INFORMIX - Useful database monitoring scripts Friends, Following scripts can be used to monitor database activities without typing onstat commands. This will greatly save your time and show you what is happening on your server. 01. Index printing. 02. Table Vs Dbspace Information 03. User flag reading (onstat -u) 04. Ontape archive log history (report) 05. Lists tables locked by users. 06. Lists all the users waiting for lock. 07. Table Information 08. Check the Dbspace free space status. 09. Check the user activity (onstat -g ses ) These scripts are written using shell/awk tools. Some scripts grep the data from onstat command or some uses Informix SMI tables. If you find anything wrong with the scripts, feel free to contact me so that i can make them more accurate. For comments, suggestions do write me at Note: Sample output of each script is attached at the end of it. -Prasad =========================================================================================== 01. Index printing. List the tables and their indexes with columns. This program accepts two parameters - Database name and table name. If table name is omitted, this will print indexes for all the tables in that database. Run as - $ [] ---Cut here # Utility to Print table and its indexes with column names # Written By - Prasad Mahale # Date - 05/01/1999 # Usage - indexes2 [
] # Friends, This utility may not be 100% correct. Feel free to modify this # according to your requirement. # If you find anything wrong in the logic of script or you have better version # of this utility or just even to send comments or suggestions, mail me at # # For sample output of this script, visit ############################################################################# if [ ! "$1" ] then echo echo "USAGE: $0 [
]" echo exit 2 fi database_name=$1 if [ ! "$2" ] then table_name="*" else table_name=$2 fi dbaccess $database_name 2> /dev/null << + unload to indexes2.out select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "1" sr, C.colname, B.part1 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part1) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "2" sr, C.colname, B.part2 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part2) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "3" sr, C.colname, B.part3 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part3) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "4" sr, C.colname, B.part4 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part4) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "5" sr, C.colname, B.part5 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part5) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "6" sr, C.colname, B.part6 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part6) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "7" sr, C.colname, B.part7 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part7) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "8" sr, C.colname, B.part8 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part8) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "9" sr, C.colname, B.part9 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part9) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "10" sr, C.colname, B.part10 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part10) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "11" sr, C.colname, B.part11 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part11) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "12" sr, C.colname, B.part12 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part12) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "13" sr, C.colname, B.part13 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part13) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "14" sr, C.colname, B.part14 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part14) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "15" sr, C.colname, B.part15 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part15) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" union select A.tabname, B.idxname, B.idxtype, "16" sr, C.colname, B.part16 part from informix.systables A, informix.sysindexes B, informix.syscolumns C where B.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabid > 99 and A.tabtype = "T" and abs(B.part16) = C.colno and C.tabid = A.tabid and A.tabname matches "$table_name" order by 1,2,4 + echo "TABLE NAME INDEX NAME TYPE # COLUMNS ORDER" echo "==============================================================================" cat indexes2.out | awk -F "|" '{ if ($6 < 0) { t_order= "desc"} else { t_order=""} if ($3 == "U") { t_type="Unique" } else { t_type="Duplic" } if (t_tab == $1) { if (t_col == $2) { printf("%-20s %-20s %-6s %-2s %-20s %-4s\n","","","",$4,$5,t_order) } else { printf("%-20s %-20s %-6s %-2s %-20s %-4s\n","",$2,t_type,$4,$5,t_order) } } else { printf( "%-20s %-20s %-6s %-2s %-20s %-4s\n",$1,$2,t_type,$4,$5,t_order) } t_tab=$1 t_col=$2 }' rm indexes2.out ---Cut here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *END OF SCRIPT* Sample Output - ============= TABLE NAME INDEX NAME TYPE # COLUMNS ORDER ============================================================================== ps_absence_hist ps_absence_hist Unique 1 emplid 2 empl_rcdn 3 begin_dt desc 4 absence_type psx_tree_save ps_psx_tree_save Unique 1 setid 2 tree_name 3 effdt desc psx_treedefnlng ps_psx_treedefnlng Unique 1 setid 2 tree_name 3 effdt desc 4 language_cd psxferitem ps_psxferitem Unique 1 menuname 2 itemname xlattable ps_xlattable Unique 1 fieldname 2 language_cd 3 fieldvalue 4 effdt psaxlattable Duplic 1 fieldname 2 language_cd 3 version psbxlattable Duplic 1 version xlattabledel ps_xlattabledel Unique 1 fieldname 2 language_cd 3 version psaxlattabledel Duplic 1 version =========================================================================================== 02. Table Vs Dbspace Information This scripts shows list of Dbspaces (with #chunks and size) and list of tables (with #rows, #extents and size) residing in that dbspace. This also shows the percentage of space occupied by that table in dbspace. Optional Input parameter is . If is not specified, it will list all the dbspaces. Run as - $ [] ---Cut here # Utility to Print list of tables in a dbspace # Written By - Prasad Mahale # Date - 05/11/1999 # Usage - [] # Friends, This utility may not be 100% correct. Feel free to modify this # according to your requirement. # If you find anything wrong in the logic of script or you have better version # of this utility or just even to send comments or suggestions, mail me at # # For sample output of this script, visit ############################################################################# if [ ! "$1" ] then dbspace_name="*" else dbspace_name=$1 fi dbaccess sysmaster 2> /dev/null << + unload to tab2dbsp.out select trunc(a.partnum/1048576) dbsnum, a.dbsname, a.tabname, b.ti_nextns, b.ti_npused, b.ti_nrows from systabnames a, systabinfo b where a.partnum = b.ti_partnum; create temp table t_tab2dbsp1 ( dbsnum integer, dbsname char(10), tabname char(15), nextns smallint, npused integer, nrows integer); load from tab2dbsp.out insert into t_tab2dbsp1; unload to tab2dbsp.out select a.dbsnum,, count(*), sum(b.chksize) from sysdbspaces a, syschunks b where a.dbsnum = b.dbsnum and name matches "$dbspace_name" group by 1,2; create temp table t_tab2dbsp2 ( dbsnum integer, dbspname char(10), nchunks smallint, dbssiz integer); load from tab2dbsp.out insert into t_tab2dbsp2; unload to tab2dbsp.out select a.dbspname, a.nchunks, a.dbssiz, b.dbsname, b.tabname, b.nextns, b.nrows, b.npused from t_tab2dbsp2 a, t_tab2dbsp1 b where a.dbsnum = b.dbsnum order by 1,8 desc; drop table t_tab2dbsp1; + echo cat tab2dbsp.out | awk -F "|" '{ if ( t_break != $1 ) { printf("\nDBSPACE: %-15s #CHUNKS: %-3d SIZE(PAGES): %-7d\n",$1,$2,$3) print("===================================================================") print("TABLE/INDEX DATABASE #EXTNS #ROWS #PAGES % IN DBSPACE") print("===================================================================") } printf("%-20s %-10s %-3d %-8d %-8d %3.2f%\n",$5,$4,$6,$7,$8,$8/$3*100) t_break=$1 }' rm tab2dbsp.out ---Cut here *END OF SCRIPT* SAMPLE OUTPUT - ============= DBSPACE: hcdmo7db #CHUNKS: 1 SIZE(PAGES): 80000 =================================================================== TABLE/INDEX DATABASE #EXTNS #ROWS #PAGES % IN DBSPACE =================================================================== pspnlfield hcdmo7 1 65011 11114 13.89% TBLSpace hcdmo7db 37 0 3250 4.06% sysdistrib hcdmo7 3 31116 2504 3.13% psprojectitem hcdmo7 4 55712 2424 3.03% psrecfield hcdmo7 1 58462 2340 2.93% pspcmprog hcdmo7 1 14673 2307 2.88% pspcmname hcdmo7 1 84893 1393 1.74% psauthitem hcdmo7 1 35756 1234 1.54% ps_pay_check hcdmo7 2 7385 1232 1.54% sysconstraints hcdmo7 52 31907 1113 1.39% sysobjstate hcdmo7 52 36657 1107 1.38% ps_local_tax_tb hcdmo7 1 21858 1094 1.37% ps_pay_earnings hcdmo7 2 13943 931 1.16% psactivitymap hcdmo7 1 713 891 1.11% ps_pay_deductio hcdmo7 2 45710 776 0.97% syscolumns hcdmo7 43 53583 732 0.92% =========================================================================================== 03. User thread monitoring (onstat -u) This shows the activity of user thread using onstat -u flags. Basically this describes the status of onstat -u flag. Optional Input parameter is . If is not specified, it will list all the user threads. Run as - $ [] ---Cut here # Script to print thread status using "onstat -u" flags # Written By - Prasad Mahale # Date - 05/10/1999 # Usage - [] # Friends, This utility may not be 100% correct. Feel free to modify this # according to your requirement. # If you find anything wrong in the logic of script or you have better version # of this utility or just even to send comments or suggestions, mail me at # # For sample output of this script, visit # ############################################################################## echo "Thread activity" echo "================================================================================" echo "USER SESS# WAIT TXN ACTVT PRIM THR ACTVT THR TYP" echo "================================================================================" if [ ! "$1" ] then user_name="-" else user_name=$1 fi onstat -u | grep -v "Dynamic Server" | grep -v Userthreads | grep -v "address flags" | grep -v "maximum concurrent" | grep -v ^$ | grep $user_name | awk -F " " '{ # First flag t_flag1="--" if (substr($2,1,1) == "B") { t_flag1="Buff" } if (substr($2,1,1) == "C") { t_flag1="Chkpt" } if (substr($2,1,1) == "G") { t_flag1="LLBufwrt" } if (substr($2,1,1) == "L") { t_flag1="Lock" } if (substr($2,1,1) == "S") { t_flag1="Mutx" } if (substr($2,1,1) == "T") { t_flag1="Tran" } if (substr($2,1,1) == "Y") { t_flag1="Cond" } if (substr($2,1,1) == "X") { t_flag1="Rolbk" } # Second flag t_flag2="--" if (substr($2,2,1) == "o") { t_flag2="I/O failur" } # Third flag t_flag3="--" if (substr($2,3,1) == "A") { t_flag3="Archive" } if (substr($2,3,1) == "B") { t_flag3="Begin Work" } if (substr($2,3,1) == "P") { t_flag3="I*rdy2cmt" } if (substr($2,3,1) == "X") { t_flag3="TPXArdy2cmt" } if (substr($2,3,1) == "C") { t_flag3="Commit" } if (substr($2,3,1) == "R") { t_flag3="Rollback" } if (substr($2,3,1) == "H") { t_flag3="Heuri rolbk" } # Fourth flag t_flag4="--" if (substr($2,4,1) == "P") { t_flag4="Prim thrd" } # Fifth flag t_flag5="--" if (substr($2,5,1) == "R") { t_flag5="Reading" } if (substr($2,5,1) == "X") { t_flag5="CrtclSect" } # Sixth flag t_flag6="--" # Seventh flag t_flag7="--" if (substr($2,7,1) == "B") { t_flag7="BtreClnr" } if (substr($2,7,1) == "C") { t_flag7="ThrdClnup" } if (substr($2,7,1) == "D") { t_flag7="Dmon thrd" } if (substr($2,7,1) == "F") { t_flag7="Pg clnr" } if (substr($2,7,1) == "M") { t_flag7="On monit" } printf("%-10s %-6d %-8s %-10s %-11s %-10s %-9s %-9s\n",$4,$3,t_flag1, t_flag2,t_flag3,t_flag4,t_flag5,t_flag7) }' ---Cut here *END OF SCRIPT* SAMPLE OUTPUT - ============= Thread activity ================================================================================ USER SESS# WAIT TXN ACTVT PRIM THR ACTVT THR TYP ================================================================================ informix 1 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- Dmon thrd informix 0 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- Pg clnr informix 0 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- Pg clnr informix 0 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- Pg clnr informix 0 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- Pg clnr informix 0 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- Pg clnr informix 0 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- Pg clnr informix 0 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- Pg clnr informix 0 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- Pg clnr informix 9 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- -- informix 10 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- BtreClnr informix 12 -- -- -- Prim thrd -- Dmon thrd sysadm 952 Cond -- -- Prim thrd -- -- sysadm 947 Cond -- -- Prim thrd -- -- sysadm 184 Cond -- -- Prim thrd -- -- sysadm 512 Cond -- -- Prim thrd -- -- sysadm 948 Cond -- -- Prim thrd -- -- =========================================================================================== 04. Ontape archive log history This script grabs the ontape archive history from online log file and formats it into report. You can view archive history as backup level, start time, finish time and duration of archive by running this script. Run as - $ ---Cut here # Script to print Ontape archive log # Written By - Prasad Mahale # Date - 05/16/1999 # Usage - # Friends, This utility may not be 100% correct. Feel free to modify this # according to your requirement. # If you find anything wrong in the logic of script or you have better version # of this utility or just even to send comments or suggestions, mail me at # # For sample output of this script, visit ############################################################################# logfile=`onstat -m | grep "Message Log File" | awk '{ print $4 }' ` echo echo "Ontape Archive Log" echo "=======================================================================" echo "LEVEL START DATE/TIME FINISH DATE/TIME STATUS DURATION" echo " HH:MM:SS" echo "=======================================================================" grep -e Archive -e 2000 $logfile | grep -v "Process exited" | awk '{ if ( $5 == "2000" ) { t_date=$1" "$2" "$3 } if ( $2 == "Level" ) { printf("\n %1s %-10s %8s ", $3, t_date, $1) s_time=$1 } if ( $2 == "Archive" ) { printf("%-10s %8s %-10s", t_date, $1, $NF) f_time=$1 # #Following is to get archive duration # # #generate start time info # s_hh=substr(s_time,1,2) s_mm=substr(s_time,4,2) s_ss=substr(s_time,7,2) s_h2s= s_hh * 60 * 60 s_m2s= s_mm * 60 s_s2s= s_ss s_totsec= s_h2s + s_m2s + s_s2s # #generate finish time info # f_hh=substr(f_time,1,2) f_mm=substr(f_time,4,2) f_ss=substr(f_time,7,2) if ( f_hh < s_hh ) { f_hh= f_hh + 24 } f_h2s= f_hh * 60 * 60 f_m2s= f_mm * 60 f_s2s= f_ss f_totsec= f_h2s + f_m2s + f_s2s # #Take difference between start time and end time # d_totsec= f_totsec - s_totsec # #Calculate the difference in HH:MM:SS # d_hh= int( d_totsec / 3600 ) d_totsec= d_totsec - d_hh * 3600 d_mm= int( d_totsec / 60 ) d_totsec= d_totsec - d_mm * 60 d_ss=d_totsec if ( length(d_hh) < 2 ) { d_hh="0"d_hh } if ( length(d_mm) < 2 ) { d_mm="0"d_mm } if ( length(d_ss) < 2 ) { d_ss="0"d_ss } d_time=d_hh":"d_mm":"d_ss printf(" %8s",d_time) } }' ---Cut here *END OF SCRIPT* SAMPLE OUTPUT - =============== Ontape Archive Log ======================================================================= LEVEL START DATE/TIME FINISH DATE/TIME STATUS DURATION HH:MM:SS ======================================================================= 0 Sun Apr 30 14:26:39 Sun Apr 30 14:55:16 Completed. 00:28:37 0 Mon May 1 16:40:09 Mon May 1 16:40:11 ABORTED. 00:00:02 0 Mon May 1 16:43:02 Mon May 1 17:12:03 Completed. 00:29:01 0 Tue May 2 16:44:16 Tue May 2 17:13:48 Completed. 00:29:32 0 Thu May 4 09:19:06 Thu May 4 09:48:12 Completed. 00:29:06 0 Fri May 5 09:54:21 Fri May 5 10:24:00 Completed. 00:29:39 0 Tue May 9 13:06:05 Tue May 9 13:35:19 Completed. 00:29:14 0 Tue May 9 23:02:34 Tue May 9 23:31:53 Completed. 00:29:19 0 Wed May 10 23:33:27 Thu May 11 00:03:22 Completed. 00:29:55 0 Thu May 11 22:55:17 Thu May 11 23:24:23 Completed. 00:29:06 0 Mon May 15 00:33:49 Mon May 15 01:03:59 Completed. 00:30:10 0 Mon May 15 23:22:16 Mon May 15 23:51:14 Completed. 00:28:58 0 Tue May 16 11:13:11 Tue May 16 11:42:16 Completed. 00:29:05 =========================================================================================== 05. Lists tables locked by users. This lock status script shows userwise usage of locks along with database name, table name and type of lock. Run as - $ ---Cut here # Utility to Print lock status # Written By - Prasad Mahale # Date - 05/04/1999 # Usage - # Friends, This utility may not be 100% correct. Feel free to modify this # according to your requirement. # If you find anything wrong in the logic of script or you have better version # of this utility or just even to send comments or suggestions, mail me at # # For sample output of this script, visit # ################################################################################# dbaccess sysmaster 2> /dev/null <<+ unload to locks.out select a.dbsname, a.tabname, a.rowidlk, a.type, a.owner, b.username from syslocks a, syssessions b where a.owner = b.sid order by a.owner; + cat locks.out | awk -F "|" '{ t_llevel=$3 if (length($3)<7) { t_llevel="ROW" } if ($3 == "0") { t_llevel="TABLE" } if (substr($3,length($3)-1,2) == "00") { t_llevel="PAGE" } if (length($3)>6) { t_llevel="IDX KEY" } t_ltype=$4 if ($4 == "B") { t_ltype="BYTES" } if ($4 == "S") { t_ltype="SHRED" } if ($4 == "X") { t_ltype="EXCLV" } if ($4 == "I") { t_ltype="INTNT" } if ($4 == "U") { t_ltype="UPDAT" } if ($4 == "IX") { t_ltype="INT-EX" } if ($4 == "IS") { t_ltype="INT-SHR" } if ($4 == "SIX") { t_ltype="SHR-INT-EX" } print($5"|"$6"|"$1"|"$2"|"t_llevel"|"t_ltype"|") }' > locks1.out dbaccess sysmaster 2> /dev/null <<+ create temp table t_lloocckk (session integer, usernm char(15), db_name char(15) , tb_name char(20),level char(10), type char(15)); load from locks1.out insert into t_lloocckk; unload to locks.out select session, usernm, db_name, tb_name, level, type, count(*) from t_lloocckk group by 1,2,3,4,5,6 order by 7 desc; drop table t_lloocckk; + echo "Lock usage report Total locks in use" `onstat -k | tail -2 | grep active | awk '{print $1, "out of", $3}'` echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "SESSION OWNER DATABASE TABLE LEVEL TYPE #LOCKS" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" cat locks.out | awk -F "|" '{ printf("%8d %-10s %-10s %-18s %-7s %-10s %-6d\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7) }' rm locks.out rm locks1.out ---Cut here *END OF SCRIPT* Sample Output - ============= Lock usage report Total locks in use 10834 out of 500000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SESSION OWNER DATABASE TABLE LEVEL TYPE #LOCKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 596 jkonan hcdmo7 ps_psprojectitem ROW EXCLV 4844 596 jkonan hcdmo7 psprojectitem ROW EXCLV 4844 596 jkonan hcdmo7 ps_psprojectitem PAGE EXCLV 43 596 jkonan hcdmo7 psprojectitem PAGE EXCLV 43 184 tgulch sysmaster sysdatabases ROW SHRED 1 597 mkhill sysmaster sysdatabases ROW SHRED 1 596 jkonan hcdmo7 psprojectmsg ROW EXCLV 1 637 rloryl sysmaster sysdatabases ROW SHRED 1 596 jkonan hcdmo7 psprojectmsg TABLE INT-EX 1 596 jkonan hcdmo7 ps_psprojectmsg ROW EXCLV 1 512 rkumar sysmaster sysdatabases ROW SHRED 1 596 jkonan sysmaster sysdatabases ROW SHRED 1 596 jkonan hcdmo7 psprojectitem TABLE INT-EX 1 =========================================================================================== 06. Lists all the users waiting for lock. When some batch job runs, others have nothing but to wait for locks. From onstat -u, letter "L" in first position of flag column indicates that the session is waiting for lock and from corresponding address in onstat -k output, you can get owner address of that lock and again from onstat -u, finally, you can find out who's that culprit. I have tried to simplify this lengthy process in the following script. Run as - $ ---Cut here # Utility to Print sessions waiting for the lock # Written By - Prasad Mahale # Date - 05/02/1999 # Usage - # Friends, This utility may not be 100% correct. Feel free to modify this # according to your requirement. # If you find anything wrong in the logic of script or you have better version # of this utility or just even to send comments or suggestions, mail me at # # For sample output of this script, visit # ################################################################################ dbaccess sysmaster 2>/dev/null <<+ unload to userlock.out select a.us_name, a.us_sid, c.us_name, c.us_sid from sysuserthreads a, syslocktab b, sysuserthreads c where b.lk_addr = a.us_lkwait and b.lk_owner= c.us_txp; + echo "List of users waiting for Lock" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "USER SESSION USER SESSION" echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------" cat userlock.out | awk -F "|" '{ printf("%-10s %10s waiting to release lock from %-10s %10s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4) }' rm userlock.out ---Cut here *END OF SCRIPT* Sample Output - ============= List of users waiting for Lock ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER SESSION USER SESSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sfarar 345 waiting to release lock from radlar 343 mgary 437 waiting to release lock from radlar 343 thighl 438 waiting to release lock from radlar 343 skumar 577 waiting to release lock from tgulch 221 =========================================================================================== 07. Table Information This scripts shows table names with other info like rowsize, no of rows, no of columns, no of extents...etc. Input parameters are and . If is omitted, it will list all the tables in that database. This utility has an option menu to choose sort order on report columns. i.e. You can format the output as order by table names, no of columns, no of extents and so on. Run as - $ [] ---Cut here # Script to Print table information # Written By - Prasad Mahale # Date - 05/04/1999 # Usage - tabinfo [
] # Friends, This utility may not be 100% correct. Feel free to modify this # according to your requirement. # If you find anything wrong in the logic of script or you have better version # of this utility or just even to send comments or suggestions, mail me at # # For sample output of this script, visit ############################################################################ get_order() { echo "Order by - 1. Table name" echo " 2. Rowsize " echo " 3. # Columns " echo " 4. # Rows " echo " 5. # Indexes " echo " 6. # Extents " echo " 7. Size " echo echo "Enter Choice :" read choice case $choice in 1) t_order=1 t_sort="TABLE NAME" ;; 2) t_order=`echo "2 desc"` t_sort="ROWSIZE" ;; 3) t_order=`echo "4 desc"` t_sort="# COLUMNS" ;; 4) t_order=`echo "5 desc"` t_sort="# ROWS" ;; 5) t_order=`echo "6 desc"` t_sort="# INDEXES" ;; 6) t_order=`echo "9 desc"` t_sort="# EXTENTS" ;; 7) t_order=`echo "10 desc"` t_sort="SIZE" ;; *) t_order=1 t_sort="TABLE NAME" ;; esac } if [ ! "$1" ] then echo echo "USAGE: $0 [
]" echo exit 2 fi database_name=$1 if [ ! "$2" ] then table_name="*" get_order else table_name=$2 t_order=1 t_sort="TABLE NAME" fi dbaccess $database_name 2> /dev/null << + unload to tabinfo.out select a.tabname, a.rowsize, a.locklevel, a.ncols, a.nrows, a.nindexes, a.fextsize, a.nextsize, count(*), sum(b.te_size), trunc(a.partnum/1048576) from informix.systables a, sysmaster@$INFORMIXSERVER:informix.systabextents b where a.tabid > 99 and a.tabtype = "T" and a.tabname matches "$table_name" and b.te_partnum=a.partnum group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11 order by $t_order + echo "Table info for database "$database_name" Sorted on : "$t_sort echo "===============================================================================" echo "TABLE Dbs# ROW LCK #COLS #ROWS #IDX FEXT NEXT TOTAL TOTAL" echo " SIZ LVL (Kb) (Kb) #EXTS SIZ(Kb)" echo "===============================================================================" cat tabinfo.out | awk -F "|" '{ { printf( "%-20s %2d %4d %1s %3d %8d %2d %6d %6d %3d %8d\n",$1,$11,$2,$3 ,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10*4) } #$10*4 => 4 is page size in kb }' rm tabinfo.out ---Cut here *END OF SCRIPT* Sample Output - ============= Order by - 1. Table name 2. Rowsize 3. # Columns 4. # Rows 5. # Indexes 6. # Extents 7. Size Enter Choice : 6 Table info for database hcdmo7 Sorted on : # EXTENTS =============================================================================== TABLE Dbs# ROW LCK #COLS #ROWS #IDX FEXT NEXT TOTAL TOTAL SIZ LVL (Kb) (Kb) #EXTS SIZ(Kb) =============================================================================== psprojectitem 12 172 R 16 13839 1 32 32 4 9696 pst_pnlfields 12 524 R 62 15 1 32 32 3 160 ps_pa_hst_pay_earn 12 79 R 21 889 2 32 32 2 96 ps_pa_eacct_accum 12 174 R 25 1580 1 32 32 2 320 ps_pa_clc_soc_ay 12 96 R 13 892 1 32 32 2 96 ps_pay_earnings 12 254 R 59 13943 3 32 32 2 3744 ps_ins_earns_bal 12 68 R 16 8327 1 32 32 2 608 ps_leave_accrual 12 86 R 17 7546 1 32 32 2 704 ps_personal_data 12 1212 R 89 371 5 32 32 2 512 ps_pay_oth_earns 12 82 R 24 4098 2 32 32 2 384 ps_pers_data_effdt 12 1033 R 52 380 5 32 32 2 512 ps_sqlstmt_tbl 12 72 R 4 2086 1 32 32 2 1152 ps_st_contract_cls 12 326 R 5 37 1 32 32 2 64 ps_health_benefit 12 91 R 19 1050 2 32 32 2 128 =========================================================================================== 08. Check the Dbspace free space status. Combination of two part output of onstat -d Run as - $ ---Cut here # Utility to Print DBspace free space status # Written By - Prasad Mahale # Date - 05/02/1999 # Usage - # Friends, This utility may not be 100% correct. Feel free to modify this # according to your requirement. # If you find anything wrong in the logic of script or you have better version # of this utility or just even to send comments or suggestions, mail me at # # For sample output of this script, visit # ##################################################################################### dbaccess sysmaster 2> /dev/null <<+ unload to dbschk.out select, count(*), sum(b.chksize), sum(b.nfree) from sysdbspaces a, syschunks b where a.dbsnum = b.dbsnum group by 1; + echo "DBspace status report" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "DBSPACE #CHUNKS SIZE(KB) FREE(KB) %USED" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" cat dbschk.out | awk -F "|" '{ printf("%-20s %2d %10d %10d %2d\%\n",$1,$2,$3*4,$4*4, ($3-$4)/$3*100) }' rm dbschk.out ---Cut here *END OF SCRIPT* Sample Output - ============= DBspace status report ------------------------------------------------------- DBSPACE #CHUNKS SIZE(KB) FREE(KB) %USED ------------------------------------------------------- hr2llog1 1 960000 9788 98% hcdmodb 1 320000 158244 50% hrdmoix 1 319996 208688 34% hr2root 1 96000 92036 4% hcdmo7fix 1 320000 86760 72% hcdmo7ix 1 320000 79412 75% hcdmoix 1 320000 229868 28% hrauddb 1 160000 141892 11% hrdmodb 1 319996 187856 41% hrcnvix 1 1959996 1950384 0% hcdmo7fdb 1 320000 19700 93% hrcnvdb 1 1959996 1953584 0% hcdmo7db 1 320000 19572 93% hr2plog 1 64000 1788 97% hr2temp1 1 320000 319788 0% hr2temp2 1 320000 319756 0% ========================================================================================== 09. Check the user activity (onstat -g ses ) This script is similar to onstat -g ses ses_id. Insted of typing individual session id each time, this script will show you briefly which user is running what query with additional info. Run as - $ ---Cut here # Utility to Print user activities (onstat -g ses) # Written By - Prasad Mahale # Date - 04/30/1999 # Usage - # Friends, This utility may not be 100% correct. Feel free to modify this # according to your requirement. # If you find anything wrong in the logic of script or you have better version # of this utility or just even to send comments or suggestions, mail me at # # For sample output of this script, visit # ################################################################################ dbaccess sysmaster 2> /dev/null <<+ unload to session.out select a.username, b.sqs_sessionid, b.sqs_dbname, b.sqs_iso, b.sqs_lockmode, b.sqs_sqlerror, b.sqs_isamerror, b.sqs_statement from syssessions a, syssqlstat b where a.sid = b.sqs_sessionid; + cat session.out | awk -F "|" '{ t_iso=$4 if ($4 == "1") { t_iso="DR" } if ($4 == "2") { t_iso="CR" } if ($4 == "3") { t_iso="CS" } if ($4 == "5") { t_iso="RR" } printf("USER :%-10s SESS ID :%-10d DATABASE:%-10s ISO:%2s LOCKS:%2d\n",$1, $2,$3,t_iso,$5) printf("SQLERR:%-10d ISAM ERR:%-10d\n", $6,$7) print("SQL:", $8) print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------") }' rm session.out ---Cut here *END OF SCRIPT* Sample Output - ============= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER :sysadm SESS ID :437 DATABASE:hcdmo7f ISO:RR LOCKS:-1 SQLERR:0 ISAM ERR:0 SQL: select * from ps_absence_hist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER :sysadm SESS ID :345 DATABASE:hcdmo7f ISO:RR LOCKS:-1 SQLERR:0 ISAM ERR:0 SQL: select * from ps_absence_hist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER :sysadm SESS ID :343 DATABASE:hcdmo7f ISO:RR LOCKS: 0 SQLERR:0 ISAM ERR:0 SQL: lock table ps_absence_hist in exclusive mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER :sysadm SESS ID :270 DATABASE:hcdmo7 ISO:CR LOCKS:-1 SQLERR:0 ISAM ERR:0 SQL: SELECT MENUNAME,BARNAME,BARITEMNAME,PNLITEMNAME,DISPLAYONLY,AUTHORIZEDACTIO NS, OPRID FROM PSAUTHITEM WHERE OPRID = 'ALLPANLS' AND MENUNAME = 'APPLICATION_D ESIGNER' FOR READ ONLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER :sysadm SESS ID :184 DATABASE:hcdmo ISO:CR LOCKS:-1 SQLERR:0 ISAM ERR:0 SQL: SELECT CURRENT YEAR TO FRACTION (3) FROM PSCLOCK ORDER BY 1 FOR READ ONLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===========================================================================================