unl_utils ========= Utilities for converting csv-files to Informix unl-files and vice-versa. csv2unl - Converts a csv-file into an unl-file. unl2csv - Converts an unl-file into a csv-file. unl2err - Splits an unl-file into good/bad parts. csv_fix - 'Fixes' a malformed csv-file. (C) Richard Harnden, 2005 Please report bugs: Public Domain. Use/copy at will. No warranties, etc. Building ======== Just typing 'make' should do it. csv2unl ------- Converts a csv-file into an unl-file. csv2unl [-i ] [-o ] [-d ] [-h] [-F ] where: -i , take input from , default stdin. -o , send output to , default stdout. -d , use as the unl-delimiter, defaults to $DBDELIMITER or '|'. -h, the first line in the csv-file are headings. -F , force output to at least columns. unl2csv ------- Converts an unl-file into a csv-file. unl2csv [-i ] [-o ] [-d ] where: -i , take input from , default stdin. -o , send output to , default stdout. -d , use as the unl-delimiter, defaults to $DBDELIMITER or '|'. unl2err ------- Splits an unl-file into two parts: all rows with the same column count as the first line, and anything else. unl2err [-i ] [-o ] [-e ] where: -i , take input from , default stdin. -o , send good records to , default stdout. -e , send bad records to , default stderr. -d , use as the unl-delimiter, defaults to $DBDELIMITER or '|'. csv_fix ------- 'Fixes' a malformed csv-file. csv_fix [-i ] [-o ] where: -i , take input from , default stdin. -o , send output to , default stdout. -- "@(#) $Id: README,v 1.1 2005/04/13 12:49:45 richard Exp $"