical Log Configuration

PHYSDBS rootdbs # Location (dbspace) of physical log
PHYSFILE 16000 # Physical log file size (Kbytes)

# Logical Log Configuration

LOGFILES 10 # Number of logical log files
LOGSIZE 30000 # Logical log size (Kbytes)

# Diagnostics

MSGPATH /usr/informix/online.log # System message log file path
CONSOLE /dev/console # System console message path
ALARMPROGRAM /usr/informix/etc/ # Alarm program path
SYSALARMPROGRAM /usr/informix/etc/ # System Alarm program path

# System Archive Tape Device

TAPEDEV /backup/ifxback # Tape device path
TAPEBLK 16 # Tape block size (Kbytes)
TAPESIZE 4000000 # Maximum amount of data to put on tape

# Log Archive Tape Device
LTAPEDEV /backup/logbackup/log #log tape device path
#LTAPEDEV /dev/null # Log tape device path
LTAPEBLK 16 # Log tape block size (Kbytes)
LTAPESIZE 4000000 # Max amount of data to put on log tape
# Optical

STAGEBLOB # Informix Dynamic Server/Optical staging

# System Configuration

SERVERNUM 1 # Unique id corresponding to a Dynamic
Server in
DBSERVERNAME ropmnsrv # Name of default database server
DBSERVERALIASES ropmnsrv_tcp # List of alternate dbservernames
NETTYPE ipcshm,1,200,CPU # Configure poll thread(s) for nettype
DEADLOCK_TIMEOUT 60 # Max time to wait of lock in distributed
RESIDENT 1 # Forced residency flag (Yes = 1, No = 0)

MULTIPROCESSOR 0 # 0 for single-processor, 1 for
NUMCPUVPS 1 # Number of user (cpu) vps
SINGLE_CPU_VP 1 # If non-zero, limit number of cpu vps to

NOAGE 1 # Process aging
AFF_SPROC 0 # Affinity start processor
AFF_NPROCS 0 # Affinity number of processors

# Shared Memory Parameters

LOCKS 200000 # Maximum number of locks
BUFFERS 30000 # Maximum number of shared buffers
NUMAIOVPS 1 # Number of IO vps
PHYSBUFF 64 # Physical log buffer size (Kbytes)
LOGBUFF 64 # Logical log buffer size (Kbytes)
LOGSMAX 20 # Maximum number of logical log files
CLEANERS 1 # Number of buffer cleaner processes
SHMBASE 0x10000000L # Shared memory base address
SHMVIRTSIZE 8000 # initial virtual shared memory segment
SHMADD 8192 # Size of new shared memory segments
SHMTOTAL 0 # Total shared memory (Kbytes).
CKPTINTVL 300 # Check point interval (in sec)
LRUS 8 # Number of LRU queues
LRU_MAX_DIRTY 2 # LRU percent dirty begin cleaning limit
LRU_MIN_DIRTY 1 # LRU percent dirty end cleaning limit
LTXHWM 50 # Long transaction high water mark
LTXEHWM 60 # Long transaction high water mark
TXTIMEOUT 0x12c # Transaction timeout (in sec)
STACKSIZE 32 # Stack size (Kbytes)

# System Page Size
# BUFFSIZE - Dynamic Server no longer supports this configuration
# To determine the page size used by Dynamic Server on your
# see the last line of output from the command, 'onstat -b'.

# Recovery Variables
# Number of parallel worker threads during fast recovery or an offline
# Number of parallel worker threads during an online restore.

OFF_RECVRY_THREADS 10 # Default number of offline worker
ON_RECVRY_THREADS 1 # Default number of online worker threads

# Data Replication Variables
# DRAUTO: 0 manual, 1 retain type, 2 reverse type
DRAUTO 0 # DR automatic switchover
DRINTERVAL 30 # DR max time between DR buffer flushes (in
DRTIMEOUT 30 # DR network timeout (in sec)
DRLOSTFOUND /usr/informix/etc/dr.lostfound # DR lost+found file path

# CDR Variables
CDR_LOGBUFFERS 2048 # size of log reading buffer pool (Kbytes)
CDR_EVALTHREADS 1,2 # evaluator threads (per-cpu-vp,additional)
CDR_DSLOCKWAIT 5 # DS lockwait timeout (seconds)
CDR_QUEUEMEM 4096 # Maximum amount of memory for any CDR
queue (Kb
CDR_LOGDELTA 30 # % of log space allowed in queue memory
CDR_NUMCONNECT 16 # Expected connections per server
CDR_NIFRETRY 300 # Connection retry (seconds)
CDR_NIFCOMPRESS 0 # Link level compression (-1 never, 0 none,
9 ma

# Backup/Restore variables
BAR_ACT_LOG /tmp/bar_act.log

# Informix Storage Manager variables
ISM_DATA_POOL ISMData # If the data pool name is changed, be sure
#ISM_DATA_POOL ISMDiskData # If the data pool name is changed, be
sure to
# update $INFORMIXDIR/bin/onbar. Change to
# ism_catalog -create_bootstrap -pool <new

# Read Ahead Variables
RA_PAGES 8 # Number of pages to attempt to read ahead
RA_THRESHOLD 4 # Number of pages left before next group

# Dynamic Server equivalent of DBTEMP for SE. This is the list of dbspaces
# that the Dynamic Server SQL Engine will use to create temp tables etc.
# If specified it must be a colon separated list of dbspaces that exist
# when the Dynamic Server system is brought online. If not specified, or
# all dbspaces specified are invalid, various ad hoc queries will create
# temporary files in /tmp instead.

DBSPACETEMP # Default temp dbspaces

# DUMP*:
# The following parameters control the type of diagnostics information
# is preserved when an unanticipated error condition (assertion failure)
# during Dynamic Server operations.
# For DUMPSHMEM, DUMPGCORE and DUMPCORE 1 means Yes, 0 means No.

DUMPDIR /tmp # Preserve diagnostics in this directory
DUMPSHMEM 1 # Dump a copy of shared memory
DUMPGCORE 0 # Dump a core image using 'gcore'
DUMPCORE 0 # Dump a core image (Warning:this aborts
DUMPCNT 1 # Number of shared memory or gcore dumps
# a single user's session

FILLFACTOR 90 # Fill factor for building indexes

# method for Dynamic Server to use when determining current time
USEOSTIME 0 # 0: use internal time(fast), 1: get time
from O

# Parallel Database Queries (pdq)
MAX_PDQPRIORITY 80 # Maximum allowed pdqpriority
DS_MAX_QUERIES 2 # Maximum number of decision support
DS_TOTAL_MEMORY # Decision support memory (Kbytes)
DS_MAX_SCANS 10 # Maximum number of decision support scans
DATASKIP off # List of dbspaces to skip

# 0 => Nested loop joins will be preferred (where
# possible) over sortmerge joins and hash joins.
# 1 => If the transaction isolation mode is not
# "repeatable read", optimizer behaves as in (2)
# below. Otherwise it behaves as in (0) above.
# 2 => Use costs regardless of the transaction isolation
# mode. Nested loop joins are not necessarily
# preferred. Optimizer bases its decision purely
# on costs.
OPTCOMPIND 2 # To hint the optimizer

ONDBSPACEDOWN 1 # Dbspace down option: 0 = CONTINUE, 1 =
2 = WAIT
LBU_PRESERVE 1 # Preserve last log for log backup
OPCACHEMAX 0 # Maximum optical cache size (Kbytes)

# HETERO_COMMIT (Gateway participation in distributed transactions)
# 1 => Heterogeneous Commit is enabled
# 0 (or any other value) => Heterogeneous Commit is disabled

# Optimization goal: -1 = ALL_ROWS(Default), 0 = FIRST_ROWS

# Optimizer DIRECTIVES ON (1/Default) or OFF (0)

# Status of restartable restore

Kernel Parameters
* 3514 Configuration
* Tunable Parameters
100 buffers in buffer cache (NBUF)
8192 entries in callout table (NCALL)
1500 entries in proc table (NPROC)
160 maximum global priority in sys class (MAXCLSYSPRI)
120 clist buffers (NCLIST)
400 processes per user id (MAXUP)
500 hash slots for buffer cache (NHBUF)
300 buffers for physical I/O (NPBUF)
400 size of system virtual space map (SPTMAP)
0 maximum physical memory to use (MAXPMEM)
60 auto update time limit in seconds (NAUTOUP)
25 page stealing low water mark (GPGSLO)
1 fsflush run rate (FSFLUSHR)
100 minimum resident memory for avoiding deadlock (MINARMEM)
25 minimum swapable memory for avoiding deadlock (MINASMEM)
3 number of scheduler classes (NCLASS)
500 number of inodes (NINODE)
2000 number of ufsinodes (UFSNINODE)
0 number of vxfsinodes (VXFSNINODE)
* i386 Specific Tunables
0 Alternate console switch (COM2CONS)
2 80836 B1 stepping bug work around (DO386B1)
2 80387 errata #21 work around (DO387CR3)
4194303 maximum value for major and minor numbers (MAXMINOR)
64 size of internal hash table (NSTRPHASH)
64 size of virtual kernel address space for raw hard disk I/O
5120 size of buffer to record system messages (PUTBUFSZ)
* Utsname Tunables
4.0 release (REL)
ropmnsrv node name (NODE)
ropmnsrv system name (SYS)
3.0 version (VER)
* Process Resource Limit Tunables (Current:Maximum)
Infinity :Infinity cpu time
Infinity :Infinity file size
Infinity :Infinity heap size
Infinity :Infinity stack size
0x02000000:0x02000000 core file size
0x00000040:0x00000400 file descriptors
0x70000000:0x70000000 mapped memory
* Streams Tunables
9 maximum number of pushes allowed (NSTRPUSH)
33554432 streams threshold in bytes (STRTHRESH)
0 maximum stream message size (STRMSGSZ)
1024 max size of ctl part of message (STRCTLSZ)
* RFS Tunables
* IPC Messages
200 entries in msg map (MSGMAP)
2048 max message size (MSGMAX)
65535 max bytes on queue (MSGMNB)
100 message queue identifiers (MSGMNI)
8 message segment size (MSGSSZ)
256 system message headers (MSGTQL)
65535 message segments (MSGSEG)
* IPC Semaphores
522 entries in semaphore map (SEMMAP)
2048 semaphore identifiers (SEMMNI)
2048 semaphores in system (SEMMNS)
2048 undo structures in system (SEMMNU)
100 max semaphores per id (SEMMSL)
10 max operations per semop call (SEMOPM)
10 max undo entries per process (SEMUME)
32767 semaphore maximum value (SEMVMX)
16384 adjust on exit max value (SEMAEM)
* IPC Shared Memory
Infinity max shared memory segment size (SHMMAX)
1 min shared memory segment size (SHMMIN)
100 shared memory identifiers (SHMMNI)
64 max attached shm segments per process (SHMSEG)
* High Resolution Timer Tunables
50 max number of timer structures for real-time clock (HRTIME)
50 max number of timer structures for processes special clocks
* Time Sharing Scheduler Tunables
20 maximum time sharing user priority (TSMAXUPRI)
TS class of init process (INITCLASS)
* Async I/O Tunables
300 outstanding async system calls(NAIOSYS)
5 maximum number of servers (MAXAIOS)

Please suggest to solve this problem.

Shailesh M

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