OnManager is a program for database administrators to monitor server, manage disk space,
grant and limit access to databases.
- Server stats &mdash onconfig parameters, onstat -p, onstat -g seg, onstat -g glo, onstat -l, onstat -D, threads list, checkpoints, online.log.
- Dbspaces layout &mdash onstat -d, onspaces commands, tables layout in dbspace/chunk, individual table size.
- User sessions &mdash onstat -u, SQL statements, locks, used memory, error code, sorts, last run time, connect time, isolation, active session filter.
- User locks &mdash locks list with waiters.
- User permissions &mdash grant/revoke rights on tables or procedures to users/roles. Generates script for object/grantee.
- SQL Administration API Functions
Windows, Informix Connect.
Unzip archive, run exe file.
Project site