
IIUG Insider (Issue #114)
December 2009

Other Issues

Highlights: Happy New Year

Welcome to the International Informix Users Group (IIUG) Insider! Designed for IIUG members and Informix user group leaders, this publication contains timely and relevant information for the IBM Informix community.



Editorial Back to top

Happy new year to all IIUG members!

2009 was a great year. Informix IDS is getting better with every fix pack. We are now at IDS xC5 and IDS xC6 is just about to be GA. Actually the term fix pack is misleading. On every release there are major enhancements and improvements.

2010 is going to be the year of the Panther. We are all hyped for this next major step for IDS. I have been participating in the IDS beta program since IDS10 (when it was still called 9.5). It is a great experience and an opportunity to combine helping Informix with getting to know the product. In production we are on IDS 11.5 xC5, so we are not far behind.

In 2009 we had our second IIUG Informix International conference. Despite the economy it was a great success. I cannot wrap up the year without thanking the group of volunteers who served on the Conference Planning Committee and the IIUG Board of Directors for keeping up this great event. In 2010 we are having our conference once again in Kansas. The proximity to the Lenexa labs and the attractive hotel pricing are hard to beat.

At work, I had a wonderful year as well. We migrated most our 4GL code to Java EE. The project is going smoothly as planned. Java and Informix is a perfect match and we are able to get the same performance we had in our 4GL programs.

I wish 2010 will be better than ever for IBM and Informix. More Informix users, more IIUG members, more local user groups, a bigger and better conference, more content for the IIUG Insider, an interesting and profitable year to you all at work and a happy and peaceful year all together.


Bonne et heureuse année à chaque membre d’IIUG !

[NDT : Comme chaque année je traduis l’éditorial de Gary Ben-Israel et ce sont donc ses pensées qui sont ici reflétées].

2009 a été une superbe année [NDT : là, ça n’engage que lui].

Informix IDS devient meilleur après chaque fix pack. Nous sommes actuellement à IDS [NDT : 11.5] xC5 et IDS xC6 est sur le point d’être livré.

Le terme de fix pack peut être un peu trompeur. Sur chaque livraison, il y a des améliorations.

2010 va être l’année de la panthère. Nous sommes tous très excités par cette étape majeure pour IDS. Je participe au programme Beta d’IDS depuis la version 10 (alors qu’elle ne s’appelait encore que 9.5). C’est une expérience formidable et une opportunité de combiner à la fois de l’aide sur Informix et d’améliorer sa connaissance du produit. En production, nous sommes sur IDS 11.5 xC5, nous ne sommes pas très loin derrière.

En 2009, nous avons organisé notre deuxième conférence IIUG Informix Conference. Malgré une économie en berne, elle a été un réel succès. Je ne peux terminer cette année sans remercier ce merveilleux groupe de volontaire que sont le Conference Planning Committee et le directoire d’IIUG (Board of Directors) qui ont permis la réalisation de cet événement exceptionnel. En 2010, nous aurons de nouveau notre conférence au Kansas. La proximité des labs de Lenexa et le tarif des hôtels sont des arguments convaincants.

Du côté de mon job, j’ai eu une année formidable. Nous avons migré la plupart de nos applications 4GL vers Java EE. Le projet se déroule sans accroc, comme prévu. Java et Informix sont vraiment faits l’un pour l’autre : d’ailleurs, nous obtenons les mêmes performances que nous avions avec 4GL.

J’espère que 2010 sera la meilleure de toutes les années pour Informix et IBM. Je souhaite plus d’utilisateurs Informix, plus de membres d’IIUG, plus de groupes locaux, une meilleure et plus grande conférence, plus de contenu pour l’IIUG Insider, une année intéressante et profitable pour vous et une année de paix pour vous tous.

Traduit par Jean Georges Perrin,


¡Feliz Año Nuevo a todos los miembros de IIUG!

2009 fue un gran año. Informix IDS se supera cada lanzamiento (fix pack). En este momento es IDS xC5 y IDS xC6 esta a punto de ser GA. En realidad el termino “fix pack” no es del todo exacto, ya que cada lanzamiento incluye mejoras importantes.

2010 va ha ser el año de la Pantera. Estamos todos muy entusiasmados con este gran paso para IDS. Yo personalmente participo en el programa IDS beta desde IDS10. (Cuando aun se llamaba 9.5). Es una gran experiencia y una oportunidad para combinar el ayudar a Informix y conocer al producto.

En produccion estamos en IDS 11.5 xC5, asi que no estamos para nada atrasados.

Durante 2009 tuvimos nuestra segunda Conferencia Internacional IIUG Informix. Apesar de la crisis economica fue un gran exito. No podria finalizar el año sin antes agradecer enormemente al grupo de voluntarios del Comite de Planeamiento de la Conferencia y a la Junta Directiva del IIUG por hacer posible que este gran evento sea realidad.

En 2010 volveremos a tener la conferencia en Kansas. La proximidad a los laboratorios Lenexa y los atractivos precios de los hoteles son ventajas imbatibles.

En el trabajo, tuve también un año maravilloso. Convertimos nuestro codigo 4GL a Java EE. El proyecto avanza sobre ruedas. Java e Informix son una combinacion perfecta y podemos lograr el mismo desempe ño que en nuestros programas 4GL.

Deseo que el 2010 sea aun mejor para IBM e Informix, con mas usuarios de Informix, mas miembros de IIUG, mas grupos locales de usuarios, una mejor y mayor conferencia, mas contenido para IIUG Insider. Mis mejores augurios de un año prospero e interesante en el trabajo, y un 2010 lleno de paz y felicidad para todos ustedes.

Thanks to Andrea Abramzon for the Spanish translation.


Ein frohes neues Jahr wünsche ich allen IIUG Mitgliedern!

2009 war ein grossartiges Jahr.

Informix IDS wird mit jedem Fixpack noch besser. Wir sind nun bei IDS xC5 angelangt und xC6 steht kurz vor der Freigabe.

Eigentlich ist der Begriff Fixpack irreführend. In jeder Version (Fixpack) sind größere Erweiterungen und Verbesserungen enthalten.

2010 wird das Jahr des Panthers sein. Wir sind alle sehr gespannt auf den nächsten großen Wurf hinsichtlich IDS.

Ich nehme an den IDS Beta-Programmen seit IDS10 teil (als es zunächst noch 9.5 genannt wurde). Es ist eine großartige Erfahrung und bietet die Möglichkeit sowohl Informix zu helfen als auch das Produkt noch tiefer kennenzulernen.

In Produktion sind wir bereits auf IDS 11.5 xC5. Wir hängen also kaum hinterher.

In 2009 fand unsere zweite internationale IIUG Informix Konferenz statt. Trotz der Wirtschaftslage war die Konferenz ein großer Erfolg. Ich kann das Jahr nicht abschließen, ohne den freiwilligen Helfern, die im Konferenz-Planungs-Komitee und im Vorstand der IIUG tätig sind, für die Fortführung dieser einzigartigen Veranstaltung zu danken.

In 2010 wir unsere Konferenz wieder in Kansas stattfinden. Sowohl die Nähe zu den Labors in Lenexa als auch die attraktiven Hotelpreise sind kaum zu schlagen.

Im Job hatte ich ebenfalls ein wundervolles Jahr. Wir haben den Großteil unserer 4GL-Programme auf Java EE migriert. Das Projekt schreitet reibungslos wie geplant voran. Java und Informix ergänzen sich perfekt und wir konnten die gleichen Performance wie mit unseren 4GL-Programmen erzielen.

Ich wünsche mir, dass 2010 so gut wie nie zuvor für IBM und Informix wird. Mehr Informix Benutzer, mehr IIUG Mitglieder, mehr lokale Usergroups, eine größere und noch bessere Konferenz, mehr Inhalte für den IIUG Insider, ein interessantes und erfolgreiches Jahr für Euch alle in Eurem Job und ein frohes und friedvolles Jahr für die ganze Welt.

Thanks to Eric Herber for the German translation.


Feliz ano novo a todos os membros do IIUG!

2009 foi um grande ano.

Informix IDS está cada vez melhor, em cada novo pacote ("fix pack") ele melhora, estamos agora em IDS xC5 e IDS xC6 est á a ponto de tornar-se GA.

No fundo, o termo "fix pack" não faz jus ao pacote. Pois cada lançamento agrega avanços e melhoras significantes.

2010 será o ano da Pantera. Estamos todos vibrando com esta nova etapa do IDS.

Estou participando do IDS Beta program desde IDS10 (quando ele era ainda conhecido como 9.5). Ē uma grande experiência e uma maneira fantástica de conciliar entre ajudar a Informix e ter a oportunidade de conhecer melhor o produto.

Em termos de trabalho vivo ("production") estamos em IDS 11.5 xC5 de maneira que estamos acompanhando as coisas bem de perto.

Em 2009 realizamos nossa segunda conferência internacional IIUG Informix e a despeito da situação economica mundial, ela foi um grande sucesso. E eu não poderia fechar o relatório anual sem agradecer ao grupo de voluntários que acessorou o Comitê de Planejamento da Conferência e à Diretoria da IIUG pelo apoio a este grande evento.

Em 2010 vamos realizar nossa conferência novamente em Kansas. A proximidade aos laboratórios Lenexa e os preços atrativos dos hotéis são imbatíveis.

No trabalho, tive um excelente ano também. Transferimos a maior parte de nosso código 4GL a Java EE. O projeto está progredindo de acordo com os planos. Java e Informix formam uma dupla perfeita e conseguimos manter o mesmo desempenho que tinhamos em nossos programas 4GL.

Vão aí os meus votos para que 2010 seja melhor do que nunca para a IBM e Informix. Mais usuários de Informix, mais membros no IIUG, uma maior e melhor conferência, mais conteúdo para o IIUG Insider; que seja um ano próspero e interessante com muita paz e felicidade a todos.

Gary Ben-Israel
IIUG Insider Editor

Highlights Back to top

Happy New Year

I would like to wish you all a wonderful year.

In our Informix world the highlight of 2010 will be the next Informix release (code name: Panther). We all have high expectations but I believe that once again we will have a pleasant surprise. I am sure that in the Silicon world, unlike the Carbon, the Panther will be faster than the Cheetah.

Conference corner Back to top

2010 IIUG Informix Conference Update

Registration for the 2010 IIUG Informix Conference is open. Join us April 25 - 28 in Overland Park (Kansas City), KS. The 2010 conference will include Sunday in-depth tutorials, plus 3 full days of conference seminars with over 80 topics to choose from. This conference will introduce several new speakers, offering new and relevant topics related to using IBM Informix to meet your training needs.

Sign up by the Early Bird date of January 15, 2010 and receive a $100 discount off the price of registration. IIUG members can save an additional $100. Make the most of your $200 savings, and get more out of the conference, by applying your savings to one or more of the tutorials offered on Sunday April 25. One half-day tutorial is $150 or you can attend two half-day tutorials or one full-day tutorial for $250.

Reinforce your professional skills and distinguish yourself in today's competitive environment by becoming IBM Certified. IBM Informix certification testing will be available again during this year's conference at no cost to attendees. Test your knowledge and become certified in areas of Optimization, Tuning, Administration and 4GL programming. Test in one or more disciplines while attending the conference.

Still haven't read enough to justify attending the 2010 IIUG Informix Conference? Check out additional reasons in our justification document at The Conference, including seminar content, tutorials, certification testing and the opportunity to speak with Informix-specific professionals, is definitely a bargain when considering where to invest your 2010 training dollars.

Hope to see you at the conference!

For more information and to register, go to

Education Back to top

Advanced DataTools

Informix Training Schedule for 2010

All courses may be taken online on the web from your desk or at our training center in Virginia. All you need is a web browser and a SSH client (like Putty) to connect to the lab machines in our office.

New and Updated Course - Advanced Informix IDS Performance Tuning and Optimization

Do you want to learn how to be the FASTEST Informix DBA? This is the course our Fastest Informix DBA contest was developed from and will increase your database performance tuning skills.

2010 Course Schedules

  • March 1-4, 2010 - Informix IDS for Database Administrators.

    This course is for database administrators, programmers, and technical support personnel who will be setting up, managing, and tuning IBM Informix IDS 11 or 10 databases. (Cost $2,000 USD)

  • May 24-27, 2010 - Advanced Informix IDS Performance Tuning and Optimization.

    This course is for database administrators and application developers who will be responsible for managing, optimizing, and tuning an IDS database server. The focus is on skills, procedures, and scripts to improve the performance of your database server. The course will provide a toolkit of scripts and utilities to start monitoring and optimizing your IDS database server. (Cost $2,000 USD)

  • July 26-29, 2010 - Informix IDS for Database Administrators.

    This course is for database administrators, programmers, and technical support personnel who will be setting up, managing, and tuning IBM Informix IDS 11 or 10 databases. (Cost $2,000 USD)

  • September 27-30, 2010 - Advanced Informix IDS Performance Tuning and Optimization.

    This course is for database administrators and application developers who will be responsible for managing, optimizing, and tuning an IDS database server. The focus is on skills, procedures, and scripts to improve the performance of your database server. The course will provide a toolkit of scripts and utilities to start monitoring and optimizing your IDS database server. (Cost $2,000 USD)

  • November 15-18, 2010 - Advanced Informix IDS Performance Tuning and Optimization.

    This course is for database administrators and application developers who will be responsible for managing, optimizing, and tuning an IDS database server. The focus is on skills, procedures, and scripts to improve the performance of your database server. The course will provide a toolkit of scripts and utilities to start monitoring and optimizing your IDS database server. (Cost $2,000 USD)

Class times are 9am to 5pm; dress is casual. For directions and hotels near Advanced DataTools' office see

Registration Information: or call 703-256-0267 x101 for more information and to register.

For more Information visit

Fast Data Warehouse Development in Informix - Best Practices WebCast Series

Replay Ziff Davis eSeminar - Extracting Value from Data: Building Data Warehouses with IBM Informix by Lester Knutsen (September 17, 2009)

To Register -

New Webcasts:

  • Rapid Data Warehouse Development - Build a Pilot in 8 weeks!
    Date: Tuesday January 26, 2010
    Time: 2:00pm EST
  • Fast Data Warehouse Schemas - Deploying a Star Schema
    Date: Tuesday February 23, 2010
    Time: 2:00pm EST
  • Successfully Transform and Load Your DataWarehouse - Using the Informix Data Warehouse Feature
    Date: Tuesday March 30, 2010
    Time: 2:00pm EST
  • Key to Enterprise Data Warehouse Development - Data Marts are Building Blocks to the Enterprise
    Date: Tuesday Apri 20, 2010
    Time: 2:00pm EST

To Register -

Contact us for more information and to discuss your unique data warehouse needs:

Call: 1-800-807-6732 x101
Request for Information Form


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Developer corner Back to top

Informix Chat with the Lab

Informix Chat with the Lab

Topic:    HDR Best Practices and Performance Tuning
Date:    Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Time:    GMT-06:00
8:30 AM Pacific
10:30 AM Central
11:30 AM Eastern
4:30 PM London
5:30 PM Paris
Presented By:    Ronald Privett (IBM)

Join IBM Advanced Support Engineer Ronald Privett at the upcoming Informix Chat with the Labs as he discusses IDS HDR best practices. This session will review some of the common problems and pitfalls in setting up and using HDR systems, and provide our recommendation for the Best Practice. When running HDR, performance can become an issue. We will also cover methods to determine where performance bottlenecks are and how to resolve them.

Jerry Keesee, Director of the Informix Lab will introduce the call and Ronald Privett, Informix Advanced Support Engineer, will be our technical speaker.

Presentation material will be available at prior to the event.

Register at

New in DeveloperWorks

Protect your data with Secure Sockets Layer support in Informix Dynamic Server, Part 1: Setting up SSL support in IDS
Learn how to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) feature of IBM Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 to encrypt data in transit from client to server.
17 Dec 2009

IBM Informix
IBM Informix software delivers superior database performance for transaction intensive environments. developerWorks is the technical resource center for IBM Informix software, including technical articles, documentation, downloads, and support information.
17 Dec 2009

DBA Central
developerWorks DBA Central page is the technical resource center for the IBM Information Management database administrator and includes technical articles, tutorials, downloads, tools, code samples, and more.
17 Dec 2009

Information Management and XML technology
Support for XML in IBM Information Management products fosters the dynamic representation of data in a format that can be easily shared across databases and across platforms. developerWorks is the technical resource center for using XML technology with DB2, Informix, U2, and all the IBM Information Management products.
17 Dec 2009

Use REALbasic to develop Informix Dynamic Server database applications on Mac OS
In this tutorial, see how to develop IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) database applications for Apple Mac OS using REALbasic. REALbasic is a cross-platform programming language and development platform that you can use to write a single application code base and deploy it on Mac as well as Linux and Windows platforms. This tutorial shows you how to develop REALbasic database applications on Mac OS that leverage the functionality of IDS on the Mac OS platform.
14 Dec 2009

Information Management and SOA
Learn how you can use SOA and Web services technology with IBM Information Management products.
10 Dec 2009

Open source development for Information Management
Use PHP and other open source tools to develop applications for IBM Information Management servers.
03 Dec 2009

For more information go to DeveloperWorks - Informix:

Informix support Corner Back to top

Have you tried the New Automatic Update Statistics?

If you have ever investigated performance tuning, you are well aware that correct optimizer statistics is probably one important area on which to spend your tuning effort. Good performance requires up-to-date statistics. Prior to IDS version 11, optimizer statistics could only be updated manually; thus the first task on most performance troubleshooting checklists was to update the statistics on all tables and indexes needed by the problematic queries. Starting in IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) version 11, IDS updates optimizer statistics automatically which greatly reduces the chances of your statistics being outdated.

Automatic Update statistics or AUS was introduced in IDS version 11.50 to automate the maintenance of optimizer statistics. It is a significant step towards administration-free database system.

Many of you might use some kind of script to run update statistics. Probably you run the script as a cron job to run automatically at a certain time and date. AUS does the exact same thing without any user intervention. AUS identifies all tables and indexes that require new optimizer statistics and executes appropriate update statistics commands to optimize query performance within a specific time period. It is very important that database transaction logging be turned on for AUS to run on tables and indexes in the database.

It is not only IDS, but most database servers maintain some kind of table and index statistics for optimizing query performance. In the IDS world, administrators must update statistics and distributions to influence the optimizer to run queries efficiently. Users often overlook this part and run into poor query performance.

The optimizer is a complex and mysterious object. It is true that update statistics commands you run today may not produce optimum performance after a certain period. It is also possible that similar database instances on different machines may need different update statistics commands for the same query. Most common questions around update statistics are: "What kind of statistics, distribution needs to update and when to run update statistics?" With AUS implementation you don't need to worry about all these questions. AUS will run the correct update statistics commands automatically for you.

Sanjit Chakraborty
Advanced Technical Support Engineer

IBM Corner Back to top

Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 Fundamentals exam 555 Certification Preparation, Part 5: Using SQL
Get an introduction to SQL, and learn how Informix Dynamic Server uses SQL to manipulate data in a relational database.

"Data Warehousing with the Informix Dynamic Server" IBM Redbook is Now Available
This publication describes the technical information and demonstrates the functions and capabilities of the Informix Dynamic Server Warehouse Feature. It can help you understand how to develop a data warehousing architecture and infrastructure to meet your particular requirements, with the Informix Dynamic Server. Download this new book now!

Listen to the Replay of "Surviving Changing Retail Paradigms in Today's World"
If you missed the Webcast, you can now listen to the replay of "Surviving Retail Paradigms in Today's World." You'll learn how IBM Informix, along with IBM solidDB and the IBM Retail Integration Framework can deliver solutions that allow you to quickly and accurately access and process vast amounts of customer, inventory, and sales data so you can personalize services, reduce downtime and lead times to fuel customer sales.

IBM Helps Konkan Railway Build A Smarter Railroad in India
Learn how India's youngest rail operator, Konkan Railway, is leveraging an IBM Informix solution to extract fresh insight to improve its trains' management system, to ensure commuter safety, and reduce energy costs by 20%. For more than 10 years, the software has supported Konkan Railway, streamlining business services and keeping trains running on time.

Information On Demand EMEA Conference Papers Must Be Submitted by January 29
If you have an innovative Information On Demand solution or project that is delivering real business value-preferably in the EMEA region-consider submitting a paper for presentation at the IBM Information On Demand EMEA Conference 2010 to be held May 19-21 at the Marriott Park Hotel in Rome, Italy. Share your views, experiences, innovative solutions, the benefits you realized and the challenges you faced. All paper submissions will be evaluated by the Paper Selection committee. The conference fee for selected customer speakers will be waived (one per organization). Submit your paper today!

Informix resources Back to top

Informix Blogs and things  

Calendar of events Back to top

April - 2010
Date Event Location Contact
25-28 2010 IIUG Informix Conference Lenexa, Kansas

Useful links Back to top

In response to your input, we have created a page on the IIUG web site containing all the links we used to include. Please find it at:

Closing and credits Back to top

The International Informix Users Group (IIUG) is an organization designed to enhance communications between its worldwide user community and IBM. The IIUG's membership database now exceeds 25,000 entries and enjoys the support and commitment of IBM's Data Management division. Key programs include local user groups and special interest groups, which we promote and assist from launch through growth.

Sources:  IIUG Board of Directors
IBM Corp.
Editors:  Gary Ben-Israel
Tammy Frankforter

For comments, please send an email to