This tool lists all tables and indexes residing in a chunk. Basically it shows the output of oncheck -pe in a more readable format. To compile: esql -o listtabchunk usage: listtabchunk [-s server] -c chunk_path|[-a]|[-d dbspace][-o offset][-S][-m][-t][-i] -s server_name. If not specified, then INFORMIXSERVER will be used Remote server can be specified, provided trust relationship exists between the client and the server. -c chunk_path -o chunk offset. If not specified, then all offsets for that chunk will be printed -a for all chunks -d for all chunks of a dbspace -m print summary report only -S print database system tables also in the report **warning**: this option will increase the report size considerably -t restrict the report to only tables -i restrict the report to only indexes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Output of the tool is restricted to * database name first 18 characters. Name longer than 18 characters will be truncated with $ sign at the end of database name * owner name plus table/index name restricted to 45 characters. Name longer than 45 characters will be truncated with $ sign at the end of the table or index name