Release Notes =========================== This package was developed on SunOS 5.5.1, Informix 7.30.UC8, Java JDK 1.1.7 and JDBC driver 1.40.JC2 This package contains the following files... - The source code of the Blob handler program. Makefile - To compile and test the program using make. README - This file. To compile this package... Make sure you have a lib directory under your home directory. Make sure you CLASSPATH includes the path to the Informix JDBC driver and that your JDK is set up correctly. Then run: make To test this package, change the first three entries in the Makefile in accordance with your environment and then run: make test If no errors occur, then you are fine. To run this package, check out the calls in the Makefile for blob_test and text_text targets, or just type: java BlobTool This will give you the following usage text... Usage: java BlobTool - filename dbstring userstring table\ blobcol [-k keycol keyval] where -[i|u|s]: Insert, Update or Select operation filename: Name of file to unload to or load from (- = STDOUT for unload only.) dbstring: host:port/database_name@informixserver userstring: db_user/db_pass table: Table name blobcol: BLOB Column name -k keycol keyval: can be specified 0 or more times Translates to WHERE keycol=keyval AND ...