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Highlights: Holiday Greetings Welcome to the International Informix Users Group (IIUG) Insider! Designed for IIUG members and Informix user group leaders, this publication contains timely and relevant information for the IBM Informix community. Contents:
Happy new year to all IIUG members! In 2010 IBM released Informix 11.7 code named Panther. Unlike its predecessor the Cheetah Panther did not receive a new version number but looking at the feature list it is without a doubt a giant step forward. The best place to acquire a full knowledge of all the new features will be the IIUG Informix Conference in Kansas, USA May 15-18 2011. There are always many good reasons to attend our conference. Getting up to date with the new Panther release gives this year's conference a huge additional value. I have been participating in the IDS beta program since IDS10 (when it was still called 9.5). It is a great experience and an opportunity to combine helping Informix with getting to know the product. Since version 10 every new version is loaded with new features we DBAs where longing for. Panther has them too but the flexible grid offering the capability of building a high availability cluster on a mixture of hardware and software platforms is something we CIOs could only dream of. Getting this unique powerful and flexible distributed environment with no need to invest in new hardware and software is a CIO's dream come true. I know many of you are concerned with Informix's visibility in the press. This time I do not share these concerns. Like Panthers in the wild the Informix team is recruiting new people getting ready for a leap. During 2011 we will see the results. I wish 2011 will be better than ever for IBM and Informix. More Informix users, more IIUG members, more local user groups, a bigger and better conference, more content for the IIUG Insider, an interesting and profitable year to you all at work and a happy and peaceful year all together. Portuguese Feliz ano novo a todos os membros do IIUG. Em 2010 A IBM lançou o Informix 11.70, cujo nome código é Panther (Pantera). Diferentemente de seu predecessor, o Cheetah, o Panther não recebeu um novo número de versão, porem, observando a lista de funcionalidades ele, sem dúvida, representa um grande passo adiante. O melhor lugar para se atualizar e aprender estas funcionalidades será a Conferência Internacional de Usuários Informix do IIUG, em Kansas, USA de 15 a 18 de Maio de 2011. Sempre há boas razões para comparecer na conferência, mas conhecer as novas funcionalidades da Panther este ano, é um grande diferencial. Tenho participado do programa beta do Informix desde a versão 10 (quando ainda era chamado Informix 9.5). é uma grande experiência e uma ótima oportunidade para ajudar a Informix e conhecer o produto. Desde a versão 10, a cada nova versão que é lançada com novas funcionalidades nós, DBAs esperamos ansiosamente este programa. Dentre outras, a funcionalidade de "Grid Flexmvel" disponibiliza a capacidade de construir um ambiente de alta disponibilidade numa mistura de plataformas de hardware e software e, é algo que os CIOs até hoje apenas sonharam. Com este único, poderoso e flexmvel ambiente distribumdo, sem necessidade de investimento e novos hardwares ou software, é o sonho que se torna realidade para qualquer CIO. Eu sei que muitos de vocês estão preocupados com a visibilidade do Informix na imprensa. Neste momento eu não compartilho com esta preocupação. "Como Panteras na selva, o time de Informix esta recrutando novas pessoas para este grande salto." Durante o ano de 2011 nós iremos ver o resultado. Eu espero que 2011 será muito melhor para IBM e para Informix. Mais usuários Informix, mais membros no IIUG, mais grupos de usuários locais , uma maior e melhor conferência , mais conteúdo para nosso "Insider" , e um interessante e lucrativo ano para vocês e todos aqueles que trabalharam para o sucesso do Informix. Desejo um ano de Felicidade e Paz para todos. Thanks to Miguel for the Portuguese translation. French Bonne année à tous les membres d'IIUG ! En 2010, IBM a sorti Informix 11.7, nom de code « Panther ». Contrairement à son prédécesseur, Cheetah, Panther n'a pas reçu un « nouveau numéro de version principal (comme 12) mais quand on regarde à la liste des fonctionnalités, il y a, sans discussion, un pas de géant. Le meilleur endroit pour acquérir le savoir autour de ses nouvelles fonctionnalités sera lors de notre conférence, IIUG Informix Conference, au Kansas du 15 au 18 mai 2011. Il y a toujours de nombreuses bonnes raisons d'assister à notre conférence, mais, cette année, vous pourrez rester à jour avec la nouvelle version Panther donne à la conférence de cette année une réelle valeur supplémentaire. J'ai participé au programme bêta IDS depuis la version 10 (quand il était encore appelé 9.5). Il s'agit d'une grande expérience et une opportunité de combiner aider à développer Informix et connaître le produit. Depuis la version 10, chaque nouvelle version est enrichie de nouvelles fonctionnalités que nous autres DBA espérions. Panther en a aussi, mais la grille flexible (flexible grid) offre la possibilité de construire un cluster à très haute disponibilité sur un système hétérogènes de plates-formes matérielles et logicielles, est quelque chose dont nous, les DSI, ne pouvions que rêver. L'arrivée de cet unique environnement puissant, flexible et distribué sans avoir besoin d'investir dans du nouveau matériel et du logiciel est un rêve devenu réalité. Je sais que beaucoup d'entre vous sont concernés par la visibilité d'Informix dans la presse. Cette fois, je ne partage pas ces préoccupations. Comme les panthères à l'état sauvage, l'équipe Informix recrute de nouvelles personnes et se prépare pour un saut. Au cours de 2011, nous verrons les résultats. Thanks to JGP for the French translation. Spanish ¡Feliz Año Nuevo a todos los miembros de IIUG!En 2010 IBM lanzo Informix 11.7, codigo Panther (Pantera). A diferencia de su antecesor el Cheetha, Panther no recibio numeracion de version sino que a juzgar for su lista de contenido, es sin duda un gigante paso adelante. La conferencia de IIUG Informix de Kansas, EEUU 2011 (Mayo 15-18, 2011) es el mejor lugar para adquirir pleno conocimiento de las nuevas caracteristicas. Siempre hay muchas buena razones para asistir a nuestra conferencia. Ponerse al tanto dell nuevo lanzamiento Panther le confiere a esta conferencia valor adicional. He participado en el IDS beta program desde IDS10 (cuando aun se llamaba 9.5). Es una excelente experiencia y una gran oportunidad el poder combinar el ayudar a Informix con el poder conocer al producto. Desde la version 10, cada nueva version esta llena de nuevas caracteristicas de contenido que nosotros DBAs esperabamos ansiosamente. Panther no solo las tiene, sino ofrece posibilidades que nosotros CIOs solo podiamos sohñar! Su "Grid flexible" ofrece la capacidad de construir un entorno de alta disponibilidad, una mezcla de plataformas de hardware y software que es el sueño de los CIOs hecho realidad. Se que muchos de ustedes estan preocupados con la visibilidad de de Informix en la prensa. Esta vez no soy participle de esta preocupacion. Como panteras salvajes el equipo de Informix esta enlistando nuevos recrutas, preparandonos al gran salto. Durante 2011 veremos los resultados. Deseo que el 2011 sea aun un año mejor para IBM e Informix. Que tengamos más usuarios de Informix, más miembros de IIUG, más grupos locales, una mejor conferencia y mas contenido en IIUG Insider. Que sea un año interesante y prospero para todos en el marco laboral. Les deseo a todos un feliz año, lleno de paz. Thanks to Noemi Lerner-Somech for the Spanish translation. German Ein frohes neues Jahr wünsche ich allen Mitgliedern der IIUG ! In 2010 hat IBM Informix 11.7 — interner Projektname "Panther" - auf den Markt gebracht. Im Gegensatz zu seinen Vorgänger - "Cheetah" -, erhielt Panther keine neue Haupt-Versionsnummer. Schaut man sich jedoch die Liste der neu hinzugekommenen Funktionen an, dann ist Panther ohne Zweifel ein gewaltiger Schritt nach vorne. Die IIUG Informix Konferenz, die vom 15. bis 18.05.2011 in Kansas (USA) stattfindet, bietet sicherlich die beste Gelegenheit einen tiefen Einblick in die neuen Funktionalitäten zu erhalten. Es gibt immer viele gute Gründe an unserer Konferenz teilzunehmen. In diesem Jahr stellt die Möglichkeit das neue Panther Release näher kennenzulernen einen großen Mehrwert dar. Ich habe seit IDS 10 (als es intern noch 9.5 genannt wurde) am Informix Betaprogramm teilgenommen. Es ist eine großartige Erfahrung und man hat einerseits die Möglichkeit Informix zu helfen und andererseits das Produkt noch besser kennenzulernen. Seit Version 10 ist jede neue Version voll mit neuen Funktionalitäten, die DBA's schon immer ersehnt haben. Auch Panther hat diese neuen Funktionen, aber die Möglichkeit, mit Flexible Grid hochverfügbare Datenbank-Cluster aus heterogenen Hardware- und Software-Komponenten zu relisieren, ist etwas von dem wir CIO's nur träumen konnten. Diese einzigartige, mächtige und flexible verteilte Umgebung ohne Neu-Investitionen in Hardware zu erhalten, lässt einen CIO Traum wahr werden. Ich weiss, dass viele von Euch Bedenken hinsichtlich der Sichtbarkeit von Informix in der Presse bzw. am Markt haben. Diesmal teile ich diese Bedenken nicht. Wie ein Panther in der Wildbahn heuert das Informix-Team neue Leute an, um zum Sprung anzusetzen. In Laufe des Jahres 2011 werden wir die Resultate sehen. Ich wünsche mir, dass 2011 besser den je für IBM und Informix wird. Mehr Informix Anwender, mehr IIUG Mitglieder, mehr lokale Anwendervereinigungen (User Groups), ein noch größere und bessere Konferenz, mehr Inhalte für den IIUG Insider, ein interessantes und profitables Jahr für Euch alle in Eurem Berufsleben und insgesamt ein frohes und glückliches Jahr. Thanks to Eric Herber for the German translation. Gary Ben-Israel
Holiday greetings ![]() Even as IIUG President, I've never really known if we published at the end of the month or the beginning of the month. So this is either an "end of the year 2010" or the "start of the 2011 New Year" column. To go along with the idea of looking forward and to go along with the wonderful stolen graphic (hey I am a database person, what do I know about art work?), let's look forward and positively to 2011. 2010 brought us a year of changes in the Informix community from IBM. In with a new IBM executive overseeing the day-to-day operations of Informix at IBM: Robert Thomas, Vice President of Business Development for IBM Information Management. If you have not yet read Rob's letter to the Informix community, I strongly suggest you take a peak and of course, show it to the management at your company. For much of the past nine and a half years (yes January 1, 2011 marks the nine and a half year anniversary of the Informix buy-out), people have had it in their minds that Informix, or Informix Dynamic Server, was going away. Well, after nine and a half years, can we please put that rumor to bed!! Informix is here to stay. After all, IBM is a business; one that is in, well, the business of making money. They have stockholders to answer to and when you kill a very profitable and successful business or product line, stockholders get mad. So yes, I will tell you that Informix is profitable and successful and leave you to do the rest of the math. Enough of the rumor. Informix is here to stay. We just had a major release (although you would hardly know it with that massive IBM Marketing machine not telling anyone) and the next release is already on the drawing board. From where I sit, Informix has never been stronger at IBM! What else is new for 2011... The 2011 IIUG Informix Conference planning is well underway. This year we had to push the date into May as our usual date, the last week of April, ran up against Easter and Passover. So into May we went, which promises (I HOPE) to not have as much rain as previous years in Kansas City. A few weeks ago the Conference team met to review all the submitted sessions and they have been working even through the holiday to finalize the 80+ selected sessions from a RECORD submission crop of sessions! For more information on the conference, visit a href="http://www.iiug.org/conf">www.iiug.org/conf. Remember, at the end of January the price will increase so if you are an IIUG member, register before January 31, 2011 and lock in the conference rate of $525! Back to our friend Rob Thomas. There has been much talk of Rob's four point plan (I always love when people have a X number point plan), and Rob's #1 point is to "Delight the Informix customer base." There has been much talk on the Internet as to whether or not IBM has achieved this. It is of course up for debate and while I don't wish to debate it here and now, I will say this; they are surely trying each and every day. Following my long note is a note by Steve Shoaf from IBM. Steve is the WorldWide IBM Informix Seals Leader and heads now what IBM calls a "SWAT Team". Are as confused as I was about the meaning of an IBM "SWAT Team"? It is a group of dedicated sales people from around the world who ONLY sell, promote and deal with Informix. So please read Steve's note. I could of course ramble on as I usually do, but we don't want to make the Insider too much longer so I will stop with one last thought or request. I am compiling a list of "Why I (or my company) use Informix?" Why am I looking for these answers? I want to put them here and elsewhere when I write. I just ask one favor of you when you submit them; Can I use your name and/or your company's name? Submit your thoughts to me at www.iiug.org/president. Happy 2011 to all, and as a past Informix Product Manager use to say to me, "I will be happy when Informix has world domination." This is my wish for 2011! Stuart Litel Informix in 2010 — Outlook for 2011 If there is any one year that must rank as the most important year for Informix it is this past year - 2010. This year we've seen the launch of the Informix Business Imperatives, new and re-focused Direct and Channel marketing teams, the launch of the Informix Sales Tiger Team, and a new release with new pricing. With the four essential elements (business strategy, marketing team, sales focus, and product capability) in place I believe IBM is in the best position since the acquisition in 2001 to support our customers and drive growth of Informix sales. I am particularly heartened by the comments this year from the many ISV's, and Systems Integrators selling with Informix that the changes we've made have helped them grow their business. Looking forward to 2011, I am even more encouraged by our plans related to v.Next. The new capabilities planned are truly game changers and prove without doubt that Informix product investment by IBM continues and delivering unique and robust functional capabilities to market remains the primary goal of our development team. It is interesting to note that the 10 year anniversary of the acquisition occurs this year. I am very pleased that our many customers and channel partners are still committed to the product As we enter the second decade of Informix at IBM I can tell you without any reservation that the team now responsible for Informix product development, marketing, and sales from executive to Tiger Team sales leader is more committed than ever before. It is the team's enthusiasm and sense of purpose that is most fulfilling to be part of - we're on a mission I am truly excited about our prospects this year. Happy New Year and will see you at the IIUG Conference in May! Steve Shoaf WW Informix Sales Leader Informix fans: As 2010 comes to a close, I wanted to express sincere enthusiasm to work for fellow Informix fanatics. 2010 has been a great year for Informix Support and me personally. In November I was promoted to Senior Manager, Informix Support replacing Charles Gonsalves. There is no place I'd rather be then with a business community I unequivocally believe in. I'm both excited and committed to maintain the unparalleled support you've come to expect! A few quick comments therein: By now you should be aware of the new Informix strategy. From a support perspective, this has been driven under the leadership of Al Martin (Director, WW Data Management Support; also IBM representative to the IIUG Board). Working to "Delight the Install Base", and in fielding your feedback, Al and I feel we have a line up of deliverables that serve to be key differentiators for Informix. These include: Multichannel Support Offerings:
We strive to be the BEST. Please reach out if you have any comments, questions, or concerns around your Informix experience. Your feedback and observations are of paramount importance to the Informix Support Team. Most importantly, as you all take time to enjoy your family and friends, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas ... Happy Holidays and great success in 2011!! P.S: I hope to see most of you at the 2011 IIUG conference in Kansas. Please visit the conference landing page if you have not done so already and get an overview of all the great sessions and offerings at the conference. It is one event you should not miss! URL: http://www.iiug.org/conf Happy Holidays!!! Sincerely, Pradeep Kutty Email: pkutty@us.ibm.com Informix Support Information sources:
2011 IIUG Informix Conference Update The speaker submissions for the 2011 IIUG Conference have been overwhelming this year. The submissions cover a wide variety of topics including: administration, new features, development and security. Selected speakers are among some of the best in the Informix community and include some new speakers. The IIUG Conference committee worked through December to review all submitted presentations to select the very best sessions, hands-on-labs and tutorials for the 2011 Conference. Selected sessions include relevant topics that can be used to reinforce your professional skills and keep current in today.s changing market. Please continue to review the conference website for regular updates at http://www.iiug.org/conf. The Conference website will be updated as speakers confirm their selection to include details of sessions, hands-on-labs and tutorials. The 2011 IIUG Conference should be the best conference to date. To take advantage of the early bird registration price of $625, register for the Conference by January 31, 2011. Save an additional $100 if you are an IIUG member. If you are not currently an IIUG member and want to take advantage of the additional $100 savings, please go to http://www.iiug.org/iiug/join.html. There is no fee to become an IIUG member. Becoming a member will increase your Conference savings. To register for the Conference or for additional information, go to http://www.iiug.org/conf. Are you having problems convincing your supervisor of the benefits of attending the 2011 IIUG Conference? If so, check out our justification document that can be found at http://www.iiug.org/conf/2011/iiug/2011_IIUG_Justification.pdf. This document provides information you can use to support your Conference attendance proposal. Remember, this is still the best conference you will find for the money! See you at the Conference! May 15 — 18, 2011
IBM Support Take advantage of key Support and product benefits - renew your S&S When you renew your Software Subscription and Support you not only compliment but protect your software investments with the latest innovations. Renew your S&S for continued access to:
Learn more and remember to renew today! http://www.iiug.org/url/ibm_support.html Education Complimentary Information Management Training PlansThe key to a successful training engagement is the planning and requirements gathering that precedes it. A poorly implemented training plan can impose increased costs on organizations, whereas developing a formal training plan that matches your corporate needs and audience with available training options can provide effective skills development for increased implementation success. Training plans offered by IBM Information Management Education are a complimentary service that will take the guess work out of the process. We will work with your organization to create a customized training plan to guide you through the creation, budgeting, scheduling and selection of your training program. Learn more: http://www.iiug.org/url/imtp.html Study when and where you want: Data Management Self-Paced Virtual Classes The IBM Data Management portfolio continues to grow to help you advance your skills. Study when and where you want with unlimited access to courses and labs for 90 days. There are over 20 courses to choose from, our latest courses include:
Learn more: http://www.iiug.org/url/virtual_classes.html Take it Again: Take it once... take it twice with Information Management Certification Take It Again is a voucher program, offered worldwide, by IBM Professional Certification. With Take It Again you may purchase specially priced vouchers so that in the event you do not pass an exam on your first attempt, you may quickly and easily retake the same exam for no additional costs. Learn more: http://www.ibm.com/certify/process/tia.shtml Advanced DataToolsLearn How to become the FASTEST Informix DBA from Lester Knutsen and Art Kagel! March 14-17, 2011 - Advanced Informix Performance Tuning Course This course is for database administrators and application developers who will be responsible for managing, optimizing, and tuning an IDS database server. The focus is on skills, procedures, and scripts to improve the performance of your database server. The course will provide a toolkit of scripts and utilities to start monitoring and optimizing your IDS database server. (Cost $2,000 USD) Class times are 9am to 5pm; dress is casual. For directions and hotels near Advanced DataTools' Office, see: http://www.advancedatatools.com/OurCompany/DirectionsMapsHotels.pdf For information and to register visit http://www.advancedatatools.com/Training/InformixTraining.html or call (703) 256-0267 Ext.101
Exploring Array Fetching in ESQL/C Array fetching is an Embedded SQL in C technique for retrieving large quantities of data very quickly. My dbcopy utility uses this technique. I have found that using array fetching can improve the runtime of large batch type processes significantly. The downside of using array fetching is that you must use dynamic SQL techniques using sqlda structures manually build or modify the sqlda contents. Fortunately, if your query is well defined, this is no complicated. Doing this for an unknown SQL statement, as I do in dbcopy, is quite complicated, but for a known query, it is not so bad. Here are the steps:
That is all of the preparatory work you need to do. The actual data processing will differ from your normal processing cycle only slightly. If you structure things correctly, however, the code will not have to change very much at all. What I typically do is to declare a structure for my record just as I would for a "normal" type of fetch cycle, except that it is an array of pointers to the correct type instead of an array of variables. Then I link the array for each column into the structure. I do the same for the indicator variables. Here's some sample code for a very simple query. Note the comments for further hints:
Obviously a real program will have lots of error checking included, but I've left that all out to save space. Compile with:
And run it:
Art S. Kagel New in DeveloperWorksIBM Informix Dynamic Server Enterprise Replication templates
Get started with the IBM Data Server CLI Driver for Informix
Upgrade Informix high availability clusters online
For more information go to DeveloperWorks - Informix: http://www.iiug.org/url/devworks.html
Informix Database: Total Economic Impact and Panther An InformationWeek Webcast Replay: http://www.iiug.org/url/infoweek_replay.html Duration: 60 minutes Few companies have a meaningful way to measure the value of IT and IT projects before making an investment. Technology providers frequently talk about features and functions but sometimes forget to help potential clients understand benefits. Jon Erickson of Forrester Consulting will present the results of an IBM commissioned study which examines the total economic impact and potential return on investment (ROI) that organizations may realize by deploying IBM Informix database software. The study uses a comprehensive methodology to bring third-party, objective ROI analysis to organizations considering the use of Informix. Richard Wozniak of IBM will also provide a brief overview of the recently released Informix "Panther" which extends the capabilities of Informix with greater simplicity, power and flexibility.
Informix 11.7 North American Roadshow Save The Date!!!! The Informix 11.7 North American Roadshow is coming to a location near you! At the recent IBM Information on Demand Conference, IBM announced the latest in a continuing series of updates and enhancements to IBM Informix Dynamic Server -- version 11.7! This new release continues to enhance and extend the market leading technology of Informix in a number of key areas including data replication and clustering, ease-of-use, security, and scalability. To help you learn more about what Informix 11.7 has to offer, IBM is sponsoring a FREE, 2-day hands-on seminar at a number of locations across the United States and Canada. Events are also planned for other geographic regions. In these seminars you'll get a full explanation of all the latest technologies and features including Informix Flexible Grid, Informix Automatic Storage Provisioning, application development enhancements, migration assistant, instance cloning and more. Several hands-on labs will give you the ability to use some of these technologies in real-world conditions. The North American Informix 11.7 Roadshow cities are listed below. A registration link with location and other information for each event will be available shortly.
We look forward to seeing you and telling all about the great things Informix is doing! Carlton Doe
How to generate schema for storage spaces? Starting with Informix 11.70, the dbschema utility now can generate the schema of storage spaces, chunks, and physical and logical logs. You can choose to generate schema either SQL administration API commands format or non-SQL format, which equivalent of onspaces and onparams utility commands. This new enhancement of dbschema allows you to quickly reproduce the necessary command to duplicate a storage space. For example, you might want to generate the schema before you use the dbexport and dbimport utilities to move data or before you drop a space that you might want to regenerate at a later date. There might be a situation when you need to do a disk initialization but want to maintain all the storage spaces, chunks, physical and logical logs layout afterward. The simple solution is capture the storage space schema before disk initialization and once disk initialized use the same storage space schema to recreate all necessary storage spaces. Let's take a look how you can generate storage schema. There is couple of new options added to dbschema utility. The .dbschema -c command. generates SQL administration API commands for reproducing storage spaces, chunks, logical logs, and physical logs. If you use the "dbschema -c -ns" command, the database server generates onspaces or onparams utility commands for reproducing storage spaces, chunks, physical logs, and logical logs. For example:
Regardless of the situation, it.s a good idea to generate and keep a copy of storage schema output, which can save time and effort in case of a disaster. Sanjit Chakraborty
Informix blogs and things
The International Informix Users Group (IIUG) is an organization designed to enhance communications between its worldwide user community and IBM. The IIUG's membership database now exceeds 25,000 entries and enjoys the support and commitment of IBM's Data Management division. Key programs include local user groups and special interest groups, which we promote and assist from launch through growth.
For comments, please send an email to gary@iiug.org. |
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