IDS Forum
RE: 154 error
Posted By: Guo, Denny Date: Tuesday, 20 January 2009, at 3:56 p.m.
In Response To: Re: 154 error (Art Kagel)
Thanks for quick reply, Art=2E=0D=0A=0D=0AI guest I found out why=2E It is =
just bad timing=2E=0D=0AOur application is using repeatable-read isolation =
mode=2E=0D=0AOur db design is like this=2E Table B is child table of table =
A=2E=0D=0AI finally found that when we try to update table A and there is a=
nother session try to update table B and will require information from tabl=
e A=2E=0D=0AThat is why causing failure=2E On production server, the proces=
sing timing is not causing problem=2E=0D=0A=0D=0APlease correct me if my un=
derstanding is wrong=2E=0D=0A=0D=0AThanks,=0D=0ADenny=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A----=
-Original Message-----=0D=0AFrom: ids-bounces@iiug=2Eorg [mailto:ids-bounce=
s@iiug=2Eorg] On Behalf Of Art Kagel=0D=0ASent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3=
:45 PM=0D=0ATo: ids@iiug=2Eorg=0D=0ASubject: Re: 154 error [14584]=0D=0A=0D=
=0A=0D=0AWhoa, big formatting problem there=2E Denny, There's something goi=
ng on=0D=0Athere=2E You simply cannot get a lock timeout if you are not con=
tending for=0D=0Alocks somehow=2E The one other possibility would be a long=
checkpoint=0D=0Ablocking the application in a critical section, but checkp=
oints are=0D=0Anon-blocking in 11=2E50, so that also should not happen=2E D=
oes the one=0D=0Aapplication maintain multiple connections to the server? I=
s there a SELECT=0D=0A=2E=2E=2E=2E=2E FOR UPDATE loop with insert, delete, =
or updates happening inside the=0D=0Aloop?=0D=0A=0D=0AA8rt=0D=0A=0D=0AOn Tu=
e, Jan 20, 2009 at 3:28 PM, Guo, Denny <DGuo@livingstonintl=2Ecom> wrote:=
=0D=0A=0D=0A> Thanks Art,=3D0D=3D0A=3D0D=3D0ABut there is only one applicat=
ion=0D=0A> running=3D2E=3D0D=3D0ATh=3D=0D=0A> e application runs update on =
particular transaction=3D2E We run the same=0D=0A> appl=3D=0D=0A> ication a=
nd process same transaction on production server, and we do not=0D=0A> se=
=3D=0D=0A> e the error=3D2E That is why upset me=3D2E=3D0D=3D0AThe only dif=
ferent is on=0D=0A> produc=3D=0D=0A> tion server using IDS731UD10 and devel=
op server using IDS v115UC3=3D2E=3D0D=3D0A=3D=0D=0A> =3D0D=3D0AThanks again=
,=3D0D=3D0ADenny=3D0D=3D0A=3D0D=3D0A-----Original=0D=0A> Message-----=3D0D=
=3D0AF=3D=0D=0A> rom: ids-bounces@iiug=3D2Eorg [mailto:ids-bounces@iiug=3D2=
Eorg] On Behalf Of=0D=0A> Ar=3D=0D=0A> t Kagel=3D0D=3D0ASent: Tuesday, Janu=
ary 20, 2009 3:18 PM=3D0D=3D0ATo: ids@iiug=0D=0A> =3D2Eor=3D=0D=0A> g=3D0D=
=3D0ASubject: Re: 154 error [14582]=3D0D=3D0A=3D0D=3D0A=3D0D=3D0AAttachment=
s don' t=0D=0A> f=3D=0D=0A> low through the forum interface, we don't see t=
hem=3D2E=3D0D=3D0A=3D0D=3D0AISAM=0D=0A> error=3D=0D=0A> -154, lock timeout,=
happens when a task that is running a server=3D0D=3D0Asess=3D=0D=0A> ion w=
ith SET LOCK MODE TO WAIT <n-seconds>; encounters a lock=0D=0A> that=3D0D=
=3D0Aper=3D=0D=0A> sists for more than n seconds=3D2E It has nothing to do =
with the ONCONFIG=3D0D=3D=0D=0A> =3D0Asettings (OK very little)=3D2E Likely=
some other process which is badly=0D=0A> be=3D=0D=0A> haved=3D0D=3D0Awas h=
ung or paused while holding a lock, or was engaged in a=0D=0A> mas=3D=0D=0A=
> sive=3D0D=3D0Atransaction holding many locks for a long period of time be=
fore=0D=0A> c=3D=0D=0A> ommitting=3D2E=3D0D=3D0AThe fact that today you are=
not getting the error=0D=0A> indicat=3D=0D=0A> es that the timing=3D0D=3D0=
Aof other applications is such that they are not=0D=0A> int=3D=0D=0A> erfer=
ring with the=3D0D=3D0Atransaction load=3D2E=3D0D=3D0A=3D0D=3D0AArt=3D0D=3D=
0A=3D0D=3D0AOn=0D=0A> Tu=3D=0D=0A> e, Jan 20, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Guo, Denny <=
DGuo@livingstonintl=3D2Ecom> wrote:=3D=0D=0A> =3D0D=3D0A=3D0D=3D0A> Hi All,=
=3D0D=3D0A>=3D0D=3D0A> I just upgrade our IDS from Ver731 to=0D=0A> V=3D=0D=
=0A> er115UC3 on aix V5=3D2E3tl8 few days ago=3D0D=3D0A> on=3D0D=3D0A> our =
development=0D=0A> ser=3D=0D=0A> ver=3D2E=3D0D=3D0A> I start to process our=
daily transaction files=3D2E And at one=0D=0A> =3D=0D=0A> point get 154=3D=
0D=3D0A> error=3D0D=3D0A> which is lock time out expired=3D2E=3D0D=3D0A>=0D=
=0A> =3D=0D=0A> Not quite sure what it really means=3D2E I try to process a=
nother sets of=3D0D=3D=0D=0A> =3D0A> transaction files today and produces n=
o error=3D2E=3D0D=3D0A> Could it=0D=0A> relat=3D=0D=0A> ed to new configura=
tion file? I attach our original v731=3D0D=3D0A>=0D=0A> configurati=3D=0D=
=0A> on file and new V115 configuration file=3D2E=3D0D=3D0A> Hope somebody =
could=0D=0A> point=3D=0D=0A> me to right direction=3D2E=3D0D=3D0A>=3D0D=3D0=
A> Thanks,=3D0D=3D0A> Denny=3D0D=3D0A>=3D0D=3D0A> =3D=0D=0A> **************=
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Messages In This Thread
- 154 error
Guo, Denny -- Tuesday, 20 January 2009, at 1:00 p.m.
- Re: 154 error
Art Kagel -- Tuesday, 20 January 2009, at 3:17 p.m.
- RE: 154 error
Guo, Denny -- Tuesday, 20 January 2009, at 3:28 p.m.
- Re: 154 error
Art Kagel -- Tuesday, 20 January 2009, at 3:45 p.m.
- RE: 154 error
Guo, Denny -- Tuesday, 20 January 2009, at 3:56 p.m.
- Re: 154 error
Art Kagel -- Tuesday, 20 January 2009, at 10:42 p.m.
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