Chat with the Lab:
4GL to EGL

Leverage your Informix 4GL skills to build dynamic Web applications quickly and easily using one of the fastest growing IDEs available. This session will focus on IBM's Enterprise Generation Language (EGL) and how Informix 4GL fits into EGL. Highlights include: the features of Informix 4GL carried forward into EGL, syntax comparisons, the upcoming conversion tool and the recommended upgrade path for converted 4GL applications.

Our speakers are:

  • Jerry Keesee, Director of the Informix lab
  • Venkatesh Gopal, Development, Informix R&D

Business Partners, Customers, and IBMers RSVP
for this conference call via the Web:

Save the date!

  • Our next Chat will be Wednesday,
    March 9, 2005 - IDS version 10.0

Replays of previous Chats may be found at:

Your comments and suggestions for this series are always welcome at: