Hi list,
First sorry about my english,
I have migrate my informix server from 10.0 to 11.5FC5 and also migrate
hardware. I move to a new 2xQuad Xeon+4x150 Gb Disk 10000RPM+8Gb of Ram.
In tests it seems to be a much faster, but when i go to my production
enviroment I see some Queries taking too much to be resolved.
My plataform is Linux.
Syntoms when I execute theses queries:
1) Like 35% of CPU in Waiting (I/O)
2) Status of session changing between "IO WAIT" and "yield bufwait-"
Example of query:
Explain out:
QUERY: (OPTIMIZATION TIMESTAMP: 09-14-2009 15:27:32)
SELECT posicion.fechaposicion as fechaposicion , posicion.holderid as^M
holderid , posicion.eventoid as eventoid , holder.dominio as
dominio ^M
FROM posicion INNER JOIN holder ON
(holder.holderid=posicion.holderid) ^M
WHERE ( posicion.holderid in^M
) AND (^M
posicion.eventoid in (7, 6, 4) ) AND ( posicion.fechaposicion >=^M
'2009-09-08 04:00:00' ) AND ( posicion.fechaposicion <= '2009-09-14
03:59:00' ) ORDER BY fechaposicion
Estimated Cost: 87861
Estimated # of Rows Returned: 9117
Temporary Files Required For: Order By
1) informix.holder: INDEX PATH
(1) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14273
(2) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14440
(3) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14448
(4) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14274
(5) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14442
(6) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 15171
(7) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14275
(8) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
(9) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14443
(10) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14253
(11) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 13045
(12) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14278
(13) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14292
(14) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14279
(15) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14250
(16) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 13044
(17) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 13011
(18) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 13002
(19) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14306
(20) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14305
(21) Index Name: root. 216_289
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid = 14291
2) informix.posicion: INDEX PATH
Filters: ((informix.posicion.fechaposicion >=
datetime(2009-09-08 04:00:00) year to second AND
informix.posicion.eventoid IN (7 , 6 , 4 )) AND
informix.posicion.fechaposicion <= datetime(2009-09-14 03:59:00) year to
second )
(1) Index Name: root. 100_909
Index Keys: holderid (Serial, fragments: ALL)
Lower Index Filter: informix.holder.holderid =
Query statistics:
Table map :
Internal name Table name
t1 holder
t2 posicion
type table rows_prod est_rows rows_scan time est_cost
scan t1 21 21 21 00:00.00 5
type table rows_prod est_rows rows_scan time est_cost
scan t2 49511 9117 844729 06:31.26 4006
type rows_prod est_rows time est_cost
nljoin 49511 9118 06:31.27 87861
type rows_sort est_rows rows_cons time
sort 49511 9118 49511 06:32.55
# onstat -g ses 5382
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.FC5 -- On-Line -- Up
01:39:11 -- 6651320 Kbytes
session effective #RSAM
total used dynamic
id user user tty pid hostname threads
memory memory explain
5382 informix - reflex 8 Emiliano 1
253952 225008 off
tid name rstcb flags curstk status
5532 sqlexec 19ee4ebd8 ---PR-- 13488 *IO Wait-*
Memory pools count 3
name class addr totalsize freesize #allocfrag
5382 V 1a027b040 167936 17168 240
5382*O0 V 1a1131040 4096 808 1
5382_SORT_0 V 1a23e8040 81920 10968 19
name free used name free
overhead 0 9864 scb 0
opentable 0 8096 filetable 0
ru 0 600 log 0
temprec 0 2320 keys 0
ralloc 0 74160 gentcb 0
ostcb 0 2920 sort 0
sqscb 0 21736 sql 0
srtmembuf 0 200 rdahead 0
hashfiletab 0 552 osenv 0
sqtcb 0 8528 fragman 0
shmblklist 0 776 sapi 0
sqscb info
scb sqscb optofc pdqpriority sqlstats
optcompind directives
1a15dd028 19f728028 0 0 0
2 1
Sess SQL Current Iso Lock SQL ISAM F.E.
Id Stmt type Database Lvl Mode ERR ERR
Vers Explain
5382 SELECT db3g CR Not Wait 0 0
9.29 On
Current statement name : _ixceb
#onstat -g ses 5382
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.FC5 -- On-Line -- Up
01:39:20 -- 6651320 Kbytes
session effective #RSAM
total used dynamic
id user user tty pid hostname threads
memory memory explain
5382 informix - reflex 8 Emiliano 1
253952 225008 off
tid name rstcb flags curstk status
5532 sqlexec 19ee4ebd8 B--PR-- 12432 *yield bufwait-*
Memory pools count 3
name class addr totalsize freesize #allocfrag
5382 V 1a027b040 167936 17168 240
5382*O0 V 1a1131040 4096 808 1
5382_SORT_0 V 1a23e8040 81920 10968 19
name free used name free
overhead 0 9864 scb 0
opentable 0 8096 filetable 0
ru 0 600 log 0
temprec 0 2320 keys 0
ralloc 0 74160 gentcb 0
ostcb 0 2920 sort 0
sqscb 0 21736 sql 0
srtmembuf 0 200 rdahead 0
hashfiletab 0 552 osenv 0
sqtcb 0 8528 fragman 0
shmblklist 0 776 sapi 0
sqscb info
scb sqscb optofc pdqpriority sqlstats
optcompind directives
1a15dd028 19f728028 0 0 0
2 1
Sess SQL Current Iso Lock SQL ISAM F.E.
Id Stmt type Database Lvl Mode ERR ERR
Vers Explain
5382 SELECT db3g CR Not Wait 0 0
9.29 On
Current statement name : _ixceb
# onstat -g iof
gfd pathname bytes read page reads bytes write page
writes io/s
3 rootdbs 1521664 743 751740928
367061 79.1
op type count avg. time
seeks 0 N/A
reads 0 N/A
writes 0 N/A
kaio_reads 464 0.0106
kaio_writes 238035 0.0126
4 tempdbs1 510468096 249252 541411328
264361 108.7
op type count avg. time
seeks 0 N/A
reads 0 N/A
writes 0 N/A
kaio_reads 10944 0.0091
kaio_writes 15505 0.0093
5 tempdbs2 510189568 249116 534435840
260955 73.7
op type count avg. time
seeks 0 N/A
reads 0 N/A
writes 0 N/A
kaio_reads 11252 0.0143
kaio_writes 15417 0.0130
6 datadbs 5195923456 2537072 291811328
142486 71.0
op type count avg. time
seeks 0 N/A
reads 0 N/A
writes 0 N/A
kaio_reads 2006322 0.0136
kaio_writes 103883 0.0227
13:48:38 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Started.
Mon Sep 14 13:48:39 2009
13:48:39 pid 31174: can't get real path of
13:48:40 Event alarms enabled. ALARMPROG =
13:48:40 Booting Language <c> from module <>
13:48:40 Loading Module <CNULL>
13:48:40 Booting Language <builtin> from module <>
13:48:40 Loading Module <BUILTINNULL>
13:48:40 Affinitied VP 1 to phys proc 1
13:48:40 Affinitied VP 3 to phys proc 2
13:48:40 Affinitied VP 4 to phys proc 3
13:48:45 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off)
13:48:45 DR: ENCRYPT_HDR is 0 (HDR encryption Disabled)
13:48:45 Event notification facility epoll enabled.
13:48:47 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.FC5 Software
Serial Number AAA#B000000
13:48:49 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Initialized -- Shared Memory
13:48:49 Started 1 B-tree scanners.
13:48:49 B-tree scanner threshold set at 5000.
13:48:49 B-tree scanner range scan size set to -1.
13:48:49 B-tree scanner ALICE mode set to 6.
13:48:49 B-tree scanner index compression level set to med.
13:48:49 Physical Recovery Started at Page (1:1207439).
13:48:49 Physical Recovery Complete: 0 Pages Examined, 0 Pages Restored.
13:48:49 Logical Recovery Started.
13:48:49 10 recovery worker threads will be started.
13:48:50 Logical Recovery has reached the transaction cleanup phase.
13:48:50 Logical Recovery Complete.
0 Committed, 0 Rolled Back, 0 Open, 0 Bad Locks
13:48:51 Onconfig parameter PHYSFILE modified from 2500000 to 20000.
13:48:51 Onconfig parameter LOGFILES modified from 58 to 12.
13:48:51 Dataskip is now OFF for all dbspaces
13:48:52 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 1 seconds.
13:48:52 Mon Sep 14 - loguniq 45, logpos 0x5507018, timestamp:
0x89c892e1 Interval: 1321
13:48:52 Maximum server connections 0
13:48:52 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns
blocked 0, Plog used 2, Llog used 1
13:48:52 On-Line Mode
13:48:53 SCHAPI: Started dbScheduler thread.
13:48:53 Booting Language <spl> from module <>
13:48:53 Loading Module <SPLNULL>
13:48:53 SCHAPI: Started 2 dbWorker threads.
13:49:26 Loading Module </opt/informix/lib/libcubi.so>
13:49:26 pid 31177: can't get real path of
13:49:26 The C Language Module </opt/informix/lib/libcubi.so> loaded
13:49:58 Loading Module </opt/informix/lib/libcheckzona.so>
13:49:58 pid 31174: can't get real path of
13:49:58 The C Language Module </opt/informix/lib/libcheckzona.so> loaded
13:53:55 Explain file for session 5382 : /home/informix/sqexplain.out
13:54:00 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 9 seconds.
13:54:00 Mon Sep 14 - loguniq 45, logpos 0x8489018, timestamp:
0x89cd46e1 Interval: 1322
13:54:00 Maximum server connections 65
13:54:00 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns
blocked 1, Plog used 6439, Llog used 12265
13:59:15 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 13 seconds.
13:59:15 Mon Sep 14 - loguniq 45, logpos 0xae6d018, timestamp:
0x89d3045e Interval: 1323
13:59:15 Maximum server connections 65
13:59:15 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.000, # Txns
blocked 2, Plog used 5533, Llog used 11095
14:01:13 Logical Log 45 Complete, timestamp: 0x89d4ddc9.
14:01:14 Process exited with return code 126: /bin/sh /bin/sh -c
/opt/informix/etc/alarmprogram.sh 2 23 "" "Logical Log 45 Complete,
timestamp: 0x89d4ddc9." ""
14:04:30 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 14 seconds.
14:04:30 Mon Sep 14 - loguniq 46, logpos 0x1ed3018, timestamp:
0x89d7be90 Interval: 1324
14:04:30 Maximum server connections 65
14:04:30 Checkpoint Statistics - Avg. Txn Block Time 0.065, # Txns
blocked 5, Plog used 6429, Llog used 13539
I upload my onconfig file to: http://pastebin.com/f1295b23d
Any idea of how could I tune that times? In my another instance of
Informix 10.0 with older hardware that queries works much better.
Regards and thanks for any help.
Emiliano Romero
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