The files in this directory are to demonstrate the "pickdate" functionality for NewEra 2.0. Create a project including pickdate.4gl pickdafn.4gl and datetest.4gl. You need a stores6 database (from the "Demo DB Builder" program item in the NewEra program group) for the demo. Compile either as P-code or C-code executable. Use the rightMouseClick in any of the fields to see how the Window is used to populate a date SuperField, a text box, and a couple different DATETIMEs. Look at the code in the rightMouseClick events of the fields in datetest.wif to see how the window is used. There is also some initialization stuff in the start event of that wif. This code is offered without warranty or guarantee. I'll try to help, time allowing, if you have any problems. Contact If I had to do over again (and may some day), I'd probably make the date fields text boxes instead of buttons and used click() events like I used ixButton.activate(), mainly for esthetic reasons. Other than that I think it works rather well, although filling the ListBoxes for year and month seems to take longer than it should.