Press Release for Immediate Publication Informix content at major conferences, worldwide IIUG is supporting IDUG and supplying Informix content at IDUG Conferences in North America and Europe. Phoenix, AZ, April 6, 2006 - IIUG (International Informix Users Group, http://www.iiug.org) announces major partnership with IDUG (International DB2 Users Group, http://www.idug.org) on conferences in North America and Europe. "IIUG is willing to support IDUG in its education process" says Stuart Litel, IIUG President. IIUG initiated a similar partnership last year and is now committed to both the North America Conference and introducing Informix content in the European IDUG conference. The North America IDUG conference, to be held 7-11 May in Tampa, Florida, is featuring more than 230 hours of technical training. "In addition, as a result of our collaboration with the International Informix Users Group (IIUG), we are pleased to offer a robust technical program for Informix users, access to which is included with your registration" says Robert Omerza, President, of the International DB2 Users Group. "The Informix Users base in Europe is very strong" acknowledges Paul Watson, chairing of European Conference Committee. "They have been asking for Informix content at conference and we are now going to deliver two full tracks at the Europe IDUG conference". The European edition of the conference is to be held 9-13 October in Rome, Italy. "Last year's Conference in Denver [Colorado, USA] was a real surprise and success" admits Cindy Lichtenauer, chair of the Conference Planning Committee. "We were back to the Informix days when conferences were both educational and recreational, and networking was one the key element of the game". With both those conferences, IIUG will provide more than 100 hours of training on the Informix engines, including the state-of-the-art IDS v10, Cloudscape and Derby and many of the tools, including Informix 4GL, PHP and Java connectivity. More details on the conferences can be found at http://www.iiug.org/conf. About IIUG - http://www.iiug.org Founded in 1995 and with over 26,000 members, IIUG (International Informix Users Groups) is one of the fastest growing and bigger users group in world. Among its services, IIUG offers: Informix news feed, IDS, 4GL, Cloudscape, XPS, RedBrick related forums, and support for Local Users Groups. Joining IIUG is free. IIUG is an independent organization run by volunteers, sponsored by IBM, ADTC, M Systems, Four J's, Coppereye, Kazer, Rocket, Gillani, Cobrasonic and Protegrity. About IDUG - http://www.idug.org The International DB2 Users Group (IDUG®) is an independent, not-for-profit, user-run organization whose mission is to support and strengthen the information services community by providing the highest quality education and services designed to promote the effective utilization of the DB2 family of products. The DB2 Product Family includes DB2 Universal Database for z/OS and OS/390; DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, Windows; DB2 Universal Database for iSeries; DB2 for VSE and VM; and DB2 Everyplace. Media Contact Jean Georges Perrin, Director of Communications, jgp@iiug.org |