# Description: # Display sql for active sessions # Optionally run onstat -g ses for any session # The display order defaults to number of threads descending # The display order can be changed to session id descending # # Usage: # onsts [-m|-s|-t] [-i] [ mask ] # Parameters: # -m Use -g mgm output as header screen (default # is -g ses) # -s Sort output by session-id (ignored if used # with -m) # -t Sort output by total threads (default) # -i Skip display of idle sessions (shows only those # sessions with current activity) # mask a reg-exp to filter the onstat -g ses output through. # Typically used to limit output to sessions for a # particular user. # Example: # onsts -i informix # Shows info sorted by number of threads for informix # sessions, ignoring inactive sessions. # Authors: # Richard Thomas # Peter Keogh ###################################################################