******************************************************************** E X C E L F U N C T I O N S for I N F O R M I X 4 G L ******************************************************************** Author: Wai Meng Thum ******************************************************************** DESCRIPTION: This is the source code for Informix 4GL Excel 4.0 file creation functions. These functions were developed by referencing the Microsoft Excel File Format documentation by Daniel Rentz which is available at http://sc.openoffice.org/excelfileformat.pdf. Tested on - Informix 4GL Compiler Development Version 7.50.FC4 ******************************************************************** File(s): xlsfuncs.ec C source code for the Excel 4.0 file creation functions xlsfuncs.h C header file for xlsfuncs.ec testxls.4gl Sample Informix 4GL code calling the C functions testxls.xls Excel output from textxls.4gl Informix 4GL Excel functions.pdf Adobe PDF documentation on the C functions excelfileformat.pdf Adode PDF documentation by Daniel Rentz; available at http://sc.openoffice.org/excelfileformat.pdf cmp.sh compile script ********************************************************************