IDS Forum
RE: Constraints script
Posted By: Jonathan Leffler Date: Thursday, 22 January 2004, at 1:11 p.m.
In Response To: RE: Constraints script (Erasmus, Marius)
--0__=08BBE4B0DFF0A8098f9e8a93df938690918c08BBE4B0DFF0A809 Content-type: multipart/alternative; Boundary="1__=08BBE4B0DFF0A8098f9e8a93df938690918c08BBE4B0DFF0A809"
--1__=08BBE4B0DFF0A8098f9e8a93df938690918c08BBE4B0DFF0A809 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
You've not got your Informix environment set properly? Specifically, y= our LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or moral equivalent - SHLIB_PATH or LIB_PATH, for exam= ple) is not set to include $INFORMIXDIR/lib and $INFORMIXDIR/lib/esql (you n= eed both). Or you did not manage to link statically. Or you did not manag= e to arrange for absolute pathnames for the shared libraries. Or ...
"esql -static ..." does a static link.
On some platforms (Solaris, Linux), using "esql -R$INFORMIXDIR/lib -R$INFORMIXDIR/lib/esql ..." ensures that libraries are found even when=
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set.
Alternatively, you have to generate the list of CSDK libraries, convert=
them to absolute pathnames, and list the absolute pathnames on the comm= and line. It's a good idea to list them in the correct order, but you only=
need to list any given library once.
-- Jonathan Leffler (jleffler@us.ibm.com) STSM, Informix Database Engineering, IBM Data Management 4100 Bohannon Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025 Tel: +1 650-926-6921 Tie-Line: 630-6921 "I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it!"
|---------+------------------------------> | | "Erasmus, Marius" | | | <MErasmus@ejustice.| | | pwv.gov.za> | | | Sent by: | | | forum.subscriber@ii| | | ug.org | | | | | | | | | 01/21/2004 11:35 PM| |---------+------------------------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------= -----------------------------------------------------------------------= --| | = = | | To: ids@iiug.org = = | | cc: = = | | Subject: RE: Constraints script [2470] = = | >--------------------------------------------------------------------= -----------------------------------------------------------------------= --|
Thanx for the reply....
After struggling very much to compile, and eventually succeeding, I got= the following message when executing myschema from the command line. The PATH is set to include the directory where libifsql.so resides.
ld.so.1: myschema: fatal: libifsql.so: open failed: No such file or directory Killed
What can be wrong
-----Original Message----- From: ART KAGEL, BLOOMBERG/ 65E 55TH [mailto:KAGEL@bloomberg.net] Sent: 21 January 2004 03:55 PM To: Erasmus, Marius Subject: Re: Constraints script [2465]
Yes. My dbschema replacement utility, myschema, works in just this way= , and if you present two filename on the commandline myschema will write the CRE= ATE DDL to the first file and all CREATE INDEX and ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT D= DL commands to the second file. Myschema is a complete replacement for dbschema with the sole exception of the -hd option and also contains many enhancements and improvements to dbschema and avoids several of dbschema's problems.=
Myschema supports all Informix database engines (though support for 8.x= x features has not been completely tested). Myschema is included in the package utils2_ak available for download from the IIUG Software Repository. (I= f you
decide to use myschema look for an update soon containing enhanced sche= ma support for the SMI pseudo-tables in sysmaster.)
Art S. Kagel
----- Original Message ----- From: Marius Erasmus <MErasmus@ejustice.pwv.gov.za> At: 1/21 4:44
> Hi there, > > I want to know if it's possible to use something like DBSCHEMA or som= e other > program to generate me a schema (like the one DBSCHEMA does), that wi= ll give > me ALL the constraints as separate commands. > The schema file that DBSCHEMA creates only have certain ALTER TABLE .= .... or > CREATE INDEX ....... constraints at the bottom of the schema file, an= d most > of the primary key constraints are part of the table declarations. > > I need ALL the constraints and indexes (including PRIMARY KEYS) as a > separate ALTER TABLE / CREATE INDEX ....... command. > > Does someone know of any tool/script that can generate me something l= ike > this. > > Thanx, > > > Marius Erasmus > DBA / UNIX Admin > > * (012) 470-1306 > * 082 5522 848 > * 082 131 5522 848 > > > " Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake!! "
--1__=08BBE4B0DFF0A8098f9e8a93df938690918c08BBE4B0DFF0A809 Content-type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII Content-Disposition: inline Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
<html><body> <p>You've not got your Informix environment set properly? Specifically= , your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or moral equivalent - SHLIB_PATH or LIB_PATH, f= or example) is not set to include $INFORMIXDIR/lib and $INFORMIXDIR/lib= /esql (you need both). Or you did not manage to link statically. Or y= ou did not manage to arrange for absolute pathnames for the shared libr= aries. Or ...<br> <br> "esql -static ..." does a static link.<br> <br> On some platforms (Solaris, Linux), using "esql -R$INFORMIXDIR/lib= -R$INFORMIXDIR/lib/esql ..." ensures that libraries are found eve= n when LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set.<br> <br> Alternatively, you have to generate the list of CSDK libraries, convert= them to absolute pathnames, and list the absolute pathnames on the com= mand line. It's a good idea to list them in the correct order, but you= only need to list any given library once.<br> <br> --<br> Jonathan Leffler (jleffler@us.ibm.com)<br> STSM, Informix Database Engineering, IBM Data Management<br> 4100 Bohannon Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025<br> Tel: +1 650-926-6921 Tie-Line: 630-6921<br> "I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it!&q= uot;<br> <br> <br> <img src=3D"cid:10__=3D08BBE4B0DFF0A8098f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" width=3D= "16" height=3D"16" alt=3D"Inactive hide details for "Erasmus, Mari= us" <MErasmus@ejustice.pwv.gov.za>">"Erasmus, Marius&qu= ot; <MErasmus@ejustice.pwv.gov.za><br> <br> <br>
<table V5DOTBL=3Dtrue width=3D"100%" border=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" cel= lpadding=3D"0"> <tr valign=3D"top"><td width=3D"1%"><img src=3D"cid:20__=3D08BBE4B0DFF0= A8098f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" border=3D"0" height=3D"1" width=3D"72" al= t=3D""><br> </td><td style=3D"background-image:url(cid:30__=3D08BBE4B0DFF0A8098f9e8= a93df938@us.ibm.com); background-repeat: no-repeat; " width=3D"1%"><img= src=3D"cid:20__=3D08BBE4B0DFF0A8098f9e8a93df938@us.ibm.com" border=3D"= 0" height=3D"1" width=3D"225" alt=3D""><br>
<ul> <ul> <ul> <ul><b><font size=3D"2">"Erasmus, Marius" <MErasmus@ejusti= ce.pwv.gov.za></font></b><br> <font size=3D"2">Sent by: forum.subscriber@iiug.org</font> <p><font size=3D"2">01/21/2004 11:35 PM</font></ul> </ul> </ul> </ul> </td><td width=3D"100%"><img src=3D"cid:20__=3D08BBE4B0DFF0A8098f9e8a93= df938@us.ibm.com" border=3D"0" height=3D"1" width=3D"1" alt=3D""><br> <font size=3D"1" face=3D"Arial"> </font><br> <font size=3D"2"> To: </font><font size=3D"2">ids@iiug.org</font><br> <font size=3D"2"> cc: </font><br> <font size=3D"2"> Subject: </font><font size=3D"2">RE: Constraints scri= pt [2470]</font></td></tr> </table> <br> <br> <tt>Hi,<br> <br> Thanx for the reply....<br> <br> After struggling very much to compile, and eventually succeeding, I got= the<br> following message when executing myschema from the command line.<br> The PATH is set to include the directory where libifsql.so resides.<br>=
<br> ld.so.1: myschema: fatal: libifsql.so: open failed: No such file or<br>=
directory<br> Killed<br> <br> What can be wrong <br> <br> Marius.<br> <br> -----Original Message-----<br> From: ART KAGEL, BLOOMBERG/ 65E 55TH [<a href=3D"mailto:KAGEL@bloomberg= .net">mailto:KAGEL@bloomberg.net</a>] <br> Sent: 21 January 2004 03:55 PM<br> To: Erasmus, Marius<br> Subject: Re: Constraints script [2465]<br> <br> Yes. My dbschema replacement utility, myschema, works in just thi= s way, and<br> if <br> you present two filename on the commandline myschema will write the CRE= ATE<br> DDL <br> to the first file and all CREATE INDEX and ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT D= DL <br> commands to the second file. Myschema is a complete replacement f= or<br> dbschema <br> with the sole exception of the -hd option and also contains many<br> enhancements <br> and improvements to dbschema and avoids several of dbschema's problems.= <br> Myschema supports all Informix database engines (though support for 8.x= x <br> features has not been completely tested). Myschema is included in the<b= r> package <br> utils2_ak available for download from the IIUG Software Repository. &nb= sp;(If you<br> <br> decide to use myschema look for an update soon containing enhanced sche= ma <br> support for the SMI pseudo-tables in sysmaster.)<br> <br> Art S. Kagel<br> <br> ----- Original Message -----<br> From: Marius Erasmus <MErasmus@ejustice.pwv.gov.za><br> At: 1/21 4:44<br> <br> > Hi there,<br> > <br> > I want to know if it's possible to use something like DBSCHEMA or = some<br> other<br> > program to generate me a schema (like the one DBSCHEMA does), that= will<br> give<br> > me ALL the constraints as separate commands.<br> > The schema file that DBSCHEMA creates only have certain ALTER TABL= E .....<br> or<br> > CREATE INDEX ....... constraints at the bottom of the schema file,= and<br> most<br> > of the primary key constraints are part of the table declarations.= <br> > <br> > I need ALL the constraints and indexes (including PRIMARY KEYS) as= a<br> > separate ALTER TABLE / CREATE INDEX ....... command.<br> > <br> > Does someone know of any tool/script that can generate me somethin= g like<br> > this.<br> > <br> > Thanx,<br> > <br> > <br> > Marius Erasmus<br> > DBA / UNIX Admin<br> > <br> > * (012) 470-1306<br> > * 082 5522 848<br> > * 082 131 5522 848<br> > <br> > <br> > " Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake!! &q= uot;<br> <br> <br> <br> </tt>
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Messages In This Thread
- Constraints script
Erasmus, Marius -- Wednesday, 21 January 2004, at 3:56 a.m.
- Re: Constraints script
Ravi T -- Wednesday, 21 January 2004, at 8:55 a.m.
- RE: Constraints script
Erasmus, Marius -- Thursday, 22 January 2004, at 2:35 a.m.
- Re: Constraints script
Jorge Garcia -- Thursday, 22 January 2004, at 12:27 p.m.
- RE: Constraints script
Jonathan Leffler -- Thursday, 22 January 2004, at 1:11 p.m.
- RE: Constraints script
Erasmus, Marius -- Tuesday, 27 January 2004, at 12:22 a.m.
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