################################################################################ Tim Schaefer Informix Data Base Tools A complete collection of data base tools for Informix users ################################################################################ This represents a complete collection of tools I've used over the past 10 years or so, for Informix products. All tools were wriiten by me, and reflect some good and bad coding. Use what you can, forget the rest. :-) Tools are grouped into 4 directories: ids4gl - Tools for 4GL programming These are ancient tools, written 10 years ago or more but may still work for you. idsesqlc - Sample ESQL/C programs for demo/experimentation/utility Simple, yet functional ESQL/C programs for people that don't really program in C. idshtml - HTML Reports of data base information A report generator that creates a series of HTML reports of information about your database. This version creates HTML pages, it is not dynamic, but could be re-worked to be dynamic. idstools - ASCII Reports of data base information These are for DBAs and others interested in a lot of onstat-like information about your database. This collection is the most recently created and modified. If you have questions or comments please contact me at tim@datad.com Tim Schaefer tim@datad.com