This is a very very rough 'n' ready bit of 4gl that will create an html output file similar to the windows defrag status screen. It displays a hex id for each extent it finds in each chunk for the supplied dbspace and displays it in green if it is either : 1) the first time that extent has been displayed or 2) it has been displayed previously immediately prior to the current extent. It displays it in red if it has been displayed previously but prior to the most recently displayed extent. Change the DATABASE statement at the top (or alter the code to accept it on the command line) and the output path (currently "/download/dba/mxp") to something sensible on your system before you use it. Compile it with c4gl or fglpc or i4gl or r4gl; run it with either "fglgo entropymap " or "./entropymap.4ge ". This was written on HP-UX 11i in r4gl V7.20 running IDS 9.30HC5. Open the output file in your browser and if you like, let me know what you think. Errr...... That's about it. Feel free to alter any or all of the code as you see fit to suit your application, but please mention my name if you do so! Thanks malcolm perrior capita co uk Malcolm Perrior Informix systems DBA, CAPITA March 11th 2008